HomeConspiracyDr. John Coleman Debunked


Dr. John Coleman Debunked — 31 Comments

  1. Dear James,

    In 2021 I read the Comm. of 300. Much information seems to be true. Colemann briefly mentioned the
    Jesuit Aristotle Society on page 311 (Fourth Edition). Further, what he writes about Drugs traffic
    looks also right. Sometimes difficult to see what’s true or fake.

    Reinhard Schaap
    (The Netherlands).

    • Reinhard, thank you for your comments. I agree that much of what Coleman is saying seems good, but to say that the committee of 300 is the ultimate ruling body of the world is something I can’t believe to be true. I want to stick with sources that are completely sincere and truthful. It’s hard to find such people.

    • I agree that having watched and listened to Coleman and read his book, his info strikes me as truthful. I am not sure why an elite group of 300 would not sound plausible…..it does to me. I also think Coleman took a risk in revealing his info and nobody really knows what he has been through in terms of threats, etc. He seems passionate about Jesus and about morality. I find him to be believable. He sounds as if he is trying to avoid sharing too much about himself for good reason.

      • I use to believe Coleman for all the reasons you shared. But it’s a real red flag for me to know the CIA is promoting his book! Why would they do that if Dr. Coleman’s information is true? If you’re interested to know what an evil and corrupt organization the CIA is, just read Brice Taylor’s book, Thanks for the Memories.

        • Currently, the USA is under military occupation. Our Constitution is temporarily suspended and the US government is being held together by COGS. Continuity of government. The CIA, crooked as hell is being ordered by the military’s’ CIC, to have Dr, Coleman on their web site. The CIA has no choice. This war to restore our Constitution, in its original form, requires Americans to wake the heck up. This is a white hat psyop, to spoon feed the American people the truth about who is really running the show. The crap is not about to hit the fan for the cabal, it already is. The committee of 300 has been decimated. This is why President Trump is still alive. We have been at war with the committee of 300 for seven years. The US military occupied the USA in 2017. This all makes sense because under military laws and regulations all is controlled by our military and led by our CIC. Go to COGS.Gov and look up military occupation; 50,000 hours later and tens of thousands of pages later, it will come together for you. If your really a Genius, you can scan for an overview. We will have public tribunals, and there will be public executions. If this sounds bazar, that’s because it is. The military started with over 300,000 indictments. They still have over 170,000 to serve. All will be served.; there may be more. The USA has troops stationed all across this country with their equipment. Have you heard Biden ever refer to the militarys’ CIC? No. That’s because the military CIC is Trump. The head of the snake is in tatters. It’s a really big snake. The forefathers of the committee of 300 began over 2,000 ago with the Phoenicians. How does all this trash end? God wins. We win. We are living in biblical times as you read this. We are well into Revelations right now. Go to freedom force battalion. There you will find three great books on what’s happening today according to revelations. They have audio and hard back. Do some research. It will enlighten you and calm your nerves. The real truth is 1 1/2% to 2 1/2% of the population of the US is kicking the committee of 300s’ ass. That same percentage is working world wide with the same goal in mind. I am a U.S. marine combat veteran. I know the glory of war. There isn’t any. I do know what a good ass kicking looks like. This one is justified……….and way over due. May God help you connect to that small quiet voice inside. Cheers USMC.

        • Why does the CIA post these books? Have you not thought they log each IP address that views it? Who else wants to read these things except those seeking the truth – and therefore those who the CIA would want to know about. Tracking everyone’s IP that views anything on the CIA website is extremely easy if you don’t use a VPN.

          • That’s a good point to consider. But so far I haven’t seen anything on the CIA website that points to the Vatican / Roman Catholic Church leadership as being complicit in any of the evils I see happening in the world. If you find something please share it.

          • Exactly. Conspiracy researchers are looking for the evil cabal within the System. What many don’t see is the entire System is the evil cabal. Some things just can’t be fixed. They have to be discarded for something new. That will happen with the return of Jesus Christ!

