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Rulers of Evil by F. Tupper Saussy in HTML Web Format — 8 Comments

  1. Hi James,

    Great work on The Rulers of Evil. What happened to chapter 15?
    Did you know Stalin was educated by Jesuits? Most people think it was Russian Orthodox clergy who educated him, but this interview proves it was Jesuits!

    J. V. Stalin
    Talk With the German Author Emil Ludwig
    December 13, 1931

    Ludwig: What impelled you to become an oppositionist? Was it, perhaps, bad treatment by your parents?

    Stalin: No. My parents were uneducated, but they did not treat me badly by any means. But it was a different matter at the Orthodox theological seminary which I was then attending. In protest against the outrageous regime and the Jesuitical methods prevalent at the seminary, I was ready to become, and actually did become, a revolutionary, a believer in Marxism as a really revolutionary teaching.

    Ludwig: But do you not admit that the Jesuits have good points?

    Stalin: Yes, they are systematic and persevering in working to achieve sordid ends. Hut their principal method is spying, prying, worming their way into people’s souls and outraging their feelings. What good can there be in that? For instance, the spying in the hostel. At nine o’clock the bell rings for morning tea, we go to the dining-room, and when we return to our rooms we find that meantime a search has been made and all our chests have been ransacked…. What good point can there be in that?

    J. V. Stalin
    Talk With the German Author Emil Ludwig
    December 13, 1931

    First Published: Bolshevik, April 30, 1932, No. 8.
    Source: Works, J.V. Stalin, Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow, 1955, Volume 13, pp. 106-25
    Transcription/HTML Markup: Hari Kumar for Alliance Marxist-Leninist (North America)/Charles Farrell
    Online Version: Stalin Reference Archive (marxists.org) 2000

    • Thank you for your comments! Rulers of Evil is still a work in progress. I’ve been traveling. Maybe I will have time today to post another chapter. Please come back again!

    • Hi Buddy,
      Thank you for pointing out that Chapter 15 was not showing. I fixed it! Part of the code was missing. I am still not finished posting the entire book yet.


    • Hello Bruce, I didn’t obtain permission, I just went ahead and copied from a PDF file I found on the Internet. So far the publisher has not complained. The author is deceased. I don’t mind if anybody copies anything I wrote as long as they give me credit for authorship, and I certainly wouldn’t mind after I die.

  2. Excellent study “Rulers of evil”. What about last chapter.Your website is really eye opening. May our Saviour and Great God allow this hidden history be known to more of His children worldwide. God bless you

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