Know Your Enemy
This is from a Facebook post by my friend David Nikao Wilcoxson. I think his worldview is absolutely correct. Most Christians today don’t understand who the enemy is because they have been misled by a false interpretation of Scripture regarding the Man of Sin, Son of Perdition of II Thessalonians chapter 2, and a false interpretation of Daniel 9:27 regarding the 70th Week of Daniel.
- Debating about Trump or Biden or any President.
- Debating about Biden causing inflation, high gas prices, etc.
- Debating about Democrats vs. Republicans.
- Debating about the actions of Russia, China, Israel, etc.
- Thinking that the Coronavirus agenda is being caused by China, the Democrats, Fauci, etc.
- Thinking that Fox News is giving you the truth, while CNN, MSNBC, etc. are deceiving you.
- Knowing that the District of Columbia is a city-state corporation that is controlled by the Jesuit General in Rome, and that all Presidents carry out his agenda.
- Knowing that D.C. leaders promote the agenda of the General in Rome. Biden is Catholic. Pelosi is Catholic. 6 of 9 Supreme Court Justices are Catholic. Add in the many people in .gov who were educated at Jesu!t universities.
- Knowing that the economy is completely controlled by the Jesuit General in Rome who controls the Fed, bankers, corporate leaders, via many front organizations.
- Knowing that the media is all controlled by the Jesuit General in Rome. Fox News gives you some truth but it’s ultimately deceiving you about the economy, Coronavirus, false flags, etc.
- Knowing that the Jesuit General in Rome controls the leaders of almost every country in the world, so their posturing against each other is just role-playing to create fear and justify military responses.
- Knowing that the scientific community and medical community are controlled by the Jesuit General in Rome via many front organizations.
- Knowing that the Jesuit General in Rome is using the Coronavirus agenda to reset the world into their One World Government. China, Fauci, the CDC, the NIH, etc. are all under His control.
Revelation 13 points to the Jesuit General in Rome controlling the Roman beast kingdom and the whole world through the great men of the earth.
We need to stop wasting time debating about the puppets and focus on exposing the false prophet Jesuit Superior General and antichrist beast Pope, to cast them down from power, to set the captives free, for a glorious harvest in the end times.
We need to expose their false Gospel of works through the sacraments and that Mary is the intercessor to the Father, which today deceives 1.3 billion Catholics.
We need to expose their false prophecy fulfillment explanations, which deceive most believers, causing them to follow a false end-times script so that they’re not prepared for Messiah’s return.”
Please see David’s website article about this subject: