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What is the Holy Covenant of the Book of Daniel? — 2 Comments

  1. James, I’ve been studying prophecy and eschatology for 40 years. I had realized that the “modern-western view” of end time events is wrong at best, heresy at worst. Like you, I believe it’s common sense that we can’t ignore 3500+ years of history, and make broad assumptions about biblical interpretation. This article is a breakthrough in the study of end time events, especially for those who have been steeped in modern versions of the pretrib rapture.

    • Donna, thank you for your comment! I have many articles on this website that exposes false eschatology which took root in America only from the early 20th century. It mainly came from Scofield’s Reference Bible and was later promoted by the Dallas Theological Seminary! Please read what else I have to say about things such as the 70th Week of Daniel, the interpretation of Daniel 9:27, and what I have to say about the Antichrist. I’m nobody special, just a messenger boy bringing out what all the prominent Protestant and Baptist Bible commentators who lived before the 19th century had to say.

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James Japan