The Antichrist: His Portrait and History – Appendix B. The Mark of The Beast
The Mark of the Beast may be the Sign of the Cross that all Catholics do when they pray.
Continue reading →The Mark of the Beast may be the Sign of the Cross that all Catholics do when they pray.
Continue reading →As “the Beast” is a symbol, and represents a Pagan Power, its “image” must not be taken in its literal sense, i.e., must not be understood of a statue, but rather of some representation of the pagan power signified.
Continue reading →Outside the Church there is no Antichrist, in the Biblical sense of the term; inside the Church that evil power has sat for nearly 2,000 years as ‘God in the temple of God.’
Continue reading →Out of their own mouths Popes, Cardinals, Bishops, Priests and Jesuits have convicted the Pope of Rome of being “The Antichrist” of the Word of God.
Continue reading →The carnal policy the Church of Rome at the expense of truth, and the circumstances attending the festival of the Assumption show yet more daring wickedness and blasphemy.
Continue reading →The Feast of the Nativity of St. John is set down in the Papal calendar for the 24th of June, or Midsummer-day. The very same period was equally memorable in the Babylonian calendar as that of one of its most celebrated festivals.
Continue reading →Easter is not a Christian name, it’s of Chaldean origin, Astarte, one of the titles of Beltis, the queen of heaven, whose name is pronounced Easter in English.
Continue reading →The Pope: “I claim to be the Supreme Judge and director of the consciences of men. I am the Sole Last Supreme Judge of what is right and wrong.”
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