Know Your Enemy
The evil powers that be causes people to debate about the actors so that they don’t focus on the director who is controlling the whole narrative!
Continue reading →The evil powers that be causes people to debate about the actors so that they don’t focus on the director who is controlling the whole narrative!
Continue reading →The Vatican is an organizational weapon in the hands of the papacy and other top ecclesiastical officials. Religious ideology has increasingly become subordinated to organizational imperatives.
Continue reading →I found a talk by Larry Alex Taunton that I like on my friend’s website Global Depopulation by WEF Mr. Taunton has very interesting things to say about Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum. He gives the history and the motivation behind it. Larry Alex Taunton (born, May 24, 1967) is an American author, columnist, and cultural commentator. He has personally engaged some of the most outspoken opponents of Christianity, including … Continue reading →
BY M. H. WILCOXON Forward by the webmaster: A friend introduced this publication of Abraham Lincoln’s vow against the Catholic Church, a hard to read PDF file. It has a lot of insights which inspired me to convert it to an easier to read format. I added some emphasis in bold but the emphasis in ALL CAPS is in the original document. There may be some errors I may have … Continue reading →
The Catholic Church supports illegal US immigration because most of the immigrants are Catholics.
Continue reading →This article is written primarily with US Americans in mind. I don’t know what other countries in the world have a separation of Church and State. I know for sure the Philippines doesn’t have it. I believe the Philippines is controlled by the Roman Catholic Church. I’m writing this article because I think the principle of separation of Church and State is a good thing, not bad. This article explains … Continue reading →
This 1946 speech by a former Roman Catholic priest gives great insights into the Russian-Ukrainian conflict today.
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