A Christian Professor Disproves The Theory of Evolution
The four postulates of Creation compared with the four postulates of Evolution. The latter four all proven to be false.
Continue reading →The four postulates of Creation compared with the four postulates of Evolution. The latter four all proven to be false.
Continue reading →Solid science from a noted Japanese doctor and scientist that COVID-19 vaccines have injured people to the point of causing their deaths.
Continue reading →Science and Roman Catholicism are essentially antagonistic. The former faces the untried future with experiment as its only tool and honesty to truth its only guide. Roman Catholicism fears the future, and is opposed to experiment and change as revolutionary and destructive of its fixed dogmas and religious practices.
Continue reading →When I was a kid I dreamed of being a scientist someday. It turns out I wasn’t good enough in mathematics to become one. I respect true scientific researchers, people like Dr. James Tour for example. He’s an American chemist and nanotechnologist, a Professor of Chemistry, Professor of Materials Science and Nanoengineering at Rice University in Houston, Texas. And he’ll tell you in his podcasts he loves Jesus more than … Continue reading →
The Bible is not a science text. It is a history book; it tells us HIS STORY OF THE UNIVERSE.
Continue reading →A frequent visitor of this website sent me an article from Snopes in response to the article on this site, Coriolis Effect at the Equator: Evidence Against a Stationary Flat Earth. It says: “The notion that the Coriolis force determines which direction water spirals down drains is one of the most prominent scientific myths.” And it calls the following statement false: “The Coriolis force determines which direction water spirals down … Continue reading →
Watch this neat experiment in Uganda, one of the countries in Africa that are intersected by the equator. Water in a bowl just a few meters north of the equator drains down a spout in a clockwise direction, and just south of the equator, water in a bowl drains down a spout in a counterclockwise (anticlockwise) direction. Right on the equator, water in a bowl doesn’t drain down in either … Continue reading →