Pope Pius XII’s Apology for the Vatican’s Concordat With Hitler
Pope Pius XII admitted the Vatican’s collaboration with Hitler by means of a concordat, which he himself signed jointly with the despicable Von Papen.
Continue reading →Pope Pius XII admitted the Vatican’s collaboration with Hitler by means of a concordat, which he himself signed jointly with the despicable Von Papen.
Continue reading →The King opposes the Pope and gives the Waldenses who were much persecuted by the Roman Catholic Church their civil rights!
Continue reading →The ultimate aim of the Roman Catholic church is to reestablish its dominion over all nations.
Continue reading →A THOROUGH UNDERSTANDING of Roman Catholicism is not possible without a grasp of the peculiar structure of its system of moral theology. It is the key to its world wide political power.
Continue reading →ROMAN CATHOLICS will not believe how much their own church has been opposed to the Jesuits, and think that anti-Jesuitism is the product of Protestant intolerance
Continue reading →By Michael de Semlyen and Richard Bennett Papal Penitence On Sunday, March 12, 2000, the first Sunday of Lent, the Pope presided over a solemn ceremony called “The Day of Pardon” in St. Peter’s Basilica, Rome, in which he asked God for forgiveness for the historical wrongs of the Roman Catholic Church (RCC). The ceremony was presented as another profoundly significant event in the RC Church’s “Millennium Jubilee Holy Year” … Continue reading →
A friend recommended me to check out a book by Dr. Cathy Burns, Billy Graham And His Friends – A Hidden Agenda?. I never heard of her or her book before. I found her website, Liberty to the Captives. The titles of the articles look very very good! Her bio on the site says: Dr. Cathy Burns has a degree in Bible Philosophy and has spent the past 19 years … Continue reading →
A short history of the Jesuit Order which sheds light on what the Jesuits are doing today.
Continue reading →The Roman Catholic Church-State’s primary goal is to make enforceable its claim that it is the only true church of Jesus Christ and its pope, the claimed “Vicar of Christ” has the right to judge everybody, as he did during the Middle Ages.
Continue reading →The article I transcribed on January 20, The US Border Crisis – A Planned Foreign Invasion is a long read, and that may discourage some people from reading it all. Because I consider what Doug Thornton has to say is vital for Americans to know, I compiled its main points in this post to make it only 1/10 of the length of the previous post. For the record, I do … Continue reading →
Retired US Marine and a former federal police officer Doug Thornton exposes the sinister reason behind the US border crisis. A must read!
Continue reading →The most powerful people in the world are behind the scenes and are not the visible leaders of the nations.
Continue reading →Dr. Richard Day Dr. Richard Day revealed New World Order plans in 1969. As we enter the new year 2024, let’s count how many of these 55 points in their plans have come to pass. My comments are in parenthesis after some of them. This article started with a video of the recollections of Dr. Lawrence Dunegan regarding a lecture he attended on March 20, 1969, at a meeting of … Continue reading →
A fundamentalist group, although it may not kill anyone, although it may not strike anyone, is violent. — Pope Francis
Continue reading →The Knights of Malta have their own Constitution and are sworn to work toward the establishment of a New World Order with the Pope at its head.
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