    • I also found him to be on point. He can say what he does as elites are exposed. Committee of 300 are all Rothschild agents. Rothschild controls the monarch and city of London

  2. From 1989 until 1998, a series of over 100 book-length “Phoenix journals” was published by a cult based in the town of Tehachapi in California. The author of the books was named as “Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn”, who was supposedly a 9-foot tall Pleiadian Ascended Master who lived onboard the space ship Phoenix along with Jesus Sananda, who was Jesus in his persona of an Ascended Master. The books were published by George Green’s publishing company America West, which was initially based in the town of Tehachapi, but their editorial offices were transfered to Las Vegas in 1992. Several people claim to have contacted Hatonn over the years, but according to the book “A Culture of Conspiracy: Apocalyptic Visions in Contemporary America” by Michael Barkun, the series of Phoenix journals associated with the cult in Tehachapi was started in 1989 by George Green, who was next joined by Doris Ekker and her husband who acted as channelers of the material from Hatonn: [https://books.google.com/books?id=-0wFZRWKdfoC&pg=PA150, https://libgen.lc/index.php?req=barkun+culture+conspiracy%5D

    > Another of Hatonn’s contactees, George Green, was central to the development of the Phoenix publications. Green claimed to have seen an alien craft at Edwards Air Force Base in 1958. According to him, he was contacted by “space beings” in October 1989, entering into an agreement with them to “publish the material transmitted from the spacecraft called ‘THE PHOENIX.'” Sometime thereafter he was also approached by a husband and wife, E.J. and Doris Ekker, who claimed to be in touch with the same group of extraterrestrials. Doris Ekker, under the name Dharma, was the principal receiver, though not apparently in a mediumistic capacity.

    George Green’s publishing company America West was also the original publisher of John Coleman’s book “Conspirators’s Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300”. Several Phoenix journals claim that John Coleman is a Jew or that he also used the names Joseph Pavlonski or John Clarke. [https://www.google.com/search?tbm=bks&q=%22joseph%20pavlonski%22] Even though the journals supposedly consist of the words of a 9-foot-tall Pleiadian Ascended Master, parts of the journals which deal with personal fights between George Green and John Coleman seem like they were written by Green. For example Phoenix Journal #59 from 1992 said: [https://books.google.com/books?id=ECBPfIYOi4MC&pg=PA27]


    Phoenix Journal #55 from 1992 said: [https://books.google.com/books?id=OAFlZfIybW8C&pg=PA34]

    > It is hard, today, readers and listeners, because this one calling himself John Coleman has taken all the property belonging to _THE LIBERATOR_ which was in his possession and had refused under order to relinquish it, with him. He took furniture which Greens had purchased for his use and left utility bills and other expenses hanging for these ones to pay.
    > I suggest, E.J., that since George still has access to books and contract rights to same, that you submit the billings for the equipment to America West. If George had not suggested same there would have been legal action already under way and the equipment could have been recovered by the sheriff.
    > Next, I suggest that this information be sent to the University of Science and Philosophy, Arcturus press and especially to UFO and Don Ecker. George may wish to do this “faxing”. I also ask that a copy be sent to Dean Stonier of Global Sciences Congress.
    > Then, pass this information to ALL of the ones named in the “objection to actions” list of Coleman helpers. HE is the one who named each as an inside contact and I refuse to allow you ones to take any more flack from those who now are in self-denial over the incidents involved.

    Your link to the article by Eustace Mullins from 1992 no longer works, but the article has also been posted at whale.to. [http://www.whale.to/c/check.html] A scan of the article was published in one of the Phoenix journals. [https://books.google.com/books?id=19ZiuSksPaoC&pg=232] In the article, Mullins wrote about Coleman: “One source I have spoken with claimed that he has been trained in Israel by a Mossad unit – and had been known there as Joseph Pavlonsky.” However the source may have been George Green, who is not necessarily a reliable source since he also claims that he he was in communication with Hatonn.

    BTW I have viewed Daniel Estulin as John Coleman 2.0, because they covered similar topics in their books and they both even wrote a book about the Tavistock Institute. Estulin says that he is from Lithuania, but he looks like a Mediterranean even though Lithuanians have only about 30% EEF ancestry, and Lithuanians are perhaps autosomally the purest whites after Latvians. On Ancestry.com, the earliest U.S. records of people with the surname Estulin are full of people with Jewish first names, like Naftoli, Shifra, Abram, and Nuchim. [https://www.ancestry.com/search/?name=_estulin] On Forebears.io, the name Estulin has an estimated incidence of 55 worldwide, 22 in the United States, and 10 in Israel. [https://forebears.io/surnames/estulin] Among the few people named Estulin in the United States, there’s Rabbi Naftali Estulin, who is the director and founder of the Chabad Russian Immigrant Program and Synagogue in Hollywood. [https://www.lubavitch.com/centers/117558] He also founded a Chabad house in Hollywood, and he wrote that he asked the Rebbe for half a million dollars to found the Chabad house, but the Rebbe answered him that “you will get more than you ask”. [https://crownheights.info/something-jewish/622422/heres-my-story-nixons-list/] When I tried googling for `site:geni.com estulin`, it returned the profiles of a total of 10 people who all appeared to be Jews (and one of them was from Lithuania like Estulin, and another one was from the town of Lyubavichi).

  3. I too have doubts about Dr Coleman’s work but respectfully, not in the way you do..

    This is not 1880 – the Vatican, Jesuits & Nobilities both black & white were massively diminished by both World Wars & the Russian revolution.. which – like all revolutions the Rothschilds funded post 1789 – were staged to bleed a wealth transfer from black & white nobility alike, to profit their own accounts..

    WWI ended 5 empires

    Ottoman &

    WWII ended the British land empire though the financial empire of the City of London effectively metamorphosised with Wall Street & Washington into the American Empire post 1945

    Today the Rothschilds own virtually everything..

    – The International banking network of 160 central banks plus BIS less Syria, Iran, Cuba, North Korea & Russia
    – They are guarantors of the Guelph Windsor Monarchy (since 1815)
    – They effectively own the USA, further to their receivership of the bankruptcy of the United States in March 1933
    – They claim to own Israel
    – They own all US politicians via AIPAC which funds the Congressmen of both parties
    – They own all UK politicians via the Friends of Israel which funds the 3 main Westminster parties
    – They own Black Rock & Vanguard the world’s largest corporations (which themselves share own pretty much the world’s leading corporations)
    – They’ve controlled Vatican funds since 1823

    They are Jesuits themselves tho historically claim Khazarian Talmudic heritage..

    Wealth estimates per Eustace Mullins (2010) & Allison Weir (2019)

    Vatican c. $50 billion
    Guelph Windsors c. $25 trillion
    Rockefellers c. $25 trillion
    Rothschilds c.$500-$700 trillion


    The Vatican may remain a top line titular boss but nowadays this is more a matter of form than substance as no entity controls another 10000 x to 14000 x its size..

    Hence with sincere respect, I fundamentally dispute your division of contemporary NWO hierarchical power..

    If you can prove me wrong, then please do

    Happy New Year 2023 !

    • Hello Mark! Happy New Year 2023 to you too! Thank you for sharing your views in a respectful manner. I certainly don’t think I know everything about the NWO. It’s vast and deep. But I’m pretty sure that common people who talk about “draining the swamp” in Washington DC have no idea how deep and vast the conspiracy is. And it could be that influential government people who use such words as “swamp” may be swamp rats themselves and controlled opposition.

