The Existence of a Conspiracy
This is chapter 2 of The Effect of the Jesuit Eschatologies on America Today – by Dr. Ronald Cooke
All kinds of books have been written about conspiracies but the Bible reveals that the one real historical conspiracy is against God and His Anointed. This started in the Garden of Eden and has been going on ever since. Even Rousas Rushdoony who promoted his Reconstructionist view of the Bible, and who did not believe that evil men and seducers are getting worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived, nevertheless he wrote,
The Lord Jesus Christ is the target of fallen humanity. Humanity takes counsel against the Lord and His anointed.
Sir Robert Anderson saw that the great historical conspiracy was RELIGIOUS and THEOLOGICAL. In commenting on the truth that Christ called the religious Pharisees, who highly esteemed themselves, “children of Hell,” and a generation of vipers, he added that it was not the publicans and harlots who were branded as,
Anderson then with commendable perspicacity notes:
The so-called “great” religions of the world all honor man, And all dishonor Christ. They may talk about “god” but none of them, including Roman Catholicism, give Christ the PRE-EMINENCE which is His ONLY and PROPER place.
In fact, Roman Catholicism is filled with superstition, magic, and deception. As Sir Robert Anderson said,
Is the United States then succumbing to the great Jesuit-Romanist conspiracy? The answer is obviously yes.* If one looks at early America, or even America up until about one hundred years ago, and compares that with what America is today, he cannot help but see that Roman Catholicism, with all its evil fruits, now flourishes in these United States as never before. What was early America like?
* Are the multiplied millions of Roman Catholic illegal aliens flooding into America the result of mere chance? No! IRREDENTISM is another part of the Jesuit conspiracy against the United States today.
Recently, while traveling back from our daughter’s graduation from Clearwater Christian college, we stopped in to visit Savannah, Georgia, one of the oldest ports in the United States. Our tour guide told us many things. In recounting how General Oglethorpe first set about establishing the port, and surrounding areas, she said he had four requirements:
1. No lawyers. 2. No Roman Catholics. 3. No hard liquor. 4. No slaves. She went on to say that Roman Catholics did not appear in Savannah until about one hundred years later.
Yes, as time went on, great changes began to occur in the American colonies. In the very place where the Puritan Separatists first landed and where there was originally a hundred per cent Protestant population, one Roman Catholic priest had this to say toward the end of the 19th century in Boston Massachusetts,
The United States of America has the most Christian Colleges, Universities, and Theological Seminaries of any country in the world. So you would think then that such a country would be able to overcome the tricks and superstitions of Rome. But such is not the case.
In the land of the free and the home of the brave, Roman Catholicism continues to flourish even after the abominations of its priesthood were reported all over the country. Today, Roman Catholicism continues to wield a powerful political and cultural and judicial influence in this once Protestant nation.
Life magazine has just published its one hundred page glowing pictorial account of the new pope of Rome. It calls him the Vicar of Christ. To make sure that the readers get the message the magazine repeats several times.
So it gives out the fiction of the Apostle Peter being the first pope, and it is filled with beatifications, and the extravagant architecture and art of popish history.
Nevertheless, as Sir Robert Anderson pointed out a hundred years ago, millions of otherwise intelligent people will believe all the drivel that this magazine delivers, about the beatification of saints, blasphemous Masses, Mariolatry, and all the other gross superstitions of Rome.
One would think that with so many Christian colleges, universities, and theological seminaries, that the United States of America would have long since shown the deceptions, blasphemies, and gross superstitions of Rome to be unscriptural and anti-scriptural, However, this is obviously not so.
In fact, today almost no Christian college, university, or theological seminary seeks to overthrow, and completely repudiate and refute all the gross errors of Rome at all. They, believe it or not, actually turn out Roman Catholic graduates, who go on to become national spokesmen for the gross errors of Rome.
The Christian colleges and universities of America today teach far more about the Renaissance than they do about the Protestant Reformation. Hence, the emphasis is on art and humanism, rather than on systematic theology, Bible exegesis, and the true Gospel. In early American education the emphasis was upon theology and logic, how to defend the faith against Roman Catholicism. _Now the leading evangelicals promote dialogue with Rome rather than the refutation of all the false doctrines and practices of Rome.
As the Roman Catholic historian Hennessy pointed out in early American education,
John Calvin said, “man is incredibly mad after superstitions.” Surely modern man is even more incredibly mad after superstitions than the men of Calvin’s day were. For the “church” is now filled with tales of Narnia, the fictions of Hollywood, sportsmen, and the drivel of modern religious literature, that the people of Calvin’s day knew nothing about.
The great conspiracy is centered in THE lie. That is in a particular LIE. This particular LIE is the foundation of all attacks against the Lord and His Anointed One. Paul says, that the Lawless One comes, and his coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders. And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish, because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause GOD shall send them a strong delusion that they should believe THE Lie: that they might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. This MYSTERY OF INIQUITY was already at work, Paul says, when he was writing this letter.
The visible church, more and more, refuses the authority of Holy Scripture. And more and more believes the lie of the papal Man of Sin, that he is the Vicar of Christ and sits in his temple as God. He claims to be the Vicar of Christ and millions in the “church” refuse to separate from this gross blasphemy. Separation is now virtually unknown as a principle of the church, set down in God’s revelation.
~Edward J. Young, in his masterpiece THY WORD IS TRUTH, writes at the very beginning of his defense of biblical inspiration, that his subject is a timely one, because the times in which we live, are times of a new theology.
Theological deception is a mark of our times. It is no longer confined to Rome, for through the infiltration of Jesuit teachings into evangelical colleges and seminaries, the deception concerning the Man of Sin is now much more widespread than it was one hundred years ago.
Young also stated that,
The true church is in a never ending battle to refute the errors of her enemies and proclaim the truth as it is in Christ. However, it is now obvious, that very few people are concerned about keeping the church free from heresies and blasphemies. For instead of contending for the faith, today millions of people in the church are contending for the “culture.” They are all concerned about what is happening in the culture of America today, while seemingly oblivious to what is happening in the church in America today. They have abandoned the Reformers’ struggle for a pure church, and have taken up the Jesuit struggle for a medieval culture. A struggle they have no hope of winning, because God Himself, is against the evils of medieval tradition and mythology, having already wrecked that wicked system, when He set in motion the glorious Protestant Reformation.
False religion is fighting to gain control of America today; it is in a life and death struggle with secular humanism. False religion is cursed by God as much or more than secular humanism; so both ideologies are false and sit under the judgment of God. If both continue to flourish, it will be the end of the United States as we know it. The battle that should be waged, but is not being fought, is against BOTH these evils; not just one of them.
There have been many enemies of the true Church, and surely one of the most enduring, and best organized of those enemies, is the Roman Catholic Church State, energized by the Jesuits, and headed up by the Papal Man of Sin himself, This deceptive immoral monstrosity is now, if you can believe it, looked upon by millions of evangelicals as a co-belligerent, as a great help, in prosecuting the moral war against secularism.
1, Rushdoony, Rousas, The Nature of the American System, Presbyterian and Reformed Pub, Co., Nutley, NJ, 1965, p. 140.
2. Anderson, Sir Robert, The Silence of God, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1899, p. 131.
4. Ibid, p. 128.
5. Di Domenica, Angelo, Washington Under Romanism, 1949, p. 15.
6. Chmelovski, Thomas, The Judea-Christian Ethic, self-published no dates, p. 2.
7. Young, Edward J., Thy Word is Truth, Banner of Truth Trust, London, 1965, p. 7.
8. Ibid., p. 13.