Billy Graham and His Friends – A Hidden Agenda? By Dr. Cathy Burns
A friend recommended me to check out a book by Dr. Cathy Burns, Billy Graham And His Friends – A Hidden Agenda?. I never heard of her or her book before. I found her website, Liberty to the Captives. The titles of the articles look very very good! Her bio on the site says:
Dr. Cathy Burns has a degree in Bible Philosophy and has spent the past 19 years doing extensive research on the New Age movement and related subjects. She has written many articles, tracts, and booklets on various subjects, including nine other books: Hidden Secrets of Masonry; Hidden Secrets of the Eastern Star; A One World Order Is Coming; Mormonism, Masonry and Godhood; A Scriptural View of Hell; Alcoholics Anonymous Unmasked; Pathway to Peace; Secure in Christ; and Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated. Her name is listed in Who’s Who in Religion, Two Thousand Outstanding Intellectuals of the 20th Century, Five Hundred Notable Women, Outstanding People of the 20th Century, Who’s Who in the East, Who’s Who in America, World Who’s Who of Women, Dictionary of International Biography, Two Thousand Notable American Women, etc. She has also done radio interviews in the United States and Canada. (Ref:
Cathy Burns’ bio is also on the Chick Publications website. I believe she is a sincere Bible believing follower of Jesus Christ. Just reading the first chapter of her book tells me so.
The emphasis in bold are from the author, and taken from the the PDF file I got the text from.
This is only part of chapter one of her book. I don’t want to violate the copyright law. You can buy the book from Amazon.
Billy Graham is one of the best-known as well as one of the best-loved individuals of the 20th century. He has been in the listing of “most admired men” for 36 consecutive years—more than any other person. Chuck Colson states that he is the “greatest evangelist of this century—perhaps the greatest since Paul….” Others refer to him as “the world’s best-known evangelist,” “the world’s most beloved evangelist,” “the most honored evangelical alive,” “the nation’s pastor,” or “America’s pastor.”
Knowing that Graham was so well respected and revered, and hoping to help our community hear the gospel of Jesus Christ, I took the responsibility for trying to bring Graham’s films to our school— and succeeded. Even though I was still in high school, I felt a burden to reach out to others and tell them about Jesus. At that time, I thought Graham’s films would be one of the best methods available and I was even one of the counselors after the film was aired. Since that time, Graham’s popularity has only increased.
Little by little I started hearing about some aspect of Graham’s ministry with which I didn’t agree, but I’d just shrug my shoulders and ignore it. Eventually, those “little things” started to add up to quite a large number of difficulties. As I started to research some of these issues, I found more and more—and even more problems— problems far worse than I could have possibly imagined. I started noticing Graham’s own words in his autobiography and compared that with other sources. I read many biographies on Graham—most of which were authorized by Graham himself and/or published by Graham’s ministry (under World Wide Publications). Since I’d been researching the New Age and related movements for the past 19 years, I noticed some names with which I was familiar. As I continued to dig and research, unbelievable associations were uncovered— and some things started to fall into place. I started to understand many things I had not comprehended before. I am now sharing this extensive research with you—and hope you will continue to do your own research as well.
This first chapter, especially, may be a little difficult to read and digest, but I feel it is necessary in order to lay a framework for the succeeding chapters. This was not an easy book to write but, as I think should be evident, it has been extensively researched and documented. Many people will not like what has been uncovered— but I believe the truth should be shared with others. Many will want to hold to their cherished beliefs (no matter how false they are)— but I just ask you to read it and then check out the facts for yourself.
Remember, it is better to be disturbed by truth than to be deceived by falsehood. Proverbs 27:6 notes: “Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.” Galatians 4:16 asks: “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?”
Since he is esteemed and revered in the eyes of so many, I think it’s very important to look at Billy Graham himself, some of his close friends, as well as some of those he invited to share the platform with him at his Crusades. While I’m sure that Graham would not be in agreement with the views (political, spiritual, or even otherwise) of all those encouraged to sit on his platform, his words of praise for many of them certainly give the impression that he considers these people to be fellow Christians and individuals to be respected and admired. It is one thing not to make a disparaging remark about someone; it is quite another thing to heap praise on a person.
It is obvious that someone in Graham’s position does not want to be “negative” about people because he would lose many friends, but does he need to unnecessarily brag up people who are flaunting open sins? For instance, on Larry King Live, Graham said that although he has been friends with Bill Clinton for years, he has not and would not bring up the issues of homosexuality or abortion to him. Graham said that if he did that, he “would not be invited back to the White House.” (As John 12:43 says: “[T]hey loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.”) Silence in a case like this is bad enough, but a few months later, in an interview with U. S. News and World Report on May 3, 1993, he said about Clinton: “I am quite impressed with his charisma and with some of the things he believes. If he chose to preach the gospel instead of politics, he would make a great evangelist.” He also said: “From a biblical point of view, we should be headed in the direction of goodness and righteousness, away from crime and immorality and towards one’s neighbors who are in need. I’m encouraged by the emphasis President Clinton and Hillary are putting on that.”