      I didn’t have to scour the entire Internet to answer your comment. There’s plenty of information on this website, information from people I hold to be reliable sources. Let’s me share what Dr. Ronald Cooke has to say about your assertion about the Rothschilds:

      “It certainly is easy to direct attention toward the Rothschilds because of their great wealth and also because they are Jews. What (Gary) Allen (the author of None Dare Call it Conspiracy) fails to see is that every accusation that can be made against the Rothschilds and their allies can also be made against the Vatican with much more weight. The Rothschilds’ wealth, although immense, is not in the same league with the Vatican’s. The tentacles of the Rothschilds do not reach into every government on earth with anything approaching the same degree as the Vatican’s. The longevity of the alleged conspiracy of the Rothschilds, according to Allen himself, goes back a mere 150 years — again nothing in comparison to the Papacy whose global ambitions and intrigue go back more than a thousand years.”

      Please read more about what he has to say on: Book Report: The Jesuit Vatican Global Conspiracy

      • James, my views may be controversial not aligning with what others think. But, I think the truth is slowly coming to light as we see events unfold before us. Do you think it possible that rather than the Vatican being the masters in cahoots with the banking oligarchy, that perhaps it is the other way around? An interesting article appeared regarding the recent passing of Pope Benedict XVI, who not the elite’s choice installed another puppet who currently presides. The wealth of the Vatican, that at one time of its own now belongs totally to the oligarch.

        Satan is the author of confusion (James 3:15,16). What I am seeing is that little bits of truth are being revealed through various sources. Not all have the total scoop on the truth, however, they are not to be totally discounted. Just as we are advised to “abhor evil and cleave to good” (Romans 12:9), there is a certain class of people who take their instructions from Satan.

        I see puppetry everywhere, where leaders appear to regurgitate what this Satanic wicked worshipers of Moloch and mammon want, that of world enslavement, increasing land ownership, usurpation of all natural mineral resources, and reduction of the world population to Dark Ages levels. They fulfill in totality Christ’s words in John 8:44. These class of people existed even before Noah, beginning with the murder of Abel in the beginning to Zechariah (Matthew 23:35). They have no natural affection for the well being of others, even their own (2 Tim. 3:3). Those who appear in opposition mysteriously vanish or die, including recent passing of several African national leaders who opposed vaccines.

        They are the tares described by the Lord in the parable of the tares (Matthew 13:24-30). Basically, they have infiltrated every group of government, major corporations, major religious institutions, major standards organizations, major medical organizations, nearly all banking and insurance, major benevolence clubs, and etc. At least to me, their excesses in carrying out so called rules and regulations of society to an excess basically now criminalizes a normally law abiding citizen into that of a criminal for violating minor technicalities made into law. (For example, adoption of international standards regarding building codes that criminalizes anyone who does anything beyond simple wall patching and painting, tossing dry cell batteries into ordinary trash instead of specialized recycling bins at stores.)

        Ignored are bringing murderers, rapists, and thieves to justice. Agendas prevail, trading Jesus for Barabbas. They would have you believe that the illicit recreational drug trade is unsolvable, yet their trained hip pocket justices and agency heads make sure that all prudent police work is hindered, focusing on social justice, rights of the depraved, and ritual murder of infants under the guise of inability of man to maintain sexual self control and the necessity for self gratification outside of lawful marriage.

        They focus on so-called peace and safety (1 Thess. 5:3), but by their actions are fomenters of all unrest, focusing on destruction of God’s creation – man, his ability to reflect the image of God through skilled art, music, etc., even claiming to own public domain works through technicalities in music production, usurping credit for that not theirs. They care not for victims.

        These men are “forbidding marriage and commanding to abstain from foods [eat ze bugs] which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth.” 1 Timothy 4:3

        We want to be careful that we don’t take away from Scripture, nor add to it (Rev. 22:18,19). We see two figures coming into prominence, one who as a software crook rebirthed into philanthropy (vaccines are “the best investment I ever made”) and another creating disciples (right hand man says humans are hackable animals instead of created in the image of God), who now assume government and corporate positions under hook or crook, under the banner to save the planet. Saving lives don’t count. They suppress the truth in unrighteousness (Romans 1:18).

