Interview with a former “Illumined One”
Carolyn Hamlett was raised in a multi-generational family just like John Todd was. She exposes Satan’s work on earth, what she says the Devil calls “The Plan.”
“I have known “The Plan” since I was a small child and have seen it carried out just as I was told it would be….It has been a very slow process to get people to the point where now common sense is not so common.”
Carolyn Hamlett – Illuminati Plan to Kill Christians!!
“The masses will be led to believe that extremism, especially religious extremism is the enemy to the peoples of the world. Finally, the peoples of the world will agree to exterminate the few for the greater good of the many. My mother called this “a compassionate plan within ‘The Plan’.”
Carolyn Hamlett – Illuminati Plan A Fake Antichrist Before The False Messiah
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