Graham says Bill and Hillary are leading us in the direction of goodness and righteousness, yet Clinton was recently photographed at a Democratic fund-raiser with Hugh Hefner, the founder of Playboy. The photo then appeared in the May 2000 issue of Playboy. This is hardly a righteous influence! Clinton had also “appointed over a score of homosexuals to his staff.”
Graham also said that he forgives (and seems to excuse) Clinton’s sexual misconduct: “I forgive him. Because I know the frailty of human nature, and I know how hard it is, and especially a strong, vigorous, young man like he is; he has such a tremendous personality. I think the ladies just go wild over him.” It’s great to have man’s forgiveness, but that is not sufficient. Clinton needs to ask for God’s forgiveness for only God can cleanse the heart.
In Graham’s autobiography, Just As I Am, he mentions that he was with President Clinton on May 1, 1996. He states: “It was a time of warm fellowship with a man who has not always won the approval of his FELLOW CHRISTIANS but who has in his heart a desire to serve God and do His will.” [Emphasis mine throughout.]
The praises flow both ways, however. At a dinner in Washington with about 650 people in attendance, Clinton praised both Billy and Ruth Graham.
When people consider someone like Clinton (who is a sex pervert, pro-homosexual, pro-abortion, etc.) to be a Christian, we are in desperate spiritual trouble! When someone like Graham does so, we are even in a more profound dilemma since multiplied thousands look up to Graham as a spiritual advisor and man of God.
Let’s meet another one of Graham’s friends: John Foster Dulles. It was Dulles who was involved in helping to open doors for the 1954 Graham Crusade in London.
In A Prophet with Honor, which Billy Graham had asked William Martin to write, we find: “Secretary of State John Foster Dulles…would also be ‘using his considerable prestige to help by writing letters to all of his friends and contacts in England.’ Perhaps at Dulles’s recommendation, American ambassador to Great Britain, Winthrop Aldrich, promised his assistance as well.”
Aldrich, by the way, was a brother-in-law to John D. Rockefeller, Jr.
Many people know who John Foster Dulles was but for those who don’t, Dulles was a founder of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) (Note from me: According to Myron Fagan, the CFR is the American branch of the Illuminati) and a relative (through marriage to Janet Pomeroy Avery) to the Rockefeller family. He served as a chairman of the board of the Rockefeller Foundation and the Carnegie Endowment. It was Dulles himself who chose Communist Alger Hiss to be president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. We need to remember that the kind of peace the Carnegie Endowment has in mind is different from the peace that you have in mind. This organization said: “[W]e shall have peace through constant warfare!” Not a very peaceful peace, is it?
Dulles and Hiss were friends for a long time. Furthermore, “Mr. Dulles and Mr. Hiss worked together in The Federal Council of Churches and…both were chairmen of important committees of the Council.”
Dulles advocated “global interdependence” and was also a founding member of the United Nations (UN) and helped to prepare the United Nations Charter which states: “The present Charter represents a conscientious and successful effort to create the best world organization which the realities permit.” Dulles wrote: “I have never seen any proposal made for collective security with ‘teeth’ in it, or for ‘world government’ or for ‘world federation,’ which could not be carried out either by the United Nations or under the United Nations Charter.”
The story of the land where the UN is situated is interesting, too.
Dulles had been hired by Joseph Stalin to act as Russia’s legal council in the United States and he was also closely associated with J. R Morgan. Morgan “was instrumental in forcing our country into World War I. He and his associates funded the Bolsheviks and the Nazis, and he helped organize the Council on Foreign Relations. Occult writers tell us he based his investment strategy on astrology.”
It was John Foster Dulles who dominated the Federal Council of Churches (FCC) which had been founded, in part, by the Communist Harry Ward in 1908. In fact, John D. Rockefeller, Jr. was among those who helped to finance the Federal Council of Churches. For many years no conference or meeting of the Council was complete without an address by Dulles or one of the Rockefellers.
Since Dulles was involved in both the United Nations and the FCC (later renamed the National Council of Churches), it’s no surprise to see the following news item: “Christians should vigorously support efforts to strengthen the United Nations—even at the risk of leaving the United States outvoted, the National Council of Churches decided last night.”
In Dulles’ book, War or Peace, he stated:
“John Foster Dulles and his many supporters in the church now took their case to the nation. Beginning with a convocation in the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York, they fanned out across America, ultimately visiting 102 cities.”
