The Jesuits and the Covid Pandemic
This is a transcript from an audio file on Berean Beacon. Because there’s no video, I am making educated guesses on who’s speaking. If you think I assigned the wrong person to a text spoken by someone else, please say so in the comments section and I will correct it.
The teaching of the Bible alone is that sinners are saved by grace alone, through faith or belief alone, and by Christ alone so that all the glory goes to God alone.
The law is given for the knowledge of sin. It is not given for the justification of the believer. And that is the legal use of the law. To try to use the law in a way of justifying oneself is an illegal use of the law.
Protestant Orthodoxy taught that man was a sinner, depraved in all his parts and functions, and therefore desperately in need of divine grace.
You’re listening to Trinity Foundation Radio. I’m your host Steve Matthews. Thanks for joining me for episode 15. The title of this episode is The Jesuits and the COVID Pandemic. And I’ll be discussing that topic today with two guests, Greg Bentley and Stuart Quint. Both of them are from Berean Beacon. I wanted to have them on because I think they’ve done some fascinating work over the past couple of years, bringing out that important connection between the Jesuits and the COVID Pandemic response. And that side of the COVID Pandemic has been almost completely ignored. But they have brought this out and I think they’ve gotten some really interesting information that you’re going to enjoy today as we play the interview.
So without further ado, let’s get started with our interview.
Steve Matthews: Hello, I’m Steve Matthews with the Trinity Foundation. Thanks for joining me today. Today I also have two guests here with me. We have Greg Bentley and Stuart Quint, both of whom are with Berean Beacon. And welcome to the program.
Greg and Stuart: Thank you.
Steve Matthews: Well, it’s great to have you here. And I think we’ve got a really important topic. And I think a topic that will be very interesting to our listeners here today. We’re going to be dealing with the Jesuits and their involvement with the COVID Pandemic. But before we get into all of that interesting material, I wanted to give both of you an opportunity to introduce yourselves and also if you like, maybe say a few things about your ministry, the Berean Beacon.
Greg Bentley: Okay, well, my name is Greg Bentley. And I’ve been involved with the Berean Beacon for probably close to 25 years. I had met Richard Bennett, who started the ministry out in Portland, Oregon, back in the late 90s. And since then, you know, obviously, Richard has passed on and he kind of passed the baton on to myself and Stuart. We’ve been doing the best we can to maintain his legacy of not only reaching Roman Catholics with the Gospel but also exposing Catholicism for what it truly is and carrying on the work of identifying various aspects of the church and its corruption and its involvement in our present day.
Stuart Quint: I’m Stuart Quint. I was also saved by grace out of Roman Catholicism. Richard Bennett was an amazing man. You can read his story on, saved out of Rome after 22 years as a priest of Rome, one of the most die-hard evangelists I would say I ever met. I mean, he really loved people.
I would just also say, and you know, it’s interesting, Greg shared with me a couple of articles that I didn’t know existed where he was actually talking about Jesuit tactics of all things. And I would also say kind of looping in this conversation, Richard was very adamant up until the day he died that he thought Pope Francis, the Jesuit Pope, is actually the most dangerous pope that we would ever face because of the Jesuit connection being officially on the throne of the Vatican.
Steve Matthews: I think that’s a great point. And of course, Berean Beacon and Richard Bennett, are names and an organization that would certainly be familiar to those who follow the Trinity Foundation. I know Richard Bennett spoke at least one of our conferences I know sometime back, and I know that the Trinity Foundation has also published some of his articles as Trinity review. So that’s, I’d say, his name and of course, Berean Beacon. They’re certainly not strangers to those of us with the Trinity Foundation. So it’s a real honor and a privilege for me to have both of you here with me today and I have a chance to talk to you about this very important topic.
So we’re going to be talking here about the Jesuits in their involvement with the COVID pandemic. But what I thought, maybe before we dive into their involvement with this COVID pandemic, maybe just lay some groundwork and talk a little bit about the Jesuits themselves. So who are the Jesuits and why is it that Christians should be concerned to know something about them?
Stuart Quint: Okay. Why don’t I start with that? I think Greg is going to provide more of the contemporary COVID context to see much more of the expert on that than I.
So the Jesuits, so we know about the Reformation, you know, Mark Luther, John Calvin, and many, many others that recognized they needed to return to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And as a consequence, steering away from Roman Catholic doctrine.
