HomeBasic BibleIs There A Doctrinal Difference Between the Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of God?


Is There A Doctrinal Difference Between the Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of God? — 4 Comments

  1. Blessings,
    I found your web page when searching the Council of Foreign Relations and came across the article you wrote. I would like to ask you a question. I just learned last night that the CFR set up a committee to rewrite the Bible! I have tried to find verification. Are you aware of any thing like that?
    I know the China communist government is rewriting the holy word. It is obvious to me we are in a spiritual battle for the lost souls of the world.
    I’ll keep searching but since I found your site I wanted to give you a heads up. I’m happy I was directed to your page!
    I bookmarked the page and I plan on sharing your writings. God bless you.

    Pat Harden
    Northport, Alabama

    • Hello Pat,
      I am glad to know you found me and consider my website of value. Praise the Lord!
      I searched on Google to find verification for you about the CFR rewriting the Bible, but I haven’t found anything yet. However, it could very well be that some modern English translations of the Bible have indeed been influenced by a committee in the CFR. But even so, most of the Christians I fellowship with will stick to the King James Version. And the Geneva Bible is also a good translation. I have a copy and compare it with the KJV.
      Please share my website with your friends. There are so many Christians believing false doctrines from preachers who have led them astray. I think some of the most popular preachers and TV evangelists are actually wolves in sheep’s clothing! As a general rule of thumb I found that the smaller the church, the more likely the pastor is a true preacher of God’s Word and the Gospel. That’s the kind of church my wife and I go to, a small Baptist church with only around 100 people including children.
      Many blessings to you in Christ Jesus!
      James Arendt
      Guam, USA

  2. James, I knew about Kingdom of God and Kingdom of Heaven being used interchangeably but I was wondering …Do you think Kingdom of God at times refers to the Thousand Year Reign (Kingdom)? I need to study it more but I think it does because some believers are raised in the first and some in the second resurrection and what if when Christ warned of being outside the kingdom
    he meant not raised in the First Resurrection to serve in the Thousand Year Reign? Believers seem to be so obsessed with going to heaven they jump right over the Thousand Year Kingdom.
    There’s that multiple meaning again. The kingdom of God is within you yet at the same time there is a kingdom of God on Earth to come. Distinguishing when God is speaking literally and when He is speaking spiritually can be quite hard to do at times. But I just remember the Jewish PaRDeS. Quote from wikipedia on Pardes:
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    • Susan, it was C.I. Scofield who in his Scofield Reference Bible said the Kingdom of Heaven is the physical reign of Christ over the earth during the Millennium. Nevertheless, because Mark and Luke in parallel passages of Matthew say Kingdom of God instead of kingdom of Heaven, I think there is really no difference between the two terms.

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James Japan