Because Pope Clement XIV and the Catholic emperors across Europe were busy abolishing the Jesuits, they were not able to cooperate with each other well enough to stop the Protestant American experiment. If a Divine Hand had not intervened to protect the 13 colonies, there would never have been a United States with its God-given Constitution!
The Jesuits were greatly troubled because of their expulsions around the world, and they were forced to go underground. We have seen that they used their agent, Adam Weishaupt, to create the Illuminati and used the Jesuit House of Rothschild to finance it. It was not just here, however, where Rothschild’s wealth was very helpful. America was becoming a giant of financial affluence and prosperity. Already, the Rothschilds were involved in extensive trading in the Americas. Besides their financial and mercantile empires, the Rothschilds were utilizing their wealth to gain political and religious dominance in order to further the ends of the Jesuits in destroying Protestantism worldwide.
“Aware that the Rothschilds are an important Jewish family, I looked them up in Encyclopedia Judaica and discovered that they bear the title ‘Guardians of the Vatican Treasury.’… The appointment of Rothschild gave the black papacy absolute financial privacy and secrecy. Who would ever search a family of orthodox Jews for the key to the wealth of the Roman Catholic Church?” — F. Tupper Saussy, Rulers of Evil, Harper-Collins, pp. 160,161.
“The Jesuits used all their resources in their attempt to destroy America. They used the powerful financial empire of the Rothschilds to obtain control through money. Biographer Frederick Morton concluded that through the effective use of money, the Rothschilds had successfully conquered the world more thoroughly, more cunningly, and much more lastingly than all the Ceasars before or all the Hitlers after them.” — Frederic Morton, The Rothschilds: A Family Portrait, Atheneum, p. 14.
The Rothschilds believed that if they could control a nation’s money, then they could control that country. This is clearly pointed out in the following statement from biographer Derek Wilson.
“The banking community had always constituted a ‘fifth estate’ whose members were able, by their control of royal purse strings, to affect important events. But the house of Rothschild was immensely more powerful than any financial empire that had ever preceded it. It commanded vast wealth. It was international. It was independent. Royal governments were nervous about it because they could not control it. Popular governments hated it because it was not answerable to the people.” — Derek Wilson, Rothschild: The Wealth and Power of a Dynasty, Charles Scribner’s Sons, pp. 79, 98, 99.
Using the vast wealth of the Rothschilds, the Jesuits equipped armies to destroy countries that would not do what they dictated. They could buy politicians and through them change the very laws of a nation. This is exactly what they did in America and are still doing today! The Jesuits have been using the Rothschild’s wealth to control major events behind the scenes worldwide for the last few centuries. This was true when they first started, but today they have the central banks in each country including the Federal Reserve Bank to supply them with funds. To illustrate how the Jesuits and the Rothschilds have used countries and events to gain domination over nations and financial markets, we must look at the Battle of Waterloo between France and England on June 19, 1815.
There were vast fortunes to be made, and lost, on the outcome of the Battle of Waterloo. The Stock Exchange in London was at a fever pitch as traders awaited news of the outcome of this battle of the giants. If Britain lost, English consuls would plummet to unprecedented depths. If Britain was victorious, the value of the consul would leap to new dizzying heights.
As the two huge armies closed in for the battle to the death, Nathan Rothschild had his agents working feverishly on both sides of the line to gather the most accurate possible information as the battle proceeded. Additional Rothschild agents were on hand to carry the intelligence bulletins to a Rothschild command post strategically located nearby.
Late on the afternoon of June 19, 1815, a Rothschild representative jumped on board a specially chartered boat and headed out into the channel in a hurried dash for the English coast. In his possession was a top-secret report from Rothschild’s secret service agents on the progress of the crucial battle. This intelligence data would prove indispensable to Nathan in making some vital decisions.
The special agent was met a Folkstone the following morning at dawn by Nathan Rothschild himself. After quickly scanning the highlights of the report Rothschild was on his way again, speeding towards London and the Stock Exchange.