And so as a consequence in around 1540, you have this crazed, fanatic Spanish soldier, actually a Basque soldier named Ignacio de Loyola, who comes back from the battle wounded. And over time, he develops this constitution, he develops this small following which grows into this thing called the Society of Jesus or the Jesuits. And indeed, the name is deceptive because they are as far away from the teaching of Jesus Christ as you can imagine. We’ll get to that in a second.
And basically, through that time, the Pope of Rome recognized their efforts, their dedication, their fanaticism and their ruthlessness. And so they become in effect what historians have called the army of the Counter-Reformation.
So the Reformation was to bring people out of the superstition of Rome and to the Gospel of Jesus Christ while the Jesuits were doing just the opposite. And to this day they still do that.
And one of the things that’s why I could, Steve, is I’m going to be a little bit politically incorrect or maybe not theologically incorrect, but politically incorrect. So just like God has used the mouth of a donkey or used a false prophet like Balaam at times to proclaim his truth. So he can use other people. I’m going to quote from C.S. Lewis, who by the way, just for the record, has a lot of bad theology. But there’s one thing that I think is very appropriate for his conversation on Jesuits. So he wrote a book called The Screwtape Letters, which is a fictional conversation between an older demon and a younger demon. One of the things they talk about is, well, how is it that we can be so effective with scaring people and manipulating them? One of the ways he talks about it is, “Well, if we can convince people we don’t exist, Satan doesn’t exist, and then we can just do our mischief.” And I think that’s very applicable to the Jesuits today. In fact, back to Richard, in the new article that Greg shared with me last night, Richard specifically mentions the willful cover-up of many academics on the history of Jesuits.
Let’s get into some examples. There’s a Canadian historian who quotes from I believe, 1580 to 1931. So about 300 plus years, 81 countries banished the Jesuits from their shores. It was illegal for them to be in these nations. Why? That’s a very radical measure unless indeed they were threats.
And then you go through history, and I mean, we can talk about different examples, but they got involved in things like the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. They were involved in the government of China. I was reading some quotes just fairly recently about how some of the leading Jesuits, like Alphonse de LaGuardia, and others, were bragging about how we can rule from France to China, and nobody’s going to know about it. And people might say, “Well, that sounds like a bunch of conspiracy theories.” Go read history. Go read books. I mean, I’ve got a book, for instance, from the Secretary of the Navy that Richard had gotten, written back in the 1800s. And he talked about how this is a real threat in the United States, let alone in Europe, let alone elsewhere. So not only was it in England, you have a holiday called Guy Fawkes Day when the Jesuits attempted to blow up the English Parliament back in the 1600s. They didn’t come back until the 19th century.
So these are small examples, but it’s a very serious group. They’re still around. And the biggest example today is Pope Francis.
And let me just give you three criteria. So when we talk, well, what do you mean by Jesuits? Because you get people who are, let’s just say in the alternative conspiracy theory stuff, and they can get really lost. That’s not what we’re talking about. We’re talking about history. We’re talking about what’s actually going on today. So three criteria.
One is they’re Jesuit. And Pope Francis, he’s very open. He’s a Jesuit.
The second is, they study at Jesuit institutions or educational institutions. There are many of them, including in the United States, but also in Europe and Canada. And we say that Pope Francis, yes, he studied at Jesuit institutions.
The third, and I think this is very critical, is to look at their behavior. Look at what they do. Look at what they say and compare it with official Jesuit teaching, such as a spiritual discipline of loyalists, such as Lugory, Bellamine, and some of these other teachers that are Jesuit teachers that are officially recognized by Rome. And you’ll see that they’re around. I’ll give you just two quick examples and I’ll start talking.
So today we have the Prime Minister of Italy, Mario Draghi. Mario Draghi was the former head of the European Central Bank before he became Prime Minister of Italy. Mario Draghi studied at a Jesuit college. He doesn’t say that he’s a Jesuit, but if you read history and you read the official Jesuit documents, they talk about, well, you don’t need to tell someone if you’re a Jesuit, let alone a Catholic, if it’s advantageous to you. But let’s just say that equivocation, AKA, lying, is a major part of the Jesuit order. And that is how they’ve been able to infiltrate.
So Mario Draghi has just said recently, “If you’re over 50 and you’re not vaccinated, you’re no longer a part of society. You don’t deserve to be in society. You can’t work, you can’t eat.”
