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Is the Earth a “Spinning” Ball? — 14 Comments

  1. In Joshua the sun and moon stood stil and not the earth. So if the earth was moving it should have stood stil as well. Nope the earth doesn’t move.

      • I used to believe the earth was spherical or round. But there are so many things that I went through that I cannot explain. What if the earth was neither a globe or a flat plane. What if it was so spiritual that nobody could explain it’s very existance. The Scientist are now saying the Universe is a hologram. There are many who believe this life is just an illusion and there are others who believe we are living in a matrix. What if we found out that the World we are living in really did not exist al all? How do you explain the fact when a person has a near death experience and they try to pick up physical objects in their Spiritual bodies their hands go through the object like it doesn’t exist at all. Maybe both the flat earthers and the people who believe in a globe earth are wrong. Maybe we should look at the earth as a spiritual plane of existance with Hell below and Heaven above and what we are experiencing here is not real but only a figment of our Human imagination. How else could you explain it?

        • I think geometry is a true branch of mathematics, and geometry explains to me precisely why the sun disappears over the ocean’s water horizon at sunset. Mathematics tells me exactly how far away the horizon is according to the level of eyesight of the viewer. The higher you go, the further away the horizon is. And why? Because the curvature of the earth is factored into the formula, and using the formula will always give you the correct distance to the horizon. Bob, you can theorize all you want, but unless you can convert your ideas into mathematical formulas, you are not talking about provable science, you are merely speculating.

  2. Than you for your articles on Daniel chapter 27. The COG had the Daniel classes which were very interesting. But that part about the Antichrist confirming the Covenant for one week. That did confuse me as I was waiting for that to be fulfilled for 40 years. I kept thinking man when is this AntiChrist going to show up. I’m ready to die for my faith. Then I searched the Entire Bible and found out the Word AntiChrist is written in the KJV only three times. I could not find much on the AntiChrist except for the passage on the Man of Sin sitting in the Temple of God showing himself he is God. And who knows maybe that happened in the dark ages with the Popes (the dark ages last 1260 years) I started thinking maybe the AntiChrist doesn’t really exist. And I started hearing from others that Daniel 9 :27 pertained to Jesus Christ. So I believe your information is legit. I will see if I could start getting donations to you sometime in the near future as that is my plan to begin funding Sincere Citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven who are telling the truth.

    • Bob, thank you for your encouragement and promise of possible support! I would really appreciate it! You see I started with COG doctrine but didn’t stop with it. It was part of my journey of truth and service to the Kingdom of God and my Lord Jesus Christ.

      By the way, I think you are referring to Daniel 9:27. It’s a key verse in eschatology and the one most misinterpreted in my opinion.

  3. The limits of seeing objects on a plane are explained by geometry. The error in globe believers thinking is not accounting for angular resolution and how lines converge to a vanishing point.

    • When the sun sets, it doesn’t not go beyond a “vanishing point” it is hidden by the earth due to the curvature of the earth! How do I know that? Because the sun appears LARGER, not smaller when it sets. The same is true about a sun rise. You are not applying correct principles of geometry.

  4. Lots of good comments here I enjoy reading them. Some individuals have issues with the utilization of telephoto lens the “curve of the earth” changes from that of the eye. Also water always finds level, hard to explain the curve of the great oceans. btw why does the moon affect/effect the great waters of a rotating earth? these are things that I think people have the most difficult time understanding. For some reason individuals can’t grasp that fact that light over a distance bends, also why is it the sun can come-up and set in positions greater than 10 degrees apart, from day to day? At it distance away it would have to have moved literary thousand of miles, within a 12 hr period. Just food for thought

    • Yes indeed, water always finds level. The immense size of the earth and the reality of the force of gravity is the reason why the oceans bend around the world yet still appear to be level to the naked eye.

  5. “Just try it, Flat-Earthers. Take a tennis ball, soak it in water, and turn it slowly enough so it makes only a single revolution over a period of 24 hours, and see how much water flies off it.”

    This is true. FOR A TENNIS BALL. But when you get bigger balls, they spin faster. Think about it. If the earth were as small as a tennis ball, it would only have 3 inches to spin in 1 day.
    But when your balls are as big as the EARTH, you have to spin them much much faster, more than 1000 miles per hour. So just try keeping water on them while they are going that fast.

    • You have totally missed the point! Turning a tennis ball one revolution per 24 hours is EXACTLY the same relative speed as the earth revolving only once every 24 hours!!! Speed is relative to the observer! Airplanes cross the sky hundreds of miles per hour. Does it look like they are going that fast when they are high in altitude? NO! They look like they are crawling. If they went that speed on a highway you might not even see them if you blink.

  6. ” man shall live by every word that proceeds from God.” Do we truly believe that? John 17 in Jesus’ prayer for us to be one. According to comments we aren’t one. Nor are we acting like it. We are in sin.
    Scripture gives a description of the Earth. Enoch himself gives descriptions of the Earth and everything.
    I agree with the brother of this website. According to Scripture I don’t see a globe nor a flat Earth. Rely on Scripture. What is literal keep it literal. What is metaphor keep It metaphor.

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