Westboro Baptist Church’s false doctrine of hatred exposed
Westboro Baptist church is a cult. They follow their pastor’s interpretation of God’s Word. God is a God of love, not hate. He hates the sin, but not the sinner!
Continue reading →Westboro Baptist church is a cult. They follow their pastor’s interpretation of God’s Word. God is a God of love, not hate. He hates the sin, but not the sinner!
Continue reading →Otoso, the traditional Japanese drink during new year celebration. Every year for three days from January 1st, the Japanese drink Otoso as part of their celebration of the new year. It is made of spiced Japanese rice wine. Most Japanese don’t know the root of the meaning of the word Otoso which literally means, “something that was slaughtered and resurrected.” Yes! This name literally has Christian roots! It has to … Continue reading →
Today is the first day of another extended road trip. I hope to use this Christmas season to tell the Japanese people about Christ, and the best way I know how to do that is by hitchhiking when traveling and talking to the drivers individually. I hitchhiked nearly 300 kilometers in three cars to the Kanto area which includes Tokyo and vicinity. My destination was Noda city in Chiba prefecture. … Continue reading →
A Muslim meets Jesus Christ, the Son of God, in prison! I was really touched by this young man’s message. I showed it to the folks who attend our Sunday evening fellowship meeting. Everybody was impressed. I hope you appreciate it too!
Continue reading →A friend in America sent me an excellent article exposing the New Age Movement. Dangerous false teachings abound in the world today, and I think many of God’s children have been influenced by them unwittingly. The article talks about Reiki, something a Japanese Christian friend tried to get me sold on. I never quite bought it. First paragraph of article: Witches, Masons, Rosicrucians, Cabalists and other leading practitioners of the … Continue reading →