Category Archives: Protestant authors
Charles Chiniquy Leads an Entire Town Away from Alcohol
Charles Chiniquy If you have a drinking problem and are seeking aid, this story may just inspire you to stop drinking completely! It’s a slightly condensed version of chapters 33 & 34 of Charles Chiniquy’s book, “Fifty Years in the Church of Rome”. I find it an exciting account of how one man with the Power of God turned an entire town away from alcoholism!! The 21st of September, 1833, … Continue reading →
Foreign Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States – By Samuel F. B. Morse
Samuel Morse Most people still remember Samuel Morse (April 27, 1791 – April 2, 1872) as the inventor of the telegraph — the first long distance electronic means of communication. But how many people have known of his research of a conspiracy by the Roman Catholic Church to usurp the liberties Americans enjoy because of the American Constitution? You may call this conspiracy theory if you want, but know that … Continue reading →
“Hurrah for St. Anne, the grave of the tyranny of the Bishops of Rome in America!”
Charles Chiniquy I hope you find the title of this post intriguing enough to want to know the story behind it. It was the cry of the French Canadian immigrates of St. Anne Illinois to the Roman Catholic Bishop of Chicago on August 3rd, 1858. St. Anne is a village in Kankakee County, Illinois, United States, about 50 kilometers south of Chicago. It was founded by a French Canadian Roman … Continue reading →
Charles Chiniquy – A Man Every American Should Know
Charles Chiniquy There are some men who should be more famous than they are. Nikola Tesla (10 July 1856 – 7 January 1943), the father of the electrical power gird, its one of them. If you learn about him and his discoveries, you might consider that he should be as famous as Thomas Edison if not more so! Another is Charles P. Chiniquy (30 July 1809 – 16 January 1899), … Continue reading →