Kicked off Bitchute for linking to Vatican
This is an opinion piece from my friend Chris Lukas, a conspiracy researcher who I have known for years. He’s a Historicist who holds the views of the Protestant Reformation leaders and Bible teachers about eschatology, which, sad to say, are not popular doctrines today. And why? Because English-speaking evangelical Christians were led astray by false Endtime doctrines taught by John Nelson Darby and C.I. Scofield. They taught a false interpretation of Daniel 9:27 — the most misinterpreted prophecy in the entire Bible! This false interpretation originally came from Jesuit Francisco Revera, and the reason he cooked up the false interpretation was to take Protestant Christians’ eyes off the Pope and papacy as the Biblical antichrist and to look for a future Antichrist at the end of time.
Chris confirms what I have believed for years now, i.e. Satan is using the Vatican / Holy See, as his primary organization to rule the world. There are many other organizations such as the Freemasons, Bilderbergers, Illuminati, Skull, and Bones, Zionist groups, etc., and most conspiracy researchers are aware of them, but very few are aware of the tremendous power of the Vatican and its army of Jesuits around the world. I was raised Catholic. I am aware of the power of the Roman Catholic Church. The American government of now full of Catholics! Don’t believe me? Look at the number of Catholics in the Supreme Court – six out of nine are Catholics!
The following are the views of Chris Lukas:
“I think Bitchute won’t allow me to upload anymore cause I was linking the Vatican to what is going on. You can talk about COVID. You can talk about the injections. But they seem to favor the blame the Jews crowd.
Also, it’s the way I tore down the narratives. I was banned on some platforms for predicting Trump would be in on a potential election rigging, that it would all be a show, that he would pretend to fight it. That got me banned from Twitter.
I had predicted Biden and Harris would be the nominees, and the reason was to make the rigging even more obvious when they did it. The two worst people in the primary. Not sure if it was that video or the one where I was pointing out all the deep state Trump nominated and pointed out he kept renewing the emergency declaration.
These platforms wanted certain narratives pushed. It’s not so much vaccine hesitancy that bans you. It’s how you attack the narrative. Like I wouldn’t get banned if I said the COVID “vaccine” alters your DNA, Jews are behind it, Q and Trump will save us.
There’s lots of good info everywhere, but if you don’t expose how it’s one entity in charge of this fraud and how it can orchestrate it with the whole world, all that good info does little.
My position has always been, there is no telling what is in this “vaccine”, only they know. It isn’t the mark of the beast, but a cover for the Vatican to target groups it doesn’t like. I think this is why they have given the vaccine injuries more publicity. I think they want people to be hesitant.
They already game-planned that certain people wouldn’t want it, would be less likely to cave in. That’s how the Catholic church can go after the protestants or anyone that hurts its agenda. Now it doesn’t have to overtly be an attack by the Catholic church. People just think “oh, that darn oppressive government”, never making the connection it’s a papal power play.