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The Origins of Arminianism — 2 Comments

  1. Thank you James for your comment about this chapter. I agree wholeheartedly we must get our doctrine from God’s Word for ourself; not from other men. Paul said “… study to shew thyself approved…” We have the King James Bible;it’s mindbogeling that reformed theology teachers today use the NIV or Nkjv. Most of them today never mention Rome or antichrist pope. I have studied John Calvin and found he had many people killed.I no longer listen to. those who preach out of these fake bibles. John Mcather;Vodie Bocham;Paul Washer;many others. I have great admiration for all the true reformers whom God surely used. People today as also in the past follow men and are not in the Bible for themselves. The Beast and the woman of Rev. 17 are picking these people up into the fold of Rome
    Today’s remnant of God must stand verry strong. Not even mentioning the despensationalists pre-mileniumists etc

  2. George, thank you for your comment and your encouragement. I thought I might be stretching it a bit to post my opinion on this subject. But it’s always safe to stick with the Bible. Yes, John Calvin agreed with the execution of many based only on a difference of doctrine! Jesus never advocated such a thing. I like what John MacArthur says about some things, but not his eschatology. Paul Washer apparently teaches salvation is based on feelings. He told one of the ladies in his church to go home and cry out to God until she felt He saved her! That’s not faith!

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James Japan