That’s ruthless. And that’s a very Jesuit perspective or attitude if you will. It’s an aura of superiority, of dominance of power. And if you don’t obey, you’re nobody. So that’s one example.
The second example is our neighbor to the north, Justin Trudeau. He went to a Jesuit school. He’s been involved, and he’s had actually several scandals, but the most recent one is one with a charity called WE.
So this is a very good case study and it’ll loop into Greg’s stuff. So Justin Trudeau, first of all, went to a Jesuit high school in the province of Quebec, by the way, as did his father. Now one of the things, and this is another thing about the Jesuits is they say, “Oh, well, we’re not so religious. We just have a historical background of being founded by Jesuits, but we’re actually a secular school.”
Well, that’s very interesting because we see in the case of Justin Trudeau how it’s so easy for him to use things like, again, equivocation about, you know, you look at what he said even a few years ago compared to where he is now that he’s turned out to be a big type. You look at the scandal with the WE charity, $900 million. The family that founded this charity has strong ties to the Jesuits. Okay, this isn’t a theory. These are facts. It’s documented.
And then depending, and there are some different schools about it, well, who was really Justin Trudeau’s father? Pome say, oh, Pierre Trudeau. Pierre Trudeau also went to that same prestigious Jesuit school. But some would say, and I don’t know what the answer is, but some would say that his true father might have been Fidel Castro. Fidel Castro. We have a translator whose father knew Fidel Castro in Cuba. He would be actually a very strong Jesuit. So whatever way you look, you see Justin Trudeau has these same tight connections. And when you look at his behavior and what he’s doing and the lust for power and the arrogance, the domination, and, “If you don’t submit, I will crush you.”
Look at these poor truckers, for example, and the people who supported them. Their bank accounts were canceled. That is very much of a Jesuit example.
Steve Matthews: Well, thank you, Stuart, thanks so much for sharing it. It’s some fascinating history and you can see how that comes right on up to the present, just from the headlines here just in the last few weeks. So yeah, thank you for laying that groundwork.
Now what I wanted to do here next is talk a little bit about some articles that have been published by the Berean Beacon. These are items that both you and Greg have written. The Berean Beacon published three articles specifically on prominent scientists associated with the US pandemic response. In all three of these men, we’re talking here about Anthony Fauci, about Francis Collins, and about Robert Redfield. They all have Jesuit ties. So I wouldn’t maybe have you just speak about these gentlemen, speak about these ties, how you may think they’re Jesuit ties, maybe perhaps have influenced some of the policies and things that they have pushed.
Greg Bentley: My research early on in the pandemic, what I was discovering actually started with a lot of photographs of Bill Gates that were floating around, and he was flanked by two men. One was Anthony Fauci, the other was Francis Collins. And no one would have been really talking about these characters. And then when I looked into it, I found that these are Jesuit-trained practicing Roman Catholics. Francis Collins professes to be evangelical. But you see through his beliefs and his practice that he’s not an evangelical Christian.
One of the things that I want to clarify too, a lot of times the term Jesuit goes out as if it’s a separate organization from the Catholic Church, but it’s actually part of the Catholic Church, the Roman priest, the religious orders within the Roman Catholic Church and the Jesuit order is just one of those and there’s the Carmelites, you know, and there’s Dominicans and so forth. So we have various orders, priestly orders and it’s just the Jesuits had specialized in the propagation of schools and higher learning institutions and that’s how they were going to influence society in their Counter-Reformation agenda.
So these men that are involved at the high levels in the US government, they were trained, especially Dr. Anthony Fauci and Robert Redfield who was the former head of the CDC, these guys were all trained in Jesuit universities and they both, their Jesuit background as being key and the factor in their positions, in their studies and their influence and what they do. So they’re really motivated by their religious belief system. That’s why I feel that the evangelical church needs to wake up to see this because the Roman Catholic agenda is much different than what we find as Christians in the Scripture.
So it’s a very dangerous connection when you see these religiously driven individuals with a mantra of “the end justifies the means” being ingrained into their brains in their Jesuit basically starting off in grammar school like Anthony Fauci and working all the way up to George Washington where they’re getting their medical degrees.
Would you have anything more to say on that, Stuart?
