Category Archives: Politics
The best solution for the Israeli–Palestinian conflict
Relocate the State of Israel to a midwestern state in the USA. That would solve many problems in the Middle-East!
Continue reading →The Founding Fathers of America: All opposed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
Watch this educational well made factual documentary based on the very writings of the founding fathers of the United States of America, men like Thomas Paine, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, etc., and you will see that America was not founded by godly Bible believing men to be a Christian Protestant nation, but by men who actually opposed the Gospel of Christ calling it “blasphemously obscene” and … Continue reading →
Book Report: Rulers of Evil – Useful Knowledge about Governing Bodies, By F. Tupper Saussy
This book has key pieces to the puzzle of how the Vatican has taken over the world through the Knight Templars, Illuminati, Jesuits, Freemasons, Knights of Malta, Rosicrucians and other secret groups. Yes folks, these groups are all connected with the center being Rome, the Vatican. “All roads lead to Rome” is true today as it ever was. I deem the author Frederick Tupper Saussy to be a good honest … Continue reading →
What famous men had to say about the Jesuit Order
From my research and materials people have been sending me, I have been thinking more and more that all roads indeed do lead to Rome, and specifically to the Vatican! Can you think of any State that has had such sway of the minds of so many for such a long history as the Holy Roman Empire had, and continues to have to this day? Their temporal power only appears … Continue reading →
The False Left-Right Paradigm
These “ideological opposites” are commonly referred to as left-wing vs. right-wing or liberal vs. conservative. I believe people should think more in terms of good vs. evil, God vs. the Devil, or Heaven vs. Hell (up-down).
Continue reading →Pope John Paul II and the New World Order
The following are excerpts from “Behold a Pale Horse” by William Cooper taken from chapter two, “Secret Societies and the New World Order” Did you know that the Los Angeles Times, December 12,1984, quoted Pope John Paul II as saying, “Don’t go to God for forgiveness of sins, come to me.” The Pope committed blasphemy, thus fulfilling prophecy according to the book of Revelation. The Pope is telling us that … Continue reading →
The Knights of Malta and the New World Order
The following are excerpts from “Behold a Pale Horse” by William Cooper taken from chapter two, “Secret Societies and the New World Order” The Knights of Malta is a world organization with its threads weaving through business, banking, politics, the CIA, other intelligence organizations, P2, religion, education, law, military, think tanks, foundations, the United States Information Agency, the United Nations, and numerous other organizations. They are not the oldest but … Continue reading →
Why I stopped listening to Alex Jones
I’m very concerned about the attitudes and mindsets of some of my friends who regularly listen to radio talk show host Alex Jones. I used to like Alex Jones, and once greatly admired his courage for crashing the Bohemian Grove during one of its annual get-togethers of the elite. I thought he was great for filming the “Cremation of Care” ceremony. Now I think it all have may been a … Continue reading →
Obama surrounded by Roman Catholic Jesuit Trained Intelligence Leaders
President Barack Obama meets with Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, right (Alma Mater St. Mary’s University, Texas), in the Oval Office, Sept. 9, 2010. Also attending are, clockwise from left, Robert Cardillo, DIA deputy Director (and now Director of National intelligence for intelligence integration and schooled at Georgetown), Deputy National Security Adviser Tom Donilon (Donillon attended la Salle Academy, earned a B.A. at: The Catholic University of America in … Continue reading →
America versus Iran in Terms of Aggression
A chart comparing the number of nations the United States of America invaded compared to the number of nations Iran has invaded.
Continue reading →Rescued by two Muslim men from Pakistan on a rainy day
July 16, 2012: The previous day I sprained my back while on the road in Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture. This morning when rising at 5:20 a.m. from the bed in the capsule hotel where I spent the night, an excruciating lower back pain greeted me. It was difficult to stand up and walk. To make matters worse, though I expected the weather to be fair and sunny, a low pressure … Continue reading →
New law passed by U.S. Senate: The military to detain anti-government protesters in American cities
Young people demonstrating against Wall Street On December 4, 2011, a friend sent me a shocking article: “That U.S. Senators would knowingly and willfully attempt to pass a bill that legalizes the indefinite detainment, torture and killing of American citizens with no due process whatsoever — and on American soil! — is nothing less than a traitorous betrayal of the once-free American people. These are, our founding fathers would … Continue reading →
The real reason for the Japanese seclusion policy: Fear of colonization by Rome
The Japanese government was afraid of the Jesuits and the foreign overthrow of Japan which is why they didn’t allow any visitors to their country for 200 yearss.
Continue reading →Why Gaddafi was demonized by the West
I believe Gaddafi was demonized by the West only after he became a hindrance to New World Order plans. Libya was one of the most prosperous countries in the middle east before the NATO (read USA, England and France) attacks! Unlike the Egyptians under Mubarak, the average Libyan enjoyed a high standard of living. Under the revolutionary leadership of Col. Mu`ammar Qadhafi, Libya has attained the highest standard of living … Continue reading →
The Truth about Libya
NATO and international bankers destroyed Libya and took away its prosperity using the excuse of ridding the country of a “dictator.” Soon a Libyan central bank will be set up and it will rob the people just as the American Federal Reserve and other central banks do in their perspective countries. The Libyan revolt was undoubtedly caused by outside forces for the purpose of controlling Libya’s economy. The ignorant Libyans … Continue reading →