Papal Abuse of Power
The Apostle Peter plainly decreed that the method of governing the Christian Church must not be patterned after that of Caesar. The popes of Rome totally disregard Peter’s admonition.
Continue reading →The Apostle Peter plainly decreed that the method of governing the Christian Church must not be patterned after that of Caesar. The popes of Rome totally disregard Peter’s admonition.
Continue reading →I was offline for a week to get a broken bone fixed. Now I’m back to work! This article is from chapter 31 of “Out of the Labyrinth: The Conversion of a Roman Catholic Priest” by former Roman Catholic priest Leo Herbert Lehmann, first published in 1947 and made available online by The Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry Leo Herbert Lehmann (1895-1950) was an Irish author, editor, and director of … Continue reading →
The false church This article is a re-post from The early Church understood apostolic doctrine to mean the written Word of the Apostles, as it was contained in the Scriptures, in accord with the Old Testament, and given final revelation by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, the very I AM, who taught Moses. That is worth repeating, and is the basis for understanding True Church History. From the very … Continue reading →
The Vatican is posing as Snow White, but the Bible calls her, “the great whore”. She uses government agency branches in all nations including the USA.
Continue reading →– By Andrew Fisher Forward by the Webmaster: I was very surprised when my cyberspace Christian friend, Andrew from the UK, told me he was with Soka Gakkai for nearly 25 years! I asked him to write up his story. I met many Soka Gakkai people from time to time when I lived in Japan and can tell you they are some of the hardest people to share my faith … Continue reading →
Did not Rome Christian became a harlot? Did not Papal Rome ally herself with the kings of the earth? Did it not glorify itself to be as a queen, and call itself the Mistress of the World?
Continue reading →A history of persecutions by the Horn of Daniel chapter 7, the Antichrist, the Popes of Rome who killed Bible believing Christians over the centuries till today!
Continue reading →This is part 2 of CHRIST AND ANTICHRIST OR JESUS OF NAZARETH PROVED TO BE THE MESSIAH AND THE PAPACY PROVED TO BE THE ANTICHRIST PREDICTED IN THE HOLY SCRIPTURES. BY THE REV . SAMUEL J. CASSELS It was published in 1846. The author, Samuel J. Cassels, was a Presbyterian minister. All true Christians know that Jesus is Nazareth is the Messiah or they wouldn’t be Christians. What most Christians … Continue reading →