Stuart Quint: I just wanted to add that I was thinking of a quote by Ignatius de Loyola who said, “If the Church tells me that black is white and white is black, I will submit to the Church because it’s the Church.” I mean I’m paraphrasing that but I think what you brought as a really important point, think about Fauci with the masks, think about the 60 Minutes interview, “O we don’t need masks!” Then oh one mask, two masks, five masks. I mean that, we can make light of it but when you look at the context of as you said Greg, the Jesuit education and then you look at what they actually teach, it’s really striking that again it’s this absolute obedience and it’s, you know, leave your mind at the door and submit to us, and if you don’t there are consequences.
Greg Bentley: Okay, I just want to also emphasize with Francis Collins, you know, professing to be the evangelical Christian, early before he was appointed as the director of the NIH, the National Institutes of Health, overseeing actually Dr. Fauci, he had started an organization called BioLogos which is a scientific organization that he used for religious purposes. He was using it to pretty much dumb down the evangelical church and counter the work of some of the ministries like Answers in Genesis which were exposing the lies of evolution, and he was trying to convince the Church that evolution actually works, its way could be accepted as the evangelical teaching, and eventually that spilled over into his view of human life and the use of aborted fetal tissue.
So I always refer to this guy as an organ harvesting person, they’re actively involved in this, it’s just wicked, it’s right from his lips, he uses fetal tissue and what he’s doing is just beyond the pale when you consider that he’s flouting around as an evangelical getting reformed men involved in his work and trying to convince churches to go along with this process, so that’s I just wanted to emphasize that about Francis Collins.
Steve Matthews Yeah and just going back, in fact, you had co-authored a piece on Francis Collins titled Who Is Dr. Francis Collins and Should You Be Concerned?, and one of the points you made in there you said it’s not the least surprising that the Pope in 2009 appointed Dr. Francis Collins to the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy of Sciences.
Greg Bentley: Exactly. And that should raise a red flag for any Protestant. However, the evangelical church has completely lost sight of who the Antichrist is. And it’s actually from being misled through a wrong understanding of end times and failure to remember what those who went before us knew and proclaimed that the Vatican, the office of the Pope is the Antichrist. And once you have that in the proper perspective, and then you have a leader, actually a government employee who has the National Institutes of Health having an office in the Vatican you start wondering why are our taxpayer dollars going to fund a guy to have vacations to meet with the Antichrist? This is how a Christian should see this. But they’ve been blinded by their Jesuit Futurism which is the forerunner to modern dispensational theology. So that has been the agenda there. But his work in the Vatican is well known you can go online and you find all kinds of pictures of Francis Collins surrounded by bishops and cardinals and grinning ear to ear as they give each other awards for their experimentations in human embryo research and trans-humanism. They’re not keeping this a secret from the people, it’s just the people are not performing their due diligence, they’re not studying to be approved. They’re just ignoring reality.
Steve Matthews Yeah and that’s a great point that you make there, Greg. I know you and I were talking before we came on to do the program here today about that very topic. And I had told you that there was a time in my life and I wasn’t so much focused on on eschatology. I thought, Well, that’s kind of something you can kind of leave out there but the longer that I’ve been a Christian and the more that I study and the more that I study the scriptures themselves and also look at the events that go on in our world around us I come to realize eschatology is actually pretty important. And we have the road map that’s given to us in the Word of God but yet so many evangelicals have been pulled off to one side or another. You mentioned Jesuit futurism, that whole idea that the Antichrist is coming into the future that’s something that was developed by the Jesuits, as Stuart was talking about the Counter-Reformation.
And even Preterism, the idea that the Antichrist is somebody that’s already come that we’re not going to have to deal with the Antichrist, is also a Jesuit construct. But both of them are opposed to what the Scriptures teach about the identity of the Antichrist.
Greg Bentley: I think that really has set the stage for operation COVID-19. It was almost played out to the exact letter of their plans. They got the Church off guard, got them out there fantasizing movies about being able to get zapped up into the sky before anything bad happens to you, and they fail to recognize or care to get involved in the social issues of our day and fighting against evil. And that’s what the Church was doing for centuries, this protest against the evils of the Roman Catholic religious orders with their whole involvement and the mingling and the politics of nations. People stood up and pushed back against that like Stuart was saying earlier. They (the Jesuits) were banned from 83 nations over the past 400 years. Why was that? Because they didn’t like the way they looked? No, it’s because of what they’ve been doing, what they were doing to society, fomenting wars, and causing strife and division among nations. It’s clearly the work of the Antichrist.
