The Great Red dragon. Part I. The Roman Catholics’ Auricular Confession
Auricular confession being one of the five commandments of the Roman Catholic church, and a condition necessarily required in one of their sacraments;
Continue reading →Auricular confession being one of the five commandments of the Roman Catholic church, and a condition necessarily required in one of their sacraments;
Continue reading →A former Spanish priest exposes the evils of the Popes of Rome and the Roman Catholic Church
Continue reading →I’ve been having exchanges with a brother in Christ who is a Futurist. He believes the prophecy of Daniel 9:27 is an Endtime event, and I believe it was fulfilled in the past. The Devil has deceived many Christians today through ignorance of history and Jesuit false doctrines that have crept into the Church to think prophecies of Daniel, Matthew 24, II Thessalonians 2, and nearly all of the prophecies … Continue reading →
Postscript to “Horae Apocalypticae;” on the Pope’s own Testimony to the Fact of the completed Expiration in 1867 of the 1260 Predicted Years of Papal Dominancy in the Kingdoms of Western Christendom.
Continue reading →Chapter 18 is the destruction of Babylon by fire of the Papal ecclesiastical state. “Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins.
Continue reading →Christians who support Israel have been deceived by false teachers of God’s Word! God’s promise to the children of Israel was contingent on their obedience.
Continue reading →The three frogs of the book of Revelation: The Spirits Of Infidel Lawlessness, Of Popery, And Of Priestly Tractarianism, A.D. 1830-1852.
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