Fukushima Radiation Reports Overblown
Almost 2 years exactly to the date of the 3/11 attack on Japan, Bloomberg News publishes an article by Robert Peter Gale & Eric Lax that vindicates the insights first brought forth by ZS Livingstone in a position held by this web site exclusively in the immediate aftermath of the orchestrated sabotage operations launched against Japan on March 11, 2011, that stated emphatically that the wildly exaggerated radiation scare stories being promoted by mainstream media outlets worldwide, Leftist anti-nuclear energy advocates (including Amy Goodman of Democracy Now), Energy News, and the most sensationalist of them all, Jeff Rense of rense.com and the entire Radiation Fear Mongering Psyops Team featured there including Leuren Moret, Arnie Gundersen, and Yoichi Shimatsu, among many others, were unsubstantiated, unproven, and largely fabricated out of whole cloth by anti-nuclear energy zealots with a propaganda agenda and zero respect for facts or truth telling in reporting the “news.” — Quote from http://educate-yourself.org/lte/fukushimaradiationoverblownsaysbloomberg10mar13.shtml
This is what I’ve been telling my friends from America who have been expressing their fears to me. People like Jeff Rense and his friends are supposed to represent truth telling alternative news! If you think the alternative news people are all legit, think again. I always question the big names of well funded people.