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The Third Temple Deception — 12 Comments

  1. James, Excellent summary to the issue, and I agree 100% with your analysis of the true Protestant view and how it got derailed. And your affirmation that the apostolic and the reformation church understood the body of Christ (i.e. the true Christian church) is the true temple of God. And the fulfillment of 2nd Thessalonians 2 has been fulfilled in the Roman CC apostacy. However, just as the prophecies of the destruction of physical temple made by Jeremiah had at least two applications (Babylon and Rome) and two “antiChrists” (Nebuchadnezzar and Titus) arose to fulfill Jeremiah’s predictions, is it not possible that Jesus’ prophecy in Matthew 24 could not only apply to the temple at Old Jerusalem but also to two fulfillments in the Christian era. The old temple and what happened to it as a type of what would happen to the church at the end of time as well as the long tribulation during the “dark ages.” This would not have anything to do with Darby’s views or anything dealing with any “third temple” at Jerusalem. But it would apply to a restored Papacy, when the “deadly wound is healed.” Revelation 13

  2. There are two Beasts in Revelation 13, the Beast from the Sea (13:1-10) and the Beast from the Earth (13:11-18). The Beast from the Sea is a political leader, and the Beast from the Earth is a religious leader. “Christ” means the One anointed to be King, a political leader; “Antichrist” is a counterfeit political leader. Revelation 16:13 says the Beast from the Earth is called “the False Prophet.” This is a false religious leader who leads the worship of the Antichrist, and yet “he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence” (13:12). As Dispensationalists we have believed that the Pope is the False Prophet. Both beasts are “antichrists” as defined by 1st John 2:18 and 22.

    And to know what Dispensationalism “really” teaches, here are four books for those who will discipline themselves enough to get them and read them:

    1. “The Rapture: The Pretribulational Rapture Viewed From the Bible and the Ancient Church”
    by Ken Johnson, Th.D.

    2. “Ancient Dispensational Truth: Refuting the Myth that Dispensationalism is New”
    by James C. Morris

    3. “Dispensationalism Before Darby”
    by William C. Watson, Ph.D.

    4. “Dispensationalism”
    by Charles C. Ryrie, Th.D., Ph.D.

    • All the people you refer to were born in the 20th century. People with a doctorate in theology are the LEAST credible Bible teachers in my book! How do they live their lives for Christ? The last guy, Charles C. Ryrie, Th.D., Ph.D., went to Dallas Theological Seminary. As far as I’m concerned that a mark against him! That seminary teaches dispensational doctrine because it was inflitrated by Jesuits who brought in false doctrines into the church in America. They probably support antichrist Israel too. RANK HERESY! No wonder America is being cursed right now with school shootings, fires, extreme weather, and a stupid president who supports evil and false ideologies such as the right for biological males to compete with women in sports if they identify as a female.

    • Let me throw something at you. the heads represent nations, crowns represent kings. the wounded head is a nation that will be going thru a near death experience. The beast of the sea is under Maritime Law in which all courts world wide operate under. When the beast of the earth rises that and carries all the power of the first beast, that will be under the Law of the Land or Republic Law. AI will more than likely be the false prophet. The republic law puts the law back into the people’s hands, so when all the evil deeds shown by those that ruled over us during maritime law, the people will beg for this “new system” of control so that everything can be monitored (i.e. buy and sell). Thats why this is called the great delusion!! True free will that will snare many. America is about to go thru a near death experience begins end of the month. . The gold will be tied to the Marc. Research rods of god (fire from heaven) and project Odin (space internet via El Elyon or also known as Elyon Musk) JUst food for thought

  3. Hi James, I like you believe that “the prince that shall come” in Daniel 9 is our Lord. In Matthew 23 our Lord declares the temple at old Jerusalem to be “desolate” and chapter 24 states that not one stone will be left on another. “The people of the prince” are the followers of our Lord. By repeating the Word of Christ and his “decision” (or Judgment) they are given the credit for destroying the temple in the prophecy, just as Jeremiah is given such credit (Jeremiah 1:10) although our Lord used Nebuchadnezzar to accomplish the deed. Even so the apostle and leaders of the Christian Church repeated the Words of our Lord concerning the future of Jerusalem, and it was Titus that accomplished the deed. Stephen, the first Christian martyr gave up His life for repeating that “Jesus would come and destroy this place.” Acts 6,7 See also Jeremiah 7 where our Lord says (through Jeremiah) that the coming destruction of Jerusalem via Nebuchadnezzar in his day will be like what the Lord did to Shiloh centuries before via the Philistines. Anyway your interpretation of Daniel 9 is right on target. Keep it up. Thanks.

    • Jon, the doctrine you stated is based on a wrong interpretation of 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4. It’s what Darby’s and Scolfield’s dispensationalism teaches.

      John Darby and C. I. Scofield propagated the false doctrine that the 70th Week is separate from the first 69 weeks and is in the future, the end of time. The original author of this false doctrine was a Jesuit priest named Francesco Ribera. He cooked it up circa 1580 to divert blame from the Popes of Rome as the prophetic man of sin in II Thessalonians chapter 2! Ribera added a time gap between the 69th Week and the 70th Week in order to promote the Antichrist as an Endtime figure only to get the Protestants to stop thinking of the Popes of Rome as the prophetic antichrist of Scripture, the man of sin of II Thessalonians chapter 2 who sits in the Temple of God — the Church — and proclaims himself to be God on earth!

      1 Corinthians 3:16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?

  4. Thank you James for all this vital information.It blows my mind that so many children of God are so deceived.People these days don’t search the scriptures only listen and believe their pastors and teachers.I have a request about Zachariah 10 especially verse 12. I tried to rechearch but cannot find proper answers.Maybe you can give some answers.

    • All the popes are anti-Christ! It was a trick of the Devil and his Jesuits to get Protestants to think of the Antichrist as someone who would rise to power exactly 7 years before the return of Christ. In the meantime the current Antichrist does his dirty work and deceives many Christians to think he’s a good guy! I myself used to think Pope John Paul II was a good man. I don’t now. The Antichrist is already sitting among many proclaiming himself to be the head of the ENTIRE Church of Christ! That means over all Christians, not only Roman Catholics. And whether we acknowledge him or not as our head, from his perspective, he owns us and everything we have, our family, our processions, everything. The word “sits” is used in the figurative sense. That’s how the early Protestants understood it.

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James Japan