Futurist Interpretation of Matthew 24 Exposed as Folly by John Gill
Matthew 24 was ALL fulfilled in 70 AD with the destruction of Jerusalem, the Temple, and the end of the Jewish religion and the Jews as a people.
Continue reading →Matthew 24 was ALL fulfilled in 70 AD with the destruction of Jerusalem, the Temple, and the end of the Jewish religion and the Jews as a people.
Continue reading →Most of you were raised on the notes of the Scofield Bible before you came into the truth. A lot of you were, I know, and that’s where you learned your dispensationalism. That’s where you learned your secret rapture. That’s where you went and bought your Clarence Larkin’s book, Dispensational Truth, but it’s far from anything near the truth.
Continue reading →A Presentation Ministry of the Great Protestant Historical Interpretation of the Visions of Daniel and the Book of Revelation.
Continue reading →This is a talk by Tom Friess which you can either listen to, read, or both. Tom is very passionate when he tells us that a rebuilt temple with animal sacrifices would indicate further rejection of the Blood of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, for our sins. The original title for the talk is The Third Temple Deception, but because I already have covered this subject on this website … Continue reading →
The historicist school of interpretation sees the fulfillment of that Antichrist, that man of sin, that son of perdition, that little horn of Daniel is the papacy. And the papacy has existed and has fulfilled the role of the Antichrist all throughout the history of the Revelation. Prophecy perfectly fulfilled in the papacy.
Continue reading →The American people are being taken on one of the longest Trojan horse rides of history. We are being duped by our leaders who have been conspired against us. The declining American standard of living has been planned from the beginning. It is the result of planning at the very highest levels of America. A plan to fail, a plan to create insecurity and uncertainty, a plan to make the American people serfs in the New World Order.
Continue reading →I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them, until the Ancient of Days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the Most High. And the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom.
Continue reading →H. Grattan Guinness has given us a thumbnail sketch of the rise of Antichrist from the fall of the pagan Roman Empire and the Caesars, the restraining power that was holding back the rise of Antichrist. Once the Caesars and the old pagan Roman Empire was destroyed, up rose in its place the man of sin, the son of perdition, the biblical, historical, and prophetic Antichrist of the Bible, the papacy.
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