Steve Matthews It’s one of the reasons why I really wanted to have both of you on because it’s wonderful to hear someone has that correct perspective of eschatology. And when you understand that you can analyze this stuff that’s going on with COVID, and then we’re talk in a couple minutes the Great Reset. And you can see the Antichrist influence in these things. And once you have those proper glasses, the biblical glasses of the identity of the Antichrist, you can’t unsee this stuff.
Stuart Quint: I just like to add something if I could. Those are really good points. Two things. One is you actually have the Catholic Archbishop Vigano who was a former ambassador of the Vatican in the United States. A couple of times in interviews he has commented, “The Jesuits know about the popular version of eschatology in the West, and they’re playing with it.” So I think to your point, and also to what Greg, to what you’re saying before about this passivity, this is something that the Vatican is using to its advantage. And especially when you read one of the encyclicals that Pope Francis had written about COVID, and you very clearly see in there this agenda of basically step aside, and by the way it’s not just about COVID, it’s about climate change, it’s about destroying national borders, it’s the new economy, I mean it’s taken right off this, and you’re going to talk about this in a minute, but right out of the Great Reset, I mean, he’s singing off the same song sheet so to speak. So yeah, I think when we look at our brothers and sisters in ages past, I think the other issue is Antinomianism the idea that today many Christians think the Ten Commandments were buried at the Cross and that it doesn’t matter as opposed to God’s law. For the Christian, it is actually something precious. It doesn’t save us, but it does give us direction as to God’s character and how He wants us to act, especially in society, especially because of these big problems that we’re facing today.
Steve Matthews: Those are great points, Stuart. Thanks so much for bringing that up. And maybe now what we can do since we were hinting a little bit here about the Great Reset and all this, let’s let’s talk some about the Great Reset. There’s the article out there. Let me get that here in front of me. Patient endurance needed for the coming Great Reset. So let’s maybe talk a little bit it. So what is the Great Reset? What’s the Jesuit angle on this?
Stuart Quint: Okay I can start, and Greg you could you can chime in as you like. I think that the second question asked is actually very interesting. So the Great Reset, you’ve heard of Davos and the World Economic Forum which is basically this big grouping of CEOs. It’s not just government officials, it’s CEOs. It’s even actors and other so-called notable people in society that have gotten together and decided that they have an agenda. You might hear of the globalists or the world elites. I don’t know if that comprises all of them but it is a face at least of what they think, and more significantly, what they want to impose upon the rest of us “eaters” as some of them actually call the rest of humanity.
That article goes through it, but basically, some of their platforms, what they want to impose, they want to impose a fourth industrial revolution on society so things like more official intelligence, surveillance, look at the social credit system in China.
By the way, we talked about Canada before, a lot of the issues over the truckers and the freedom convoy. People are too narrowly focused on the mandates. it’s not just about the mandates, it’s about putting in something called the digital ID. You saw people whose bank accounts, entire bank accounts, your investments, your insurance, were all canceled at the stroke of a keystroke just because you had a political view or a worldview that conflicted with the government, and because you wanted to protest even though your constitution allows for peaceful protests. That’s the sort of stuff they’re moving.
There’s also what I call a Woke agenda which is destroying the biblical, the battle of Genesis. God says, one man one woman to have kids, have dominion and fill the earth. Well, the Woke agenda is completely diametrically opposite of it. And that’s also in there. And when you look at it at the end of the day for Christians, it is a very big threat, if you will call it that, and I’d call it that, to not just the Christian worldview but the Church of Christ because it’s saying the government is your God. And the government, by the way, includes these corporations. It’s actually more of a fascist corporatist model where they want to monitor everything you do, and if you step out of line, you get cut off. Their famous quote is, “You will owe nothing and you will be happy.” Which completely flies in the face of private property established in the Scriptures.
Were the Jesuits involved? Well, it’s interesting. I’ll give you one small example. I gave you Draghi, I gave you Trudeau, the quote of Klaus Schwab, the head of the World Economic Forum who says, “Fifty percent of the Canadian cabinet is infiltrated by our people. Trudeau is one of them.” It turns out Klaus Schwab actually got his doctorate from a school in Germany that was founded by Guess Who? The Jesuits. And this is part of the issue. So again people can say, “Well Jesuits, you’re chasing conspiracy theory.” Where did they study? Look at their actions. Look at how they comport themselves.
