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Plandemic – Dr. Judy Mikovits Interview Exposing Corruption in the Academic Community — 9 Comments

  1. Good job J-J… Not to give u more work…but what about a transcript of Dr Andrew Wakefield’s VAXXED & VAXXED II, before these disappear down the memory hole?

    …In Vaxxed, whistleblower Dr William Thompson (think I got the name right? too lazy to look it up) comes clean about CDC doctoring their data to coverup the Autism/Vaccine (pretty sure the culprit was MMR) connection…Can’t see Wakefield objecting, so long as you include a link to where folks can purchase his videos

    Vaxxed https://archive.org/details/Vaxxed_201701
    Topics Vaccinations, Autism, Big Pharma …

    Vaxxed II :The People’s Truth… https://archive.org/details/vaxxed-ii …… Topics: include horrific injuries & deaths linked to Gardasil vaccine


    PS: What does the 1947 Nuremberg Code say about Human Experimentation (read fast-tracking of experimental/compulsory Covid vaccines and the Principle of Informed Consent)?

    • Mr. Scott, thank you for sharing valuable information on this website! I found the 1947 Nuremberg code. It says, “The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.”

      I will consider transcribing the videos. I want this website to be as beneficial as possible to others. In the beginning of https://archive.org/details/Vaxxed_201701 these guys are saying “vaccines cause autism” has been thoroughly debunked. I know that vaccines DO cause autism!! My own son, Jeremy, was vaccinated in California when he was only 4 months old. My wife and I were told he needed to be vaccinated before we moved back to Japan. Jeremy was unlike the other children. One of his teachers once told me he is not normal. It was only after seeing the film “Rainman” starring Dustin Hoffman did I realize Jeremy may be autistic. He has a mild form of autism known as Asperger Syndrome.

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