Popery The Foe of the Church and of the Republic
The history of the pagan practices of the Roman Catholic Church which continue to this day.
Continue reading →The history of the pagan practices of the Roman Catholic Church which continue to this day.
Continue reading →Former Catholic priest Jeremiah J. Crowley exposes the Popes of Rome as evil tyrants whose interest is only money and power over as much of the world as possible.
Continue reading →This is an outstanding series of lectures exposing the Roman Catholic Church as “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.” of Revelation 17:5.
Continue reading →The Papacy, speaking through its representative and head, calls itself the “Vicar of Christ.” The first, “Antichrist,” is a Greek word, the second, “Vicar,” is an English word; but the two are in reality one, for both words have the same meaning. Antichrist translated into English is Vice-Christ, or Vicar of Christ; and Vicar of Christ, rendered into Greek is Antichrist – Antichristos.
Continue reading →The author has attempted, by a generous use of historical quotations, to so arrange facts that the reader will see that the hope of Protestantism and the hope of republicanism lies in the proper education of the youth.
Continue reading →The attack on the Word of God which was once the sole ambition of only a few academic theologians in Europe has become a malignancy in America, one that threatens to overtake and destroy the vitality of the Christian faith.
Continue reading →Anyone who tries to discuss contemporary moral issues finds himself enmeshed in well-rehearsed arguments which do not seem to address the real issues. For this reason, many orthodox Christians feel constrained to withdraw from the field of battle rather than endure the aggravation of reasoning against emotional tirades and visceral attacks.
Continue reading →Charismatics are mainline members who have adopted the chief doctrine of the Pentecostals, tongues-speaking, while remaining in their liberal denominations. Pat Robertson, the founder of the Christian Broadcasting Network, is a charismatic Southern Baptist.
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