What Were the Vatican Ratlines? by Darryl Eberhart
Vatican Ratlines was a name given by U.S. Army Intelligence to the escape route set up and run by the Vatican to help Nazi Fascist war criminals avoid capture.
Continue reading →Vatican Ratlines was a name given by U.S. Army Intelligence to the escape route set up and run by the Vatican to help Nazi Fascist war criminals avoid capture.
Continue reading →Emperor Constantine who made Christianity the state religion. My good friend Reinhard from the Netherlands wrote this and shared it with me. Many Protestants believe that the Romanization of the Early Church occurred in phases and steps over the centuries; say, in the 4th to the 6th century. And, in a way, it did! But there was certainly a turning point in church history when a switch was definitively turned. … Continue reading →
The Catholic Church has the right and duty to kill heretics because it is by fire and sword that heresy can be extirpated.” – JESUIT Marianus de Luce, 1901.
Continue reading →The JESUITS didn’t mind Catholic versions of the Bible – they themselves made the Douay-Rheims. But they hated one Bible with a passion: THE KING JAMES BIBLE.
Continue reading →It is impossible to read history except in the context of an army of JESUITS, masters of deceit, treachery, treason, infiltration, subversion, assassination, insurrection, civil war and coercion, plotting for the good of the papacy, and the defeat of all the Pope’s foes anywhere in the world.
Continue reading →Information about the Jesuit order most Christians today are woefully ignorant of. If you don’t know who your enemy is, you will be subject to his deceptions.
Continue reading →The departure of the Bristish royal family from their constitutional identity and duty as faithful Protestants had been seen in their fraternising with Roman Catholics. Prince Charles had attended Mass on more than one occasion with Catholic friends and was prevented from participating in the Pope’s private Mass only by command of the Queen.
Continue reading →The apostasy in the twentieth century; the compromise on essentials and the attack on the fundamentals actually have their roots in the nineteenth century.
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