Democracy: An Often Misused Term By Leftist Liberals
Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhaust and murders itself! There never was a democracy that did not commit suicide.- John Adams
Continue reading →Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhaust and murders itself! There never was a democracy that did not commit suicide.- John Adams
Continue reading →The Council of Trent was the response of Rome to the Protestant Reformation. Remember—the Protestant Reformation brought us all of the political liberty that we know of today.
Continue reading →The Roman Catholic Church is Roman pagan religion with a Christian face. It’s the iron mixed with clay in the image of Daniel chapter two.
Continue reading →The New World Order is the globalist agenda by a secretive Luciferian power elite that is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian one-world government that will replace sovereign nation-states. The Bible calls it “the Beast” in the book of Revelation chapter 13. Since 2020, New World Order is also referred to as the “Great Reset”. This documentary was made in 2011 and covers many issues. It’s by … Continue reading →
The Roman Catholic Church is the continuation of the Roman empire. It is ruling the world through both leftist Socialism and the right Fascism / Capitalism.
Continue reading →This is from chapter one of F. Tupper Saussy’s book, Rulers of Evil. SUBLIMINAL ROME “The Roman Catholic Church is a State.” — BISHOP MANDELL CREIGHTON, LETTERS WHEN A PULITZER PRIZE-winning reporter announced in his 1992 Time Magazine cover story that a “conspiracy” binding President Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul II into a “secret, holy alliance” had brought about the demise of communism, at least one reader saw through … Continue reading →
I copied this article from my friend Jim Gibson’s Facebook post. If you are an American, please know our only hope to continue as people free from tyranny and oppression is to keep to the principles the founding fathers of America founded our nation on. What Makes A Nation Great? By Jim Gibson On this date (July 4) in 1776, the 13 colonies declared their independence from England. It … Continue reading →