        Their disciples met, flying a couple hundred gas guzzling corporate jets to a far corner of the earth recently under the guise of reducing the commoners’ carbon footprint with further intentions to save the planet, without regard for the rights of the commoners (you know, the hackable animals).

        James, do you think it possible, that the revived Roman Empire may be the commonwealth from Cromwell on, whom I gather that the crown was usurped from the original peoples henceforth, captured by the snake of Genesis 3:1, and that there is a possibility that the city hated by the beast and his ten satraps (delineated by Club of Rome?) with deep water harbors, current center for banking, may be that of current London, once destroyed will have all the merchants in a tizzy? (Rev. 18). I find it interesting that the passage of Rev. 9, which describes the garb of the 200 million army, seem to fit a recent photo of a prince of the royal family on horseback. And, I also thought of the possibility that they were already released some time back, the Khazarian mafia, just north of the Euphrates. The number seems to fit their number today.

        I do not profess that what I say here is gospel, but seeing as things continue to shape up in the world, that there is more going on than what we are led to believe. It is just a few of my thoughts toward possibilities. But, just as the Lord said of the days of Noah, all will proceed. Then God takes vengeance. It may very well be the Palestinians, who having more Abrahamic blood, finally realize that Jesus is their King, repent en mass, after burying their captures (Ezekiel 39:11-14).

        So, you are right, one must be careful in weighing information, because the Devil is the master of confusion. But, interestingly enough, the truth is allowed also to come forth, plans announced beforehand, various studies revealing the narratives contain falsehoods. We keep observant and obedient, walking in the Lord’s spirit and vigilant in discerning the truth, and focusing on increasing the Lord’s kingdom.

        • George, I hope you understand from my website I am trying to base all my views on what the Bible tells me. We know the bankers are powerful because the Bible says in Hosea 12:7  He is a merchant, the balances of deceit are in his hand: he loveth to oppress.
          And that includes the bankers who are trading currencies. But when the Bible talks about the Beast of Revelation 13, I see it more as a world government. Daniel chapter 7 clearly identifies beasts as kingdoms or empires. I still think the Beast is the covert world government controlled by the Vatican and the Jesuits because the Roman Catholic church as been around a lot longer than the Rothschilds or the Windsors or any other royal family bloodline. I believe the main evildoers are headquartered in Rome, “that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.” (Revelation 17:18)

          I don’t think the New World Order government is an Anglo-Saxon conspiracy. I’ve heard of such things before. The same people who say so also believe that Jesus of Nazareth was White! There are all sorts of ideas on the Internet. Talk about satanic confusion!

          I don’t like to speculate. I’m basing my views on what insiders have testified about, former Catholic priests, former Jesuits such as Alberto Rivera, the testimonies and stories of the Protestant Reformers, history of the persecutions of the Catholic Church against all who do not bow the knee to the Pope, and on testimony I heard just yesterday. This was in a letter written sometime in the 1980s from a very important Freemason to Jack Chick:

          “When I submitted my obligation to the Masonic AASR Oriental Consistory and passed the 33rd degree, I was given a blank piece of paper trimmed in red to sign my name upon it in my own blood. That day I became more machine than man serving only my master archbishop _____ _____ _____ (name withheld) and the Pope. I embraced the force of evil so powerful that I became feared by the police, the criminal court system of my state, the Democratic party of my state and even my own master. I became so powerful in the craft of evil that the masters of the cult, Freemasonry, and ultimately my bosses, feared me more than what they hoped I would destroy. I became the living messenger of death. I finally know that I was played for a fool by the Vatican, and that Dr. Rivera is correct about the Catholic Church. I also would like to publicly denounce the Nazi Vatican plan to kill Christian Jews, and to help Dr. Rivera and yourself to expose the truth in this matter. I’m enclosing enough hard evidence to prove what I am saying is true. I have set up and maintained false churches, occult groups, the West German Nazi party, and much much more in the name of the Vatican. Now finally my eyes are open to the truth of Dr. Rivera, the man that I had been ordered to murder. It is almost insane that this very person should lead me, his executioner, to Christ.”

