Age of Deceit – Fallen Angels and the New World Order
The New World Order is the globalist agenda by a secretive Luciferian power elite that is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian one-world government that will replace sovereign nation-states. The Bible calls it “the Beast” in the book of Revelation chapter 13. Since 2020, New World Order is also referred to as the “Great Reset”.
This documentary was made in 2011 and covers many issues. It’s by no means dated. The agenda of the Luciferian globalists has not changed, it’s only become more out in the open. And yet the vast majority of the world still can’t see it!
Topics discussed
Is there a connection between UFOs, alien abductions, channeling spirits, demonic possessions, the new age movement, secret societies, and satanism? In Age of Deceit: Fallen Angels and the New World Order, we investigate why the New World Order and the Global Elite are tirelessly working to form a One World Government and who they are getting this instruction from. A biblical look at the history of fallen angels and it’s relationship to the New World Order and the new age movement. Topics covered are the fall of mankind, the pre-flood world as Atlantis, the new age through theosophy, the fallen angels and their origin of planting the seeds to society, UFOs, ETs and abduction cases, demonic possession, channeling, and more.