HomeBasic BibleJunkyard Theology


Junkyard Theology — 6 Comments

  1. Coincidence or miracle?
    Just the day you posted this video we received a DVD from one of our friends. It detailed all the current technology and their relevance to the Endtime events, nearly three hours long! We copied it as it was in a native language.

    After those three hours, with great fervor, hilariously, at the very end, the guy says receive Jesus and you won’t need to face all this, ’cause He’ll rapture us before it happens!

    Needless to say, I stick to Beyond Armageddon by Aurora. Period.

    Thanks for the video, I’m downloading it right now!

  2. I lived in Japan for 23 years following military service in Vietnam and Japan. Where were you stationed? I was at the AF Base at Hakata Japan on Kyushu. Reverted to the Japanese in the 70s.

    You can chat me up at [email protected]

  3. I believe there is still going to be a 7 year tribulation. Why? Because testimonies from people leaving the occult imply that there are plans for world government. Sure, the anti-Christ spirit has been at work through all false spirituality. There are also implications of one world religion or at least a common religious perspective through the interfaith movement. With the climate change agenda and sustainability goals and the decline of Christianity the world is ripe for the antichrist. God says the rule of the antichrist is God’s judgement upon humanity for rejecting Jesus. As you quoted that the rapture occurs immediately after the tribulation of this those days. There is going to be a climax of tribulation when people can’t buy or sell without the mark. There is and has been talk of microchipping people. And we are now virtually using one financial system.

    • Unless our beliefs are based on Holy Scripture, we may be believing false doctrine. You say there will be a 7 year tribulation. Where does it say that in the Bible? Or are you merely repeating what you heard from some preacher? I for one am done with repeating doctrines I hear from a preacher. I don’t want to know what some preacher says the Bible says, I wanna know what the Bible says it says.

  4. I know what you mean, James, by not listening to preachers but examining what they say through the Scriptures and by what the Holy Spirit has taught us (Acts 17:11, 1 John 2:27). I find it interesting the many misinterpretations of the Revelation (Apocalypse) of John.

    There is much to discuss, as you have quoted Matthew 24:29-31, it has crossed my mind that it could be even possible that at the time of Christ’s appearing, the earth will have already been set afire by the fountains of the deep welling up lava with sulfurous salt all over the place. Mark 9:49 (WEB) “For everyone will be salted with fire, and every sacrifice will be seasoned with salt.”

    Like Shadrak, Meshak and Abednego, we are spared by the power of God in the furnace, the dead in Christ arise, and we join them to be with the Lord forever. The unrighteous perish in the flames about us before the deceased in Christ are taken first, then us.

    This reminds me of the Star Trek movie, In Search of Spock where Captain Kirk shouts in Klingon to beam him up to the Klingon starship as the planet below his feet is disintegrating. (I’m a Trek fan. 😉 )

    I’m not saying my interpretation is correct, but I am seeing that the things I believed as a new Christian in the early 1970’s such as Hal Lindsay’s books and Schofield Dispensationalism are all false. There will be no early rapture, and that many Christians may have to die at the hands of others to prove that their faith is worth more than gold perishable by fire (1 Peter 1:7). But, the Lord will give us the strength to withstand even to death, because there is nothing more the Devil can do to us (Luke 12:4).

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James Japan