HomeConspiracyRome Stoops to Conquer, by E. Boyd Barrett


Rome Stoops to Conquer, by E. Boyd Barrett — 2 Comments

  1. Sorry James, my belief is that the only good Jesuit is a dead Jesuit. These chameleon Satanists are the greatest danger to civilization much more then ancient Rome, Egypt, Nazism, Communism and every other ism.
    These yokels have every intention of killing you and anyone who isn’t an obedient Catholic. And too bad for you if you can’t comprehend or believe it, because they’ve done just that every time they’ve had a chance.
    Hitler and Stalin were both devout Catholics, except Joe Stalin was a bonafide trained Jesuit Priest a graduate of Tbilisi Jesuit Seminary at the end of the 19th century. He was responsible for killing 27 million Russians and surrounding nations.
    Their oath of death is hair raising in keeping with Satanic doctrine. He who doesn’t take them serious is like allowing a 5 year old play with a loaded 12 gauge double barrel shotgun hoping he doesn’t kill someone. It’s only a matter of time.
    So, allowing them the luxury of remaining at peace and unmolested is the most unwise thing anyone with a thinking brain can do. It would be a god send should someone put a nuclear missile into Gesu ROme. It’ll save alot of human life on planet earth and Lucifer would lose his right hand.

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