Arriving at the Exchange amid frantic speculation on the outcome of the battle, Nathan took up his usual position beside the famous ‘Rothschild Pillar’. Without a sign of emotion, without the slightest change of facial expression the stony-faced, flint-eyed chief of the House of Rothschild gave a predetermined signal to his agents who were stationed nearby.
Rothschild agents immediately began to dump consuls on the market. As hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of consuls poured onto the market their value started to slide. Then they began to plummet.
Nathan continued to lean against ‘his’ pillar, emotionless, expressionless. He continued to sell, and sell and sell. Consuls kept on falling. Word began to sweep through the Stock Exchange: ‘Rothschild knows.’ ‘Rothschild knows.’ ‘Wellington has lost at Waterloo.’
The selling turned into a panic as people rushed to unload their ‘worthless’ consuls or paper money for gold and silver in the hope of retaining at least part of their wealth. Consuls continued their nosedive towards oblivion. After several hours of feverish trading, the consul lay in ruins. It was selling for about five cents on the dollar.
Nathan Rothschild, emotionless and expressionless as ever, still leaned against his pillar. He continued to give subtle signals. But these signals were different. They were so subtly different that only the highly trained Rothschild agents could detect the change. On the cue from their boss dozens of Rothschild agents made their way to the order desks around the Exchange and bought every consul in sight for just a ‘song’.
A short time later the ‘official’ news arrived in the British capital. England was now the master of the European scene. Within seconds the consul skyrocketed to above its original value. As the significance of the British victory began to sink into the public consciousness, the value of the consuls rose ever higher.
Napoleon had ‘met his Waterloo.’ Nathan had bought control of the British economy. Overnight his already vast fortune was multiplied twenty times over. — Des Griffin, Descent into Slavery, Emissary Publications, pp. 27, 28.
By 1815, the Jesuits had complete control over England. If a leader did not do as he was told, money would be used to kill, smear, destroy, blackmail, or just drive the person from office. Later chapters will show that this procedure is being used today to control people like George Bush and Tony Blair. What was done in England is being done in many countries today.
As the new nation of America began to spread its wings, it would need a sound financial base from which to operate. It needed a bank, all right, but the back used America instead of America using the bank. Financial genius and opportunist, Robert Morris organized the first bank. He and his associates believed that the bank should be modeled after the Bank of England. While the first bank in North America was not as ruthless as the central banks of today, it performed many of the operations of a modern central bank. ‘Secret’ investors put up $400,000 to start this bank. This attempt failed after two short years. We will identify the ‘secret investors’ in the following paragraphs.
Please understand that the central banks being established by the Jesuits and the Rothschilds are in no way similar to the neighborhood banks that we all use to manage our money. Let us take a closer look at the central bank and see why it is so dangerous. We will use the Federal Reserve Bank as an example. Here is a very simplified scenario that pretty much explains one of the operations of the Federal Reserve Bank.
It is necessary to understand that the Federal Reserve Bank is not owned by the United States government as many believe. The central bank, the Federal Reserve Bank has a total, government-enforced monopoly in money. Before we had the central bank, each individual bank competed with other banks; the customers, the consumers, got the best deal. Not any more.
We all know that today the United States government borrows money and operates under astronomical debt. Why is this? Common sense dictates that a policy of such enormous debt will sooner or later destroy the organization that practices it, because the interest on its debt must increase beyond its income, making payoff impossible.
Now to our scenario. Here, roughly, is how the operation proceeds. Suppose the United States government wants to borrow a billion dollars. The government issues a bond for this amount, much as a water company does when it wants to raise money for a new pipeline or a new dam. The government delivers this bond for a billion dollars to the Federal Reserve Bank. The Federal Reserve Bank takes the bond and writes an order to the Department of Printing and Engraving to print the billion dollars worth of bills. After about two weeks or so, when the bills are printed, the Department of Printing and Engraving ships the bills to the Federal Reserve Bank, which then writes a check for about two thousand dollars to pay for printing the billion dollars worth of bills. The Federal Reserve Bank then takes the billion dollars and lends the billion dollars to the United States government, and the people of the country pay interest at an exorbitant rate each year on this money, which came out of nothing. The owners of the Federal Reserve Bank put up nothing for this money.
