HomeConspiracyDr. Simone Gold – The Truth about the CV19 vaccine Log in


Dr. Simone Gold – The Truth about the CV19 vaccine — 1 Comment

  1. This young lady doctor is one of many that have come to the conclusion that there’s alot wrong with the narrative of Covid 19.
    My first question of course, why would these people all be in on the same narrative? Fauci, Coumo etc. there are many along now the new administration seem to be in all on this lie of covid. But what keeps coming back continuously is that anyone with a little intelligence and of course trust worthy doctors or scientists immediately become aware that the narrative is skewed into a big lie!
    Of course the 1st line of reasoning is that its all about money! Now we know that big Pharma is making a killing on this vax put out for the whole world. But avarice is a known motivator for any corporation or CEO.
    However, to believe that 214 countries would all get together and agree to close down their borders and economies destroying their economy and therefore population takes a large jump of faith. Never in the history of the world has 5 countries agreed on anything and 50 or 150 countries all of sudden agree to destroy their economies and therefore the country itself takes a huge leap in faith to believe all this is just spontaneous. In fact it borders on the stupid believing this.
    Now this doctor has just verified that this is an artificial or created situation. If its created one can bet it was done by someone with alot of power. So much power in fact that they can control the narrative and resolution by controlling perception of what is really…

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