Category Archives: Basic Bible
Age of Deceit – Fallen Angels and the New World Order
The New World Order is the globalist agenda by a secretive Luciferian power elite that is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian one-world government that will replace sovereign nation-states. The Bible calls it “the Beast” in the book of Revelation chapter 13. Since 2020, New World Order is also referred to as the “Great Reset”. This documentary was made in 2011 and covers many issues. It’s by … Continue reading →
What the Bible calls “strong delusion” — a List of False Beliefs
What we believe to be true or false determines our policies in life. You may think something is true, but if it’s actually false, it could lead to your ruin.
Continue reading →Observations upon the Prophecies of Daniel, by Isaac Newton
My good friend Dr. John Gideon Hartnett sent me a document written by Sir Isaac Newton titled: “Observations upon the Prophecies of Daniel, and the Apocalypse of St John” You can download the PDF file by right clicking the link and clicking on Save As. A PDF file is hard on my eyes to read from a PC monitor or tablet. I want to make Isaac Newton’s commentary more accessible … Continue reading →
Pope Francis versus the Bible
I like to expose false doctrines from the very mouths of those who teach them. Pope Francis The Bible “No one becomes Christian on his or her own! Is that clear? No one becomes Christian by him or herself. Christians are not made in a laboratory. A Christian is part of a people who comes from afar. The Christian belongs to a people called the Church and this Church is … Continue reading →
What Makes A Nation Great? An American Independence Day Message
I copied this article from my friend Jim Gibson’s Facebook post. If you are an American, please know our only hope to continue as people free from tyranny and oppression is to keep to the principles the founding fathers of America founded our nation on. What Makes A Nation Great? By Jim Gibson On this date (July 4) in 1776, the 13 colonies declared their independence from England. It … Continue reading →
The Origin of the Pre-Tribulation Rapture Doctrine
By Mark Williams. How did the pretribulation doctrine come about? A brief rundown would go something like this: In 1591 a Jesuit priest named Francisco Ribera wrote a 500-page commentary on the grand points of Babylon and the antichrist, the object being to set aside the Protestant teaching that the Papacy is the antichrist. In his commentary, he assigned the first chapters of Revelation to the first century. The rest … Continue reading →
Homosexuality — The Biblical Viewpoint
Let’s examine the issue of homosexuality from a Biblical standpoint, delving into gay lifestyles, practices and inroads into modern society, in an attempt to discover why God equated the practice of homosexuality with the ancient wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Continue reading →The Crowds that Greeted Jesus when He Entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday are NOT the Same People Who Wanted Pilate to Crucify Him!
When I was a kid going to Catholic elementary school in Chicago, I was taught by the nuns that the people who greeted Jesus when he entered Jerusalem saying, “Hosanna to the son of David” (Matthew 21:9) where the same ones who told Pilate, “Crucify him, crucify him!” (John 19:6) Imagine my surprise when I heard from a documentary called, “The Week That Changed the World” that the people who … Continue reading →
What Pope Francis wants to teach you about the Antichrist
There are numerous articles on the Internet entitled, “The End Times Book Pope Francis Wants You to Read”. It’s about a book written in 1907 by Robert Hugh Benson about the rise of the Antichrist. One article from starts off: During an airplane news conference on his way back from the Philippines, Pope Frances referenced a 1907 book entitled “Lord of the World” and advised all of those in … Continue reading →
Why Are the Japanese So Slow in Understanding the Gospel?
A lonely lost Japanese woman who needs Jesus The question in the title of this article is something I wondered about since I first came to Japan in 1972. I was serving in the US Air Force then and was interested in sharing my faith in Jesus Christ with the Japanese when I would meet them outside the military base. I heard from long-time American missionaries in Japan that Japan … Continue reading →
Adam Clarke’s Commentary on Matthew 24
This chapter contains a prediction of the utter destruction of the city and temple of Jerusalem, and the subversion of the whole political constitution of the Jews; and is one of the most valuable portions of the new covenant Scriptures, with respect to the evidence which it furnishes of the truth of Christianity. Every thing which our Lord foretold should come on the temple, city, and people of the Jews, has been fulfilled in the most correct and astonishing manner; and witnessed by a writer (Josephus) who was present during the whole, who was himself a Jew, and is acknowledged to be an historian of indisputable veracity in all those transactions which concern the destruction of Jerusalem. Without having designed it, he has written a commentary on our Lord’s words, and shown how every tittle was punctually fulfilled, though he knew nothing of the Scripture which contained this remarkable prophecy.
Continue reading →Who is that “Man of Sin” of II Thessalonians Chapter 2?
Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. -2 Thessalonians 2:3,4 Believe on not, … Continue reading →
The Prophecy Jesus Told His Disciples on the Mount of Olives was ALL Fulfilled in 70AD
This article is from communication with a friend who wrote: I’m very interested in your comments about Jesus’s Olivet prophecy saying it does not refer to our future but to AD70 when the Romans sacked Jerusalem. (I hope I’m not misrepresenting your position but please correct me if I am.) I know you’ve mentioned it before to me. Can you explain to me in layman’s terms, how we know this … Continue reading →
Divine Image Destroyed – By Christine Beadsworth
I find it useful to transcribe from videos information that I consider important. Videos are often taken down, but the text from them will remain on this website as long as I am still on earth. This article is one of the best explanations of Satan’s biological attack on humanity I have read to date. It’s very clear and concise, and the author uses Scripture! I hope you appreciate it … Continue reading →
The Four World Empires of the Book of Daniel
King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon successfully besieges Jerusalem and carries off some of the treasure from the temple of God to Babylon. Nebuchadnezzar also captures some young men of the royal family with him to serve him in his court (Da 1:3). Daniel is one of them (1:6) King Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream in Daniel 2 31 Thou, O king, sawest, and behold a great image. This great image, whose brightness was excellent, … Continue reading →