We see, therefore, that when the United States government goes into debt one dollar, a dollar plus the interest goes into the pockets of the owners of the Federal Reserve Bank. This is the largest, the most colossal theft ever perpetrated in the history of mankind, and it is so slick, so subtle, and so obfuscated by propaganda from the news media that the victims are not even aware of what is happening. You can see why the Jesuits want to keep this operation secret.
The Constitution of the United States gives to Congress the power to coin money. If Congress coined it own money as the Constitution directs, it would not have to pay the hundreds of billions of dollars of interest that it now pays each year to the bankers for the national debt, for money that came out of nothing. Money coined by Congress would be debt-free. All the central banks in other countries operate the way the Federal Reserve does.
Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton, submitted a proposal to Congress in 1790 for a central bank. Interestingly enough, Hamilton had been an aide of Robert Morris in the initial experience of central banking in North America. Surprisingly, during the Constitutional convention of 1787.
Hamilton had been a strong supporter of sound money. That Hamilton completely shifted within three years and proposed a central bank, which could generate money as the Federal Reserve Bank does, shows that Hamilton’s loyalty was compromised by the Jesuits.
“This is hard to reconcile, and one must suspect that even the most well-intentioned of men can become corrupted by the temptations of wealth and power.” — G. Edward Griffin, The Creature from Jekyll Island, American Opinion, p. 328.
Note carefully Griffin’s conclusion. For Alexander Hamilton to have shifted so drastically within a few short years would lead us to believe that he had been bribed or blackmailed by the ‘secret investors’; either that or joined them. Thomas Jefferson clearly saw what a central bank would do to America. He declared,
“A private central bank issuing the public currency is a greater menace to the liberties of the people than a standing army.” — The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, Volume X, G. P. Putnam & Sons, page 31.
Jefferson realized that if a central bank was ever set up in America, the bankers would have virtually unlimited amounts of money to control how lawmakers voted and to control the media and what they said. Within a short time, these bankers would essentially rewrite the Constitution and the Bill of Rights by the unconstitutional laws that they would pass. Thomas Jefferson was completely correct, for today we have enough laws, such as the USA Patriotic Act and the Homeland Security Act, to literally convert the United States into a police state when all the provisions of these acts are implemented.
Just like the old Bank of North America, the new Bank of the United States had eighty percent of its initial funding capital provided by ‘secret’ investors, and the government put up only twenty percent. Whoever these ‘secret’ investors were, they had tremendous power in America because they had control of the money in America. Many books written about this time period tell us who these people were.
“Under the surface, the Rothschilds long had a powerful influence in dictating American financial laws. The law records show that they were the power in the old Bank of the United States.” — Gustavus Myers, History of the Great American Fortunes, Random House, p. 556.
“Over the years since N.M. [Nathan Rothschild], the Manchester textile manufacturer, had bought cotton from the Southern states, and Rothschilds had developed heavy American commitments. Nathan… had made loans to various states of the Union, had been, for a time, the official European banker for the US government, and was a pledged supporter of the Bank of the United States.” — Derek Wilson, Rothschild: The Wealth and Power of a Dynasty, Charles Scribner’s Sons, p. 178.
The Rothschilds and the Jesuits have been using their vast wealth to take over the United States through traitorous politicians for a great many years.
During the time of the Rothschilds in Victorian England, Benjamin Disraeli was the Prime Minister for many years. In 1844, he wrote a political novel entitled Coningsby. One of the key characters in the book was a very powerful merchant and banker by the name of Sidonia. It is apparent from the events chronicled, that Sidonia is really Nathan Rothschild of England. In the book, Disraeli declares,
“Europe did require money, and Sidonia [Nathan Rothschild] was ready to lend it to Europe. France wanted some, Austria more; Prussia a little; and Russia a few million. Sidonia could furnish them all.
It is not difficult to conceive that, after having pursued the career we have intimated for about ten years, Sidonia [Nathan Rothschild] had become one of the most considerable personages in Europe. He had established a brother, or a near relative, in whom he could confide, in most of the principal capitals. He was lord and master of the money market of the world, and of course virtually lord and master of everything else. He literally held the revenues of Southern Italy in pawn, and monarchs and ministers of all countries courted his advice and were guided by his suggestions. — Benjamin Disraeli, Coningsby, Alfred A. Knopf, p. 225.
The Jesuits and the Rothschilds would settle for nothing less.
After the Hamilton Central Bank failed, the Jesuits were able to establish a third central bank using Nicholas Biddle as their agent in 1816. The charter for this bank ran until 1826. Biddle made an attempt to renew the charter of this third bank during the Presidential campaign of 1832. Biddle believed that Andrew Jackson would not dare to risk his second term in office by opposing him, so Biddle felt this was the perfect time to renew the bank’s charter. Andrew Jackson understood the dangers of the central bank and vetoed the bill to renew the bank’s charter. Jackson’s argument was simple.
“Is there no danger to our liberty and independence in a bank that in its nature has so little to bind it to our country?…[Is there not] cause to tremble for the purity of our elections in peace and for the independence of our country in war?… Of the course which would be pursued by a bank almost wholly owned by the subjects of a foreign power, and managed by those whose interests, if not affections, would run in the same direction there can be no doubt…Controlling our currency, receiving our public monies, and holding thousands of our citizens in dependence, it would be more formidable and dangerous than a naval and military power of the enemy.” — Herman E. Kross, Documentary History of Banking and Currency in the United States, Chelsea House, pp. 26, 27.
Jackson feared that the foreigners, who wanted to dominate and control America, would use the central bank to destroy her. The Rothschilds and the Jesuits have been doing just that for many years. The following quote shows how Nicholas Biddle manipulated Congress.
“Biddle had one powerful advantage over his adversary. For all practical purposes, Congress was in his pocket. Or, more accurately, the product of his generosity was in the pockets of Congressmen. Following the Rothschild Formula, Biddle had been careful to reward compliant politicians with success in the business world. Few of them would bite the hand that fed them. Even the great Senator, Daniel Webster, found himself kneeling at Biddle’s throne.– G. Edward Griffin, The Creature from Jekyll Island, American Opinion, p. 351.
By the early 1830s, the Biddle-Rothschild-Jesuit plan was working perfectly. They controlled the Congress of the United States by giving them money to become successful in the business world. As long as the Congressmen voted as they were told, their businesses did well, but if they disobeyed the bankers, their money and other resources were withheld, and their businesses failed.
“Biddle was not without resources. In keeping with his belief that banking was the ultimate source of power, he had regularly advanced funds to members of Congress when delays in appropriations bills had held up their pay. Daniel Webster was, at various times, a director of the Bank and on retainer as its counsel. “I believe my retainer has not been renewed or refreshed as usual. If it be wished that my relation to the Bank be continued, it may be well to send me the usual retainers.” Numerous other men of distinction had been accommodated, including members of the press.” — John Kenneth Galbraith, Money: Whence it Came, Where it Went, Houghton Mifflin, page 80.
Webster’s record in Congress had previously been in behalf of sound money. When Biddle bought Webster with money and other enticements, he succumbed and became a supporter of the corrupt banking objectives of Biddle. Webster became one of the central bank’s most avid supporters. How tragic that Daniel Webster did not have the moral courage to withstand Biddle’s bribes! In the early 1830s, Congress had many Jesuits seeking to secretly undermine the great principles of our Constitution.
When Andrew Jackson finally ousted Nicholas Biddle and the central bank, he had to face other things such as Jesuit assassins.
“With these accomplishments close on the heels of his victory over the Bank, the President had earned the undying hatred of monetary scientists, both in America and abroad. It is not surprising, therefore. that on January 30, 1835, an assassination attempt was made against him. Miraculously, both pistols of the assailant misfired, and Jackson was spared by a quirk of fate. It was the first such attempt to be made against the life of a President of the United States. The would-be assassin was Richard Lawrence who either was truly insane or who pretended to be insane to escape harsh punishment. At any rate, Lawrence was found not guilty due to insanity. Later, he boasted to friends that he had been in touch with powerful people in Europe who had promised to protect him from punishment should he be caught.” — G. Edward Griffin, The Creature from Jekyll Island, American Opinion, p. 357.
The Rothschild-Jesuit conspirators are ruthless, sick individuals who will stop at nothing until Protestantism and the United States are destroyed, and the papacy rules the world again.
The Rothschilds and the Jesuits needed to regroup. For the next 20 years, the name of the game was assassination as two presidents were poisoned and one was almost killed by poisoning. Then, the guns of war were heard in America as the Civil War reddened American soil. According to German Chancellor, Otto von Bismarck, all this was carefully planned.
“The division of the United States in federations of equal force was decided long before the Civil War by the high financial powers of Europe. These bankers were afraid that the United States, if they remained in one block and as one nation, would attain economic and financial independence, which would upset their financial domination over Europe and the world. Of course, in the ‘inner circle’ of Finance, the voice of the Rothschilds prevailed. They saw an opportunity for prodigious booty if they could substitute two feeble democracies, burdened with debt to the financiers,…in place of a vigorous Republic sufficient unto herself. Therefore, they sent their emissaries into the field to exploit the question of slavery and to drive a wedge between the two parts of the Union…The rupture between the North and the South became inevitable; the masters of European finance employed all their forces to bring it about and to turn it to their advantage. — [Quoted in] G. Edward Griffin, The Creature from Jekyll Island, American Opinion, p. 374.
The Rothschilds and Jesuits used the Civil War to divide the United States into two contending countries. This would make America weak and much easier to control. It would result in political and constitutional control, along with material wealth in America, and would facilitate America becoming enslaved to the Jesuits of Rome. In spite of the fact that the Civil War failed to accomplish the destruction of the United States, the Jesuits achieved much of their goal anyway, as conditions in the United States plainly show today.
President Lincoln understood the insidious hand of the Rothschilds and the Jesuit schemers in the Civil War. He knew that they were relentless in their pursuit of the destruction of the United States. Lincoln greatly feared for the survival of America and did everything he could to defeat their purposes. He said,
“The money power [the Rothschilds and the Jesuits] preys upon the nation in times of peace and conspires against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, and more selfish than bureaucracy. I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. Corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people, until the wealth is aggregated in a few hands, and the republic is destroyed.” — Archer Shaw, ed., The Lincoln Encyclopedia: The Spoken and Written Words of A. Lincoln, Macmillan, p. 40.
How prophetic; that is exactly what has happened.
Abraham Lincoln believed that the Rothschild-Jesuit scheme was compromising the leaders of America. By utilizing their endless supplies of money, these evil men controlled many political leaders at the highest levels of the American government, and that was in the mid-1800s. Today the situation is much worse. American politicians are selling their country to the Jesuits for the chance to be wealthy and influential. We saw that even the great Daniel Webster was a pawn in their hands. In a speech in 2837, Lincoln declared,
“No foreign power or combination of foreign powers could by force take a drink from the Ohio [River] or make a track on the Blue Ridge. At what point, then, is the approach of danger to be expected? If it ever reaches us, it must spring from among us, it cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freedom, we must live through all time or die of suicide.” — Joan Veon, The United Nations’ Global Straight jacket, Hearthstone Publishing, p. 64.
Greed, selfishness, and financial gain are used to compromise politicians to pass laws defeating the purpose of the Constitution and to take America down a path never intended by our Founding Fathers. These politicians adopt governing principles like those of communism and the French Revolution. Following the awful bloodbath called the Civil War the nation was bleeding, and things were in disarray. The country was quite vulnerable to more Jesuit mischief, and they took good advantage of it.