The report:
It was Dulles who was instrumental in getting the FCC to support the United Nations as well as its UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) program. “Skull and Bones member Archibald MacLeish wrote the UNESCO Constitution and several Freemasons helped create the organization.” MacLeish belonged to the Council on Foreign Relations. He, along with Adlai Stevenson, “worked to establish the United Nations and drafted the preamble to its charter.” “A fervent international, MacLeish strongly advocated One Worldism….” He was also cited for being involved in at least 12 Communist front organizations and/or activities. In fact, his “FBI file ran to over six hundred pages.” He “argued vigorously for a left-wing press in the United States, if only because it advanced views contrary to those of the majority.”
Dulles was former President Eisenhower’s Secretary of State and in 1950, when the Federal Council of Churches changed its name to the National Council of Churches, Rockefeller donated a large parcel of land for its headquarters. It was Eisenhower who laid the cornerstone for the National Council of Churches (NCC) in Masonic style.
Interestingly, President Eisenhower read a prayer at his inauguration in January 1953. When copies of the prayer were checked it was discovered that he had not mentioned the name of Jesus Christ in the entire prayer (just like in Masonry). In the Masonic Lodge the chaplains are repeatedly told not to pray or end their prayers in the name of Jesus.
By the way, the NCC just happens to be across the street from the Rockefellers’ Riverside Church and the two buildings are connected by an underground tunnel. Also, Rockefellers gave a $50 million endowment to Riverside Church. “To symbolize the interdenominational spirit and its further reconciliation of religion and science, the tympanum arching the main portal contained the figures of non-Christian religious leaders and outstanding heroes of secular history, Confucius and Moses, Hegel and Dante, Mohammed and even the dread Darwin.” Also, this “church building sports stone statues of Gargoyles on its Cathedral as well as statues of the Merovingian King Clovis….John D. Rockefeller, Jr. is chairman of the Building Committee.”
Another famous building with gargoyles is St. John the Divine Church. One author reveals:
Gargoyles “are weird stone figures, half-human and half-animal or half- bird, placed on the edges of cathedrals, palaces, and other buildings.”
“Riverside was previously pastored by Harry Emerson Fosdick. This was the same Fosdick who was accosted by William Jennings Bryan for heresy—denying the virgin birth.” Fosdick declared: “Of course I do not believe in the Virgin Birth, or in that old fashioned substitutionary doctrine of the Atonement; and I do not know any intelligent Christian minister who does.”
“Bryan and the fundamentalists tried to excommunicate Fosdick but who do you suppose came to Fosdick’s defense?—none other than John Foster Dulles!”
Fosdick belonged to at least 7 Communist front groups. He claimed that “Jesus was as much ‘divine’ as his own mother.” He was also a leader in the National Council of Churches. Additionally, Fosdick wrote articles for Margaret Sanger’s Birth Control Review.
In spite of the apostasy in the leadership of the NCC, Graham visited the NCC headquarters on August 27, 1991 and remarked: “There’s no group of people in the world that I would rather be with right now than you all. Because I think of you, I pray for you, and we follow with great interest the things you do.” Graham’s connections to the NCC go back to at least 1958.
Getting back to John Foster Dulles: Not only did Dulles play a large role in the Federal Council of Churches, but he was also involved with the World Council of Churches (WCC). At one of the WCC’s meetings, Dulles said: “There is no inherent incompatibility between the Christian view of the nature of man and the practice of economic communism or state socialism.”
As early as 1939 Dulles said that there must be “some dilution of sovereignty,” and “the establishment of a common money.”
On October 28, 1939 Dulles proposed “that America lead the transition to a new order of less independent, semi-sovereign states bound together by a league or federal union.”
As mention, in 1942 he was the chairman of a meeting of the Federal Council of Churches (FCC) “which called for a world government,” etc.
Dulles also stated:
In one of the statements he authored for the Federal Council of Churches, Dulles wrote:
In War or Peace, Dulles wrote: “Fundamentally, world peace depends upon world law, and world law depends upon a consensus of world opinion as to what is right and what is just.”
Dulles, along with John D. Rockefeller III, “created the Population Council, in November 1952. They warned of the need to stop expansion of the world’s non-white population.” Dulles was also among several Council on Foreign Relations members who knowingly brought Communist Fidel Castro to power in Cuba.
Remember, this is the same John Foster Dulles who was instrumental in getting Billy Graham open doors for a crusade in London in 1954 and “who designated himself a Christian Communist.” Could Dulles have sincerely been interested in having the Gospel preached? It doesn’t seem likely! I might add that Dulles “also gave him a bit of political advice, perhaps hoping Graham would not make statements that ran counter to U. S. foreign policy.”
Billy Graham is so popular that he was selected as the recipient of the Templeton Prize in 1982. In the address that Templeton gave during this ceremony he said: “Every person is created by God, is a child of God and the Holy Spirit dwells within each human being.” He continued: