HomeConspiracyNWO Insider Dr. Richard Day Reveals the New World Order Plan Log in


NWO Insider Dr. Richard Day Reveals the New World Order Plan — 3 Comments

  1. We are going to kill you in 2 weeks, enjoy the few time you have left
    just joking jeje
    it´s me G….

    regards James

  2. Dear Mr James,

    I love your articles and also this one . My question is ? Is it allowed to share this aricle with others please am writing my testimony and this article fits right into a part i was writing about. Me living in the Netherlands and Father God has blessed you very much.
    Keep up the good work Mr James God bless for you and family
    Nita Pieters

    • Dear Nita,
      I am blessed to hear from you and to know you appreciate my work! Yes, you can share any article you want on my website. Please tell people where it comes from by sharing the URL of the article. Thank you and God bless you!
      Your servant in Christ,

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