Mass Media Mind Manipulation
I found some great quotes exposing how the media is covertly molding the opinions of those who have not yet been enlightened to the tactics of the ruling Elite of this world. This is taken from an article by Randy Lavello, June 2, 2003, called “Mass Media Mind Manipulation and the World of Illusion.” Unfortunately, the website has gone offline.
The main concept of mind control, in the book Nineteen Eighty-Four (by George Orwell), was to cause a person to ‘doublethink.’ Orwell explains ‘doublethink’ as a willingness “to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as it is needed.” For example, the U.S. places Saddam Hussein in power, arms him to the teeth, then declares him a menace to the world and attacks him. We are supposed to forget that Donald Rumsfeld handed Saddam a briefcase – the Weapons of Mass Destruction kit! If I hand a person a gun, then shoot him, does that make me a hero? We are supposed to ‘doublethink’ and not care how many times the Federal Government lies to us, yet still believe every word they say at present. When our nation blows something up it is called an ‘operation.’ When anyone else blows something up it is called ‘terrorism.’ By this interpretation, terrorism is defined as using a bomb without dropping it from a plane or delivering it by a missile! Because they don’t spend the money on high-tech gear, they’re terrorists!
There was a War on Illiteracy – more people are illiterate. There was a War on Drugs – more drugs hit the street. Now there’s a War on Terror – a war on a concept, which will, of course, bring us more terrorism. We see the results of these so-called ‘wars,’ yet we ‘doublethink’ and ignore the facts.
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