          Alberto Rivera was a Jesuit priest and a Vatican insider. I hope to include more of his material on this website.

  4. Please ignore the first 2 x drafts of my reply which I was unable to delete..

    Below 👇 is my actual reply..

    With the greatest of respect you haven’t seriously addressed the fundamental issue of WEALTH TRANSFERENCE

    Gary Allen wrote in 1971..

    My work takes account of his but is in no way dependent on it..

    You misunderstand the wealth of the old Papal families & Venetian black nobility has been the target of the Rothschilds since Mayer Amschel established his Frankfurt counting House in 1770..

    By means of

    A. REVOLUTIONS in 1789,1848 and 1917

    B. Manufactured stock market CRASHES in 1873,1893,1907,1929,1987,2000 and 2008

    C. The World Wars of 1914 to 1918 and 1939 to 1945


    D. Their financing of 3 empires
    19th century – British empire
    20th century – American empire
    21st century – Greater Israel Oded Yinon

    … the Rothschilds leveraged the old world order entirely to benefit themselves.. & have had no serious competition as our supreme controllers post WWII.

    You make no estimate of Vatican wealth to rebut Eustace Mullins’ $50 billion figure nor any estimate to rebut Allison Weir’s $700 trillion estimate of Rothschild family wealth..indeed you quote only a vague historical narrative in response to my query which, tho I would generally accept for 1880 – was nonetheless utterly changed by 1914 and then buried forever by 1945 – yet ignore without any attempt to rebut my points.


    In a nutshell though, I reaffirm the Rothschilds became the wealthiest family in history by draining the wealth of the old Venetian families who came before them & this point seemingly remains as covered up by Dr John Coleman as it is lost on you Mr Arendt & your researchers..

    • My friend says, “The Rothschilds have a vast amount of wealth, but they are the treasurers of the Vatican Bank, so the lines of whose money it is are blurred.

      The Jesuit General helped found the US via the Carroll family, then got the Federal Reserve (whose primarily banker is the Rothschilds ) and IRS established to steal the wealth of Americans to fund their endless wars.

      The Jesuit General has used the US and other nations to invade countries, overthrow their leader, steal their gold and wealth, and set up a Rothschild central bank. So we see that they work together.” (End of comment from friend.)

      So my opinion is that it’s not a question of who is richer or more powerful, but the fact that the Vatican, Jesuits, and Rothschilds are all in league with each other. If you are a Bible-believing Christian, a person who trusts Jesus Christ and not your good works for salvation, you should know that the Bible says, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. — Ephesians 6:12 In other words, the basis of the New World Order conspiracy is Satan and his demons and their influence in the minds and hearts of the ruling elite. Satan is at the head and he gives temporal power to the people who serve him. When men die Satan just moves on to the next most powerful and richest group to do his bidding. If you’re not a Bible believer, this of course will sound like nonsense to you. But it’s the best answer I can give you as a Christian.

  5. What better way to deflect the truth than to create confusion. The reason why John’s amazing research and dedication to the truth is on the CIA’s website, is the same reason that thoday’s alt media in 2023 is full of disinformation mixed with truth. What John was warning of, is playing out in our lives today, more fool you, if you cast out what John was telling us, based on where the information shows up. You sound vaccinated to me…

    • Ha ha ha! Ho Ho Ho! I am NOT vaccinated for Covid as you seem to imply. There are a LOT, A WHOLE LOT more people besides the mysterious John Coleman who told me about the plan of the elite, the Illuminati, the New World Order people, the Jesuits, or WHATEVER you want to call them! I would rather listen to Bible believers, followers of Christ, than a former (so called former) MI6 agent, or any former intelligence agent unless I hear they were MURDERED for their message by the people whom they ostensibly expose. John did say a lot of things I believe to be true, but he said some false things as well. What happened to him? He vanished without a trace. His message about the British monarch being the most powerful person in the world is absolutely FALSE! I’m sure the former queen was one of the elite. Her son Charles is definitely promoting the Climate Change scam which means he’s in cahoots with the ruling elite, but he is not at the top. I believe the Jesuit Superior General is way more powerful and influential than the former Queen Elizabeth II or her son King Charles III.

