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Fukushima Radiation Reports Overblown — 4 Comments

  1. Hi brother James, I want to start a blog of my own in English and maybe in Hindi language as these are the two most widely spoken languages in India where i live. I wish to ask you how easy is it to start a blog? Without taking much of your time, can you give me any tips or can you refer me to any site where i can learn how to do so. Thanks!
    Also, Why are you not on the tfi site…i mean you haven’t put up ur profile? It would be a nice to see you there!
    Love n God bless,

    • Hi Neeraj. The easiest way to start a blog is to sign-up for one at http://wordpress.com/ It’s free and you’ll get lot of support.

      I don’t know how to set up a profile on the TFI site. I looked all over it. Can you help me?


      • hi james,i guess i would have to ask a friend as i myself have not gotten around to making my profile :-), but will let u know once i hv the info. The other way is to ask others who already have their profiles. Thanks for your reply about blog setting up. GBY Neeraj

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James Japan