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The Cunning Genius Of The Vatican Papal System – Part I — 2 Comments

  1. From beginning with Pope Gregory going full-out on his ambitions to subject one and all of the world under the office-holder of pope to Pope Boniface VIII proclaiming the Pope to be “the vicar of Christ” with “extraordinary powers” to the current Pope Francis who reiterates that the way to heaven is through the Church (Catholic Church that is), following the sacraments and praying to Mary among other requirements, we have the record that shows the power growth through the centuries of the Catholic Church, the pope, and the Vatican, with its overall rule coming from its own overlords – the Jesuits. It is the followers of the Roman Catholic Church who need to hear and know the truth of the Gospel, the only way to salvation (faith in Jesus Christ as the Son of God, risen from the dead by God the Father himself to atone for our sins). The heirarchy and all their vestments and displays of riches and symbols of power and traditions of color and grandeur have lured and captured billions of followers who hold the hierarchy and their accoutrements in reverence.
    The Catholic Church, the pope, the Jesuits, cannot save anyone – faith in Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation and is a gift from God, not any man and not the Catholic Church.
    I used to be a Catholic and I believe what has been stated in the above article which is not meant to insult or offend but to shine some Light and Truth.

    • Jackie, that you so much for your good comment! I read it to Tess and she said, “Former Catholics especially understand true conversion. We were raised in Roman Catholic traditions. When we first heard of the Word of God and the true Gospel of Jesus Christ, we were converted by the power of the Holy Spirit through the Word of God!”

      It seems to me former Roman Catholics like you, me, my wife, and my other born again former Catholic friends are much more open to listening to me when I tell them about the hidden works of darkness of the Vatican, the popes and the Jesuits. People raised Protestant in largely Protestant countries are much less open. They don’t see the power of the RCC like we do and they don’t recognize the Popes of Rome as the Antichrist and man of sin of 2 Thessalonians 2:2-3.

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