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What Pope Francis wants to teach you about the Antichrist — 6 Comments

  1. Yeah James, they are the masters of deflecting blame away from Rome. What’s interesting is that the book says “He (the Antichrist) destroys Rome, kills the Pope and all the Cardinals.” And Revelation 17:16 says “And the ten horns which you saw on the beast, these (the Jesuit leaders) will hate the harlot, make her desolate and naked, eat her flesh and burn her with fire.” The Harlot is going down in flames.

    • David, I would not think to answer for James, however the prophecy you alluded to in Revelation 17 ends with the beast and false prophet being destroyed at the coming of Christ (chapter 19) What you reference in regards to the beast hating the “whore” and making her desolate happens in relation to the sixth plague in Chapter 16. Chapter 17 is a further explanation by the angel of the plague on Babylon as to the meaning of the “Fall of Babylon.” The beast hating the “whore and making her desolate” (and I agree in part with your application, however the Jesuits are included with the Cardinals) is a prelude to the destruction of the beast and false prophet. Therefore the “false prophet” and the “whore” are not the same. The “beast” and the “whore” are not the same, although they have been working in tandem through the centuries. The “whore” is destroyed by the beast prior to the Advent of our Lord. The “false prophet” is the second beast described in Revelation 13. It causes the whole world to worship the first beast of that chapter. So to identify the false prophet you must identify the power that has world wide power and is promoting the policies and worship of the beast. And the beast is that power which has received it seat, power, and great authority from the dragoon, i.e Imperial Rome. Revelation 13:1-4

  2. I am very interested in this topic. On the page explaining the “seven weeks” you said you intended to write more. I would be most interested in it. I would like to be better versed before I bring it up to my Christian friends.

  3. Yeshua (Jesus) is not the one who makes a covenant with many for one week aka 7 years. Daniel makes it clear that the one who makes this covenant is a ROMAN prince. Yeshua is HEBREW, not Roman! Two princes are mentioned by Daniel; Messiah the Prince and a Roman prince. This Roman prince is the Antichrist. While its true that the spirit of antichrist has existed since Lucifer rebelled, THE Antichrist is the 8th king of Vatican City. Read Revelation 17:10-11.

    As for the Messiah’s ministry, it wasn’t 3.5 years. It was only 1 year.

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James Japan