The Fourth Kingdom of Daniel Chapter 7 — Rome
The fourth Kingdom of Daniel chapter 7 is the Roman Empire. It continues to this day through the Vatican, the so called Holy See.
Continue reading →The fourth Kingdom of Daniel chapter 7 is the Roman Empire. It continues to this day through the Vatican, the so called Holy See.
Continue reading →Unbeknownst to most evangelicals today, the Endtime doctrines they are teaching are based on Jesuit fabrications designed make Protestant and Baptist Christians stop thinking of the Popes of Rome as the fulfillment of prophecies of the Antichrist, the man of sin, son of perdition.
Continue reading →Millions cheer Pope John Paul II during his first visit to Poland as pontiff. For years I was very much into researching all the details I could learn about the Illuminati and all its subgroups, i.e. Freemasons, Bilderberg group, Council on Foreign Relations, Skull and Bones, etc, but now I think it’s better to try to see the overall big picture of Satan’s plan for world conquest from a Biblical … Continue reading →
This is part II of Jeremiah J. Crowley’s book, “Romanism, A Menace to the Nation” which is the previous post on this site. As Jeremiah Crowley previously stated in part I, part II was written when he was still loyal to the Pope. The author hoped the Pope would take notice of the allegations put forth in his letter which you can read on this page, and do something to … Continue reading →
Insights about the first openly Jesuit pope of Rome, the first pontiff from the Americas, the first from the southern hemisphere, and the first from outside Europe in over 1200 years:
Continue reading →Details of the history of the complicity of the Roman Catholic Church in the Rwandan genocide of the Tutsi tribe by the Hutu militia in 1994.
Continue reading →The main reasons why Roman Catholicism is appealing to the unregenerate mind and heart.
Continue reading →The Popes of Rome banned Bible reading by the laity in Catholic countries. In democratic countries, the competition of Protestantism has forced the Catholic church to adopt a different policy toward the Bible. Here it does not forbid Catholics to read it. In fact at times it superficially urges them to do so, knowing that they have been so conditioned that they will not read it anyway.
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