      I’ll tell you what. If you give me some solid evidence that Coleman was murdered by the elite for exposing them, I will remove this article from my website.

  6. I believe John Coleman has already proven that he knew what is happening.
    Everything he stated is true and has already been happening. This Colnel. An blather on forever. It doesn’t matter.

  7. I thought the book was the ravings of a madman, someone who believes his imagination and biases are reality. The guy thinks the friggin Beatles and Alan Ginsberg of all people were puppets to take down society for pete’s sake. He demonizes psychedelics which are now proven to be beneficial for mental health and activate the pineal gland, which is where the belief in god resides in the brain. Youd think someone so in the know allegedly would know this.
    I think this is a red herring and thats why the CIA has it, as well as a reference for what the gullible are believing about them. Truth is mixed with lies, making it all a useless mess. Even if it were true, we’re doomed anyways so why worry about it?

    • Yes, this present world is doomed BUT we can still have hope of a better world by knowing who Jesus Christ is and what He did for us by taking the punishment for our sins on the cross! Revelation 21:3  And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.
      4  And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

  8. hello
    anyone noticed that if you open the doc properties of the pdf file, located in the cia link provided, under Author you can read b. gates. I have no idea why or if this is possible, again i have no idea.

    • I just downloaded that PDF from the CIA link and opened the doc properties of the file. You’re absolutely correct! It does says b.gates under author! Someone must be making a joke. I doubt that Bill Gates created that file. It could have been edited with a PDF editor to say that. Maybe it’s a CIA joke. According to one film about CIA agents I saw, a CIA chief told his underling, “Don’t get funny, get good!” LOL!

  9. It very well could be true even if displayed on the CIA’s site. The CIA had to declassify a bunch of documents, and I’m sure there are always good guys in the agency that want to do the right thing, but I can definitely see your suspicions. It is true most threats are neutralized, but he could have had info or leverage which allowed him to walk away unscathed. That said, it’s not really possible to leave the intelligence community, once you’ve been caught up on what is really going on in any sub domain, all new information, even when obfuscated, becomes very clear. I think his reports are likely credible, but who is to say what he read/saw/was exposed to wasn’t its own form of internal propaganda or a way of sniffing out those who wouldn’t stay quiet. The intelligence game is a complicated one, when I read books that are this old, I tend to evaluate them on the predictions made in the book, if many come true, the book is likely fairly accurate. To me, it seems things have only moved in the direction stated in his book, but power structures shift and change over time, so do goals. It is very possible in my mind that what was laid out in the 90’s looks quiet different now.

    • I very much appreciated Dr. John Coleman’s book when I first read it some time in the early 1990s, but now I think he didn’t see the entire picture. I definitely do not believe anymore that the British monarch and the Committee of 300 are the most powerful people in the world. The conspiracy is vast. There are an enormous number of front organizations. Fronts for whom? The Jesuits. That’s who I believe is behind all world’s evils, the Jesuit Order with the Jesuit Superior General at the head. It’s all very tricky. If you think I’m nuts, please read one of my latest articles, https://www.jamesjpn.net/history/the-jesuit-connection-to-the-founding-of-the-united-states-of-america/ You have to have good knowledge of history to see this stuff. I don’t claim to be smarter than you or anyone. If I can see further than most men, it’s only because I’m standing on the shoulders of giants, the great men of God before me.

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James Japan