Immigration Warfare
Biden is a globalist knows his job in the White House is to advance and further the global agenda, which includes immigration warfare.
Continue reading →Biden is a globalist knows his job in the White House is to advance and further the global agenda, which includes immigration warfare.
Continue reading →Biden supporting Ukraine and Zelinskyy does not make Putin good. Putin was tricked to invade Ukraine to lead to the ultimate takeover of Russia by the Vatican.
Continue reading →The unvanished history of the Vatican’s complicity in World War I and World War II.
Continue reading →Details of the history of the complicity of the Roman Catholic Church in the Rwandan genocide of the Tutsi tribe by the Hutu militia in 1994.
Continue reading →The Vatican As A Fomenter Of War AMERICANS are being fed with false propaganda that the Pope is an ardent advocate of peace. They are even being led to believe that he is a staunch defender of democracy — at least that he has been at long last converted to the defense of democratic ideals. The irony of the matter is that, while gullible American Protestants are swallowing this propaganda, … Continue reading →
A building in Ukraine destroyed by the Russians. Some of my conservative friends and especially Trump supporters have been seemingly justifying Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. My friend Jim wrote: Zelensky is a snake. He has been laundering money for years. He is used by the Deep State. That is why he is supported by the likes of HRC, Biden, Obama, Gates, Pelosi and all the rest. I do know that … Continue reading →
This post is in addition to the views of Ukrainian Lydia about the Russian invasion of Ukraine by missionaries friends, a married couple. The husband sent me two emails in response for my request to hear their views. I would rather hear from the people who are actually there than from a corporate news agency with hidden agenda. They have no reason to lie to me. The first email First … Continue reading →
This meme was posted by my Ukrainian friend on her Facebook timeline. Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, I’ve been very concerned about a dear Ukrainian sister in Christ, Lydia from Kyiv. I have known her since 1994. She was one of my partners in St. Petersburg, Russia, my interpreter and teammate in evangelistic work sharing the Gospel with the people of Russia. Thankfully she fled her home in Kyiv … Continue reading →