I won’t go there unless you want me to, but there’s some stuff from France’s Macron who happened to go to a Jesuit school. Do you hear the theme? Greg just said it. Set up these schools and universities, people come in, they think they’re getting this great education, but what else are they getting? And then if they’re implementing it, you know the old phrase, right? If it looks like a, walks like a, talks like a, smells like a, it is.
Steve Matthews: So you said you had some information you could get into a little bit? You picked my curiosity. What were you gonna say?
Stuart Quint: I literally just dug this up like the last day, but Macron in France, and again, do your own research. So first of all it is a fact that he went to his high school in Amiens, France, a Jesuit school, point one.
Point two, is that’s where he met his teacher, he was 15 she was 40, and they got married. She left her husband and three kids for this guy. So right away, like what’s going on? But there are some interesting quotes, where Macron talks about, “I want to rule France like Jupiter.” I think the Greek god Jupiter. He makes these declarations as if he’s laying down his loyalty to Rome which is very significant when you look at French history. Remember the French Revolution, remember even Napoleon, and again, there were a lot of bad things that happened in those times. Part of that reaction was it was a reaction against the tyranny of the Roman Catholic Church in France.
So now you come back to today, and interestingly enough, in 2018 Macron won an award for helping the unity of Europe. In 2016 Pope Francis got this award. And it’s interesting how though he’s not out there officially preaching Roman Catholic doctrine and yet, look at his associations. And of course, look at the tyranny. Look at sending police and armored cars against these protesters. It’s the same attitude as Mario Draghi with the, “Oh, you don’t get this vaccine?” which is killing people. And Greg can get into that if he wants. But you look at this, and again, it’s this heavy-handedness. It’s the Jesuit approach.
You look at what they did in places like Paraguay, and even Croatia back during the Second World War where there were 700,000 victims, people who crossed the Vatican, lots of Orthodox Serbs and others. And again, you see that spirit coming out. I mentioned Trudeau, I mentioned Macron, mentioned Draghi. That’s what we’re starting to dig up. It’s a serious issue for Christians today.
Covid vaccines
Steve Matthews: You mentioned the vaccines. I didn’t have a specific talking point about the vaccines but I think it’s probably something that’s least worth mentioning here.
A headline in the New York Times says Pope calls coronavirus vaccinations an ethical obligation. We see this heavy pushing of vaccines from a number of Jesuits, of course, Pope Francis, but Fauci and some of these other guys here in the United States. And I just wanted to find out what are your thoughts about the vaccines. Do you have anything that you want to comment on regarding that?
Stuart Quint:Well, most of our research has not been on the evidence of what’s in the vaccine. We’ve always been relying on the doctors and the scientists who are out actually uncovering that the best they can. And there’s quite a few today. I have a few links on the Berean Beacon website to those that we feel confident that these are men and women of truth. But what I can say personally is that it’s a lie. The whole COVID agenda and the whole vaccine agenda is the promotion of a lie. And I’ve told many individuals it’s either you believe in COVID or you believe in Christ. And those that have gone down the not trusting in the truth, the way in the truth, they’ve fallen prey to believing lies. And these lies tend to stack upon lies. And it goes right back to the father of lies because basically, they’re forcing a vaccine agenda for a vaccine that you have a 99.8% survival rate. There’s no really need to be vaccinated.
There’s no evidence that the vaccine actually prevents the spread of the disease. You’re seeing that now coming out. People with the vaccine are getting the flu or COVID or whatever you want to call it. So you just have to wonder well why? Why are they forcing this substance into people’s bodies? And I think time will tell. There are quite a few experts out there on the stump already. And I had to encourage people to actually do their due diligence and start looking at the work of Dr. Malone, Dr. McCullough, to find out, what Dr. Zelenko says, what their views are on what this is going to be doing to people.
So I did I don’t want to speculate what it’s actually going to do or what’s in it because honestly I personally do not know. But I do know that it is a lie. So whatever they’re doing, even the insert on the vaccine bio boxes is completely blank. So the populace is completely clueless, and informed consent is completely shunned. So I would say, stay away.
