The Danger of Belief in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture
If events go against what we believe the Bible says will happen, it’s not because the Bible is wrong, it means our interpretation of Bible prophecy was wrong.
Continue reading →If events go against what we believe the Bible says will happen, it’s not because the Bible is wrong, it means our interpretation of Bible prophecy was wrong.
Continue reading →The evil powers that be causes people to debate about the actors so that they don’t focus on the director who is controlling the whole narrative!
Continue reading →We don’t have to accept the abuses of our constitutional liberties! We can pray that the Lord will defeat any government policy that is against our morals.
Continue reading →Most evangelicals today are teaching false Endtime doctrines based on a false interpretation of Daniel 9:27. Futurism originated with a Jesuit priest Francesco Rivera in the 16th century.
Continue reading →The erroneous belief that Russia is Magog can be traced back to a small group of 18th and 19th century theologians who wrote long before the primary evidence from the ancient Assyrian records was discovered, translated and made available to the public.
Continue reading →Fundamental to dispensationalism is the idea that God has two different peoples and He pursues his purposes for them in alternating dispensations. This is false!
Continue reading →I consider this article a key resource to understand why and how eschatology as understood by the evangelical world today is all messed up! If you are waiting for the “rise of the Antichrist” I highly urge you to read this! It is not long. I copied it from a 10 page PDF file somebody either sent me or I found on the Internet. It quotes a lot from an … Continue reading →