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The KJV teaches the Trinity — 11 Comments

  1. I am researching into the Trinity now James and think it was used to help create an elite priesthood system in Catholicism instead of letting the common everyday man know when he is born again that he joins the family of God. The notion of God as three persons could work as a concept that limits people’s understanding that God actually adopts people and that there are now a lot more people in God’s family than just 3.
    Also many who like the King James Version are unaware of the following explained by Gary Amirault:
    “They don’t tell you the King James Bible has been changed many times in the last 350 years and there have been thousands of corrections! They don’t tell you the King James Bible was never authorized by anyone. They don’t tell you the original KJV had a calendar of annual Holy days which all believers were to follow such as: Purification of the virgin Mary, annunciation of our Lady, Innocents day, etc.. They don’t tell you the Greek text used by the King James translators produced by Erasmus, a Roman Catholic humanist monk, did not have manuscripts that contained all 27 books of the New Testament, so he borrowed out of the Latin Catholic Vulgate!” – end quote. Quote from the essay: Bible Translations That Do Not Teach Eternal Torment on the Tentmaker site.
    Regarding translations Seth Tipton writes: When you open your Bible, without fail, every English word you see is the end result of men pondering context, meaning, linguistics and theology and choosing…

    • Susan, sorry but I can’t go by what Gary Amiraut says or what Seth Tipton says. I don’t know those men and never heard of them before. How do you know those guys aren’t disinformation agents? But I do know the men of God who use the KJV. I see good fruits in their lives. And why would anyone go out of their way to attack the KJV? I love to read its classic older English and the fact there is a singular and plural form of the second person pronoun! John 3:7  Marvel not that I said unto thee (singular), Ye (plural) must be born again. All the Roman languages and all of the Slavic languages have a singular and plural word meaning “you”. English dropped thee and thou because it could be offensive when said to a person in a condescending way.

      • Well there are so many people writing on these translation errors traceable back to the Vulgate. John Wesley Hanson wrote “Aion-Aionios” a short essay explaining the translation error back in the 1800s. You can check certain passages against a Young’s Literal Bible or a Concordant Bible or a Rotherham’s bible. The scholarship in the scriptures of those that believe God saves all is quite deep. Of couse, you should be born again. I have such a high opinion of God’s character that it was easy to realize the scriptures must conform to Him and certain traditional doctrines like eternal torment are false and are provably false. Joseph E Kirk has an online essay “The Salvation of All, When Should It Be Taught.”. I like the KJV for it’s beautiful language but it doesn’t mean it doesn’t have some translation errors. A bible scholar told me all bibles contain translation errors. Many have tried to counterfeit the Bible or made tiny not so obvious word changes to make the Bible to conform to their interpretations. The Mormons added to the Bible when Revelation says not to. The Jehovah Witnesses wrote another bible with some word changes. Thomas Jefferson had the temerity to rewrite the Bible and remove the spiritual. The Nazis rewrote the Bible changing the Ten Commandments but most copies were destroyed at the end of WWII. You only counterfeit the original priceless one, right? Chris Pinto has a youtube video showing the papacy counterfeiting scripture.

    • And if the KJV is as bad as Gary Amiraut and Seth Tiptons says it is, now much worse are modern translations? They are all based on corrupted manuscripts found in a trash can in Alexandria Egypt!

    • And if the KJV is as bad as Gary Amiraut and Seth Tipton says it is, how much worse are modern translations? They are all based on corrupted error-filled manuscripts found in a trash can in Alexandria Egypt!

      • If you get a chance to look over the Tentmaker site or mercifultruth dot com you will see Amirault and Tipton love God and have been painstaking in their efforts to explain how historically and through translation these errors occurred. i feel sure that the Catholic Church locking everything up in Latin until Wycliffe and Tyndale got things translated into English had a lot to do with perpetuating the doctrinal errors coming from certain keyword translation errors.

        Just a few verses from Amirault’s tract: Do You Believe All in the Bible?

        1) 1Tim 2:4 God will have all to be saved. (KJV) Can His will be thwarted?

        2) 1Tim 2:4 God desires all to come to the knowledge of truth. Will His desire come to pass?

        3) 1Tim 2:6 Salvation of all is testified in due time. Are we judging God before due time?

        4) Jn 12:47 Jesus came to save all. Will He succeed?

        5) Eph 1:11 God works all after the counsel of His will. Can your will overcome His?

        6) Jn 4:42 Jesus is Savior of the world. Can He be Savior of all without saving all?

        7) 1Jn 4:14 Jesus is Savior of the world. Why don’t we believe it?