Steve Matthews: So maybe to just build on that a little bit, one of the big issues that Christians, not just Christians, everybody, but Christians especially have to face and have had to face are these vaccine mandates. Joe Biden famously got up there and he lectured Americans saying his patience is wearing thin with the unvaccinated people. And he announced that he’s going to issue these vaccine mandates where everybody, if it’s a large employer of 100 people or more, that they have to be vaccinated. Of course, that was rejected by the Supreme Court. However the Supreme Court did uphold the vaccine mandate for the medical field, people in the medical field. So Christians have had to face this issue. It’s like, do I take this jab? Or do I lose my job?
I was curious, how would you maybe advise someone, a Christian who’s facing that situation? What would you say to them?
Greg Bentley: I would say lose your job. The door will open for God’s provision in your life in another venue. And any organization, any job that would require that — and that is a leeway into another area that I’ve been studying, and that’s that’s actually out there for all the world to see. It’s called the Council For Inclusive Capitalism. And it’s actually headed by the papacy. So here you see global corporate leaders front and center standing next to Pope Francis. So when you see how these corporations are motivated and pressured mostly through monetary means most likely, and you see that the Vatican is directly involved in these banking institutions and corporations that are leading people into forcing them to vaccinate or terminate.
So I would encourage the Christian person to look to God, to trust in God alone, and step back and look at what the Christians that came before us have done. People were put to death for rejecting the Eucharist as being God incarnate! So it’s a small price to pay for standing on truth. And God will provide an opportunity for them. He says “I won’t forsake you.” So He’s not going to leave you alone. He says, “My children don’t beg for bread.” So I would encourage the Christians to step away from those jobs, and trust in the Lord and He’ll direct them.
(For the record, my wife Tess and I stood against the vaccine mandates when we lived in Guam during the pandemic. We were blessed to associate with a Facebook group of like-minded people called, "Guam Freedom Coalition." And we fellowshipped with them not just in cyberspace, we took part in actual local street demonstrations protesting against vaccination mandates. Most of them are Christians. In unity there is strength. And we waited till the Philippine government's Covid vaccination passport requirement to enter the country was dropped. A requirement of a vaccine passport to enter the Philippines would have blocked us. We had no intention of compromising our convictions about not taking the vaccine.)
Steve Matthews: Greg, I when you were we’re talking about the Council for Inclusive Capitalism. I remember reading about that. I’ve got an article here. This is from December 2020. This headline says, “The Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican, a new alliance of global business leaders launches today.” And when I read that, I don’t know if it’s the right reaction, but part of me just wanted to laugh out loud because these guys are so obvious! I mean, it’s not even like they try to hide it. They’re not even remotely subtle. It’s just like they’re showing this big giant flag saying, “Yeah, we’re the Antichrist!” It’s unbelievable but yet it seems like very few people actually pick up on this stuff. And who’s behind this? It’s the Vatican! And all these other people of what I say have not such a great reputation.
Greg Bentley: I was just going to say there’s a strong delusion being poured out across the world that they just cannot see this.
Stuart Quint: I just like to add that I think Steve, what you’re also picking up on is, that people come back to End Times, they put (the Book of) Revelation in a box. They’re waiting for the Left Behind Series. They’re waiting for, “Hi, this guy’s name is Nikolai, he’s the Antichrist. Okay good. Game on.” And in the meantime, we can just go to sleep. First of all, that’s not how John opens Revelation. He says, “You read this book, you’ll be blessed.” I am quoting Jesus Christ.
But I think coming back to Greg’s comments, “What do you do if your job is threatened?” I would go a step further, and this relates to what you just said, Steve, about the Council For Inclusive Capitalism, I actually think when we look at Revelation 17, 18, and 19, it talks about getting out of Babylon. And you see Babylon, one chapter talks about the religious side, and while primarily it would appear to be talking about the Vatican, but you could also throw in any false religious system that is not of Christ.
The next chapter talks about the economic side, kings doing business with Babylon, the goods, and the souls that were bought and sold. I believe part of the application, is something I personally am struggling with right now, trying to figure out we need to find ways to start getting ourselves out of this corporate Catholic Jesuit whatever you want to call it Great Reset economy while we still have time to get ready. And what do I mean? It could be simple things like how to grow food. You can feed your family on a quarter of an acre or a tenth of an acre, or even just by growing bean sprouts to some extent in your apartment if that’s what you have to do.
I mean, it sounds really basic, but I think a lot of our problems are we’re so focused on governments, some of us are focused on the Vatican, but remember, the Vatican also has its clause in the corporations. They