Flat Earthers Systematically Being Used To Disrupt And Undermine Truth Movements Everywhere
I am saddened to hear that more of my friends and fellow brothers and sisters in Christ fell for what I believe to be a psychological operation, AKA pysop, designed to marginalize them as “science deniers”, “conspiracy theorists” and wackos in general. The name of the pysop is Flat Earth.
If you are a Christian and proclaim the earth is flat, what will unsaved people think about your witness for Jesus Christ? What will they think of your testimony as a Christian? You say you cannot believe everything the World, the government, scientists and NASA is telling you, and I certainly agree! There is much falsehood being proclaimed today in the name of science. At the time of this post, scientists and medical professions calling COVID-19 vaccinations “safe” is one of the most dangerous falsehoods today in my opinion. Why do I believe COVID-19 vaccines are dangerous? Because rather than trust what the government and corporate-owned pharmaceutical companies making billions of $ from selling the vaccines are telling me, I think listening to what many other scientists and medical professions who have endangered their very careers and reputations by telling me COVID-19 vaccinations will kill me is far more safer, logical and reasonable than listening to profit-seeking cooperations and government agencies which already have a reputation for being dishonest. And why are they dishonest? Because of the love of money and power!
If you believe the earth is flat, I think you will probably agree with me that COVID-19 vaccines are harmful. If you do, I hope you might consider the existence of government-fueled hoaxes which are known as “cognitive infiltration” that seek to undermine your message that COVID-19 vaccines are harmful, and your testimonial of salvation in Jesus Christ. I am convinced Flat Earth is one of those government-fueled hoaxes. Don’t let government spooks lead you astray!
Not all science is false! If you claim it to be false, how are you reading this article right now? You’re reading it from either your Desktop PC, laptop, smartphone, iPhone, iPad, tablet, or some other device that technology has created. All technology is based on science!
Update! Proof that Flat-earth promoter Eric Dubay is a CIA asset!
The below article is a repost of The Millennium Report by Revisionist Historians for World Peace.
There is an insidious conspiracy at work throughout the entire Internet which seeks to destroy Truth Movements everywhere. One of its organs of mischief is known as the Flat Earth Society (FES) and its explicit purpose is to take down every single truth-oriented website, blog and/or organization which permits an open comment section at the bottom of their posts and articles.
Here’s how they work:
Agents of the FES often begin by posting rather benign yet factual comments about NASA, which everyone now knows is a rogue agency which can rarely be trusted to tell the truth about particular scientific endeavors and galactic missions. That’s a no-brainer that everyone agrees with—NASA holds onto most of the truth and parcels out only the absolute minimum to the taxpayers who fund their space missions and other assorted projects.
The Flat Earthers then take advantage of this universal hatred of NASA for their spewing so much deception over so many years, and they use it to subtly garner support for their nonsensical Flat Earth Theory (FET). When the time is right, the Flat Earthers will then start introducing utterly absurd notions about the Solar System and patently false concepts about the Earth’s relationship to the Sun.
They justify their preposterous sophistry and wacky ideas by routinely outing NASA as a serially prevaricating government agency, which they are — and then using their well-known deception as a justification to overturn the entire paradigm of modern astrophysics. Talk about throwing the baby out with the bath water. There is no astronomical scientific truth that the Flat Earthers have left unassailed. You name it — gravity, a spherical Earth and other planetary orbs, rotational movement of the planets. planetary revolutions around the Sun — they throw it all out and label it as “NASA lies”.
Once they do that in a very public Internet forum or chat room, website or blog comment section, they begin to stir up a LOT of trouble. They pre-position sock-puppets in the same forums, blogs, etc, who will, with apparent spontaneity, support their silly and stupid comments about the Flat Earth Theory (FET). The longer the comment thread, the more opportunity to draw in the unsuspecting into their outlandish web of deceit and deception.
They do this by presenting some entirely new and quite valid hypotheses which do introduce such concepts that are related to the Electric Universe; or that propose that the Solar System is also moving though space in a manner which defies the conventional scientific wisdom. There are many instances where the current scientific paradigm does completely fall down, by the way, and the FEs use these obvious flaws to take down the whole system of modern thought.
By so aggressively assaulting the conventional wisdom which is accepted by the vast majority of people on the planet, they then tar the reputation of the truth movement groups whose websites they have deliberately polluted with their obvious foolishness concerning their FLAT EARTH fantasies.
A Massive CIA Black Operation
Many are now suspicious that these relentless FE initiatives are so organized because they have the backing of those government agencies that do not want the truth (about anything) revealed. The CIA, FBI, DIA, NSA have long employed this signature MO which is determined to kill the messengers of truth anyway they can. Ruining reputations has always been preferred to outright murder, which they also perpetrate when they deem it absolutely necessary. After all, the primary mandate forThe Company (aka the C.I.A.) is to carry out their covert truth-silencing black operations.
Important Note:
The vast majority of Flat Earthers do not even have a clue that they are being used 24/7 to advance a sinister agenda to destroy the various truth movements around the globe. If they did have this awareness, most would leave the whole enterprise in a heartbeat. Like all C.I.A. blackops, they are conducted on a strictly need-to-know basis and in a highly compartmentalized fashion. Just like only the 33 degree Freemason types know anything of the real plots that are afoot in the world, so, too, do those CIA controllers manipulate the Flat Earthers from afar. All the CIA ever has to do is effectively control one individual who has been completely programmed to execute their agenda. Others who demonstrate similar vulnerability to the same programming are then chosen to lead the sheep whenever and wherever necessary. The bottom line here is that many Flat Earthers are truly seeking the truth. This segue into Flat Earth crazyland is but detour they must take in order to get real after they become aware that they have become profoundly deceived. Everyone takes a similar journey in life as they break free from all the deception which has been brought to bear by the ubiquitous and everpresent Global Control Matrix.
How easy is it for a pack of Flat Earth jackals to take down an honest truth-seeking website or forum that only looks to uncover the truth. These folks have scripts crafted for every rejection and every response that they face. They have been thoroughly brainwashed to understand the Flat Earth Theory as truth, and are mind-controlled to see themselves as modern-day Galileos.
In light of their cohesive organization they have learned how to work in a concerted effort to quickly victimize the unsuspecting. Their primary weapons are little (and big) lies that NASA has told, as well as some glaring gaps in the current astrophysics paradigm. It’s true that each successive paradigm has rendered the previous one partially obsolete as the world has evolved from the Newtonian to the Einsteinian to the Quantum to the Electric Universe.
However, that does NOT mean that fire is not hot and does not burn. These Flat Earthers would have us all believe even that — that fire is not hot and does not burn — if they could, and much more crazy stuff. Nevertheless, it’s critical to understand such crazymaking by certified crazymakers is quite purposeful. For CIA-certified crazymakers such as these always have a covert agenda to execute and specific goals to accomplish. Hence, the challenge for many has been to avoid being caught up in their utterly crazy agenda. Otherwise, if we get caught off guard, we risk missing the gun-grabbing that can occur in the wake of an Orlando false flag mass shooting or the like.
Revisionist Historians for World Peace
June 10, 2016
Originally published by The Millennium Report