        8) Jn 12:32 Jesus will draw all mankind unto Himself To roast or to love?

        9) Col 1:16 By Him all were created. Will He lose a part of His creation?

        10) Rm 5:15-21 In Adam all condemned, in Christ all live. The same all?

        11) 1Cor 15:22 In Adam all die, in Christ all live. Again, the same all?

        12) Eph 1:10 All come into Him at the fulness of times. Are you getting…

  2. James read this verse: 4 Beloved, (A)do not believe every spirit, but (B)test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for (C)many (D)false prophets (E)have gone out into the world. 2 By this you know the Spirit of God: (F)every spirit that confesses that (G)Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, 3 and every spirit (H)that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and (I)now is in the world already. Cf 1 John 4. IMO verse 2 above is core doctrine but since the early days in Christianity they have been trying to develop systematic unified theologies to control the God given free minds of people and now this has resulted in a “professional Christian” along with a lot of doctrinal splits over the law, tithing, authority, etc. The professionals seem to have made everything overly complicated to justify a need for them at the expense of the common man. It’s more important these days to have a divinity degree than to actually be a disciple from the heart. That’s why people are confused by Christianity. Organized religion really can be a beast. There’s an interesting article called Shortcomings of Institutionalized Religion on a site called The Berean Christian Bible Studies Resources.
    A quote from it:

    Institutionalize Christianity:

    Tends to align itself against the significance of the ordinary individual Christian, while at the same time exalting an elite few. In fact there is the tendency to…

  3. James, I am increasingly finding out that the evangelical church is still under Roman Catholic influence. The core of it’s theology comes directly out of the councils, doctrines, and creeds established by the early Roman Catholic and Latin Church.

    If a church can establish orthodoxy and authority in itself then it can brand and punish heretics can’t it? And that’s exactly what the RCC did.

    A Berean questions core doctrine and dogma. We are still living in times where Satan deceives the whole world cf Rev 12:9 but people hate to correct and admit they are deceived sometimes. Tradition and man pleasing fellowshipping just serves to strengthen the deception.

    God didn’t give scriptures for people to ignore them but a lot of people don’t read them and even more don’t meditate on them and compare. They rely on other people’s interpretations instead of working out their own faith.

  4. Read Revelation 13: Bible Commentary – Wesley’s Explanatory Notes on Christianity dot com. Wesley gives a run down of the secular activity of the papacy when it organized, controlled revelation and solidified it’s power to rule over kings and nations and the Holy Roman Empire. Read The Criminal History of the Papacy on https://www.bibliotecapleyades dot net.

    Why do we Christians argue over Bible versions when we have faith and are suppose to know through the spirit?

    English Standard Version
    But the anointing that you received from him abides in you, and you have no need that anyone should teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about everything, and is true, and is no lie—just as it has taught you, abide in him..

    I think the papacy encourages people to stay milkfed so the papal hierarchy can maintain doctrinal control over them. One way is through fear doctrines that are false. God says 356 times in the Bible to be not afraid but we Christians let Catholicism teach eternal torment tripe to us. Stop abdicating thinking. That’s how the popes got away with the Inquisition for centuries! It’s ok to rebel against the doctrinal lies coming from the devil. God is love not wrath. God bless everyone reading.
    Read up on papal supremacy on wikipedia. Jesus said “No one will lord over you” to his diciples so how did the popes get away with lording it over everyone? You have an anointing to tell the truth. The truth beats the devil’s lies if in you’re not afraid

  5. This infighting over Bible versions is deceptive. My faith is placed in the good Lord Jesus Christ. He told us to abide in him as per John 15 not in a bible translation. God is perfect. Men are not they make mistakes. Biblical inerrancy is a modern fundamentalist assumption but many bibles include the preconceived ideas of the translators included in the text. They got some of these preconceived ideas from earlier generations or other people and some of these people’s ideas were illogical.

    From King James Version on wikipedia: In January 1604, King James convened the Hampton Court Conference, where a new English version was conceived in response to the problems of the earlier translations perceived by the Puritans,[6] a faction of the Church of England.[7]
    James gave the translators instructions intended to ensure that the new version would conform to the ecclesiology—and reflect the episcopal structure—of the Church of England and its belief in an ordained clergy.
    Why an “ordained clergy” by a denomination? The ordination comes from God. It’s a calling from God and always has been yet here we have an intefering human organization trying to control everything.
    Read Ministry Credentials here: https://www.christcenteredmall.com/teachings/ministry-credentials.htm

    Go to https://www.mercifultruth.com/eternity.html if you want to see how translation errors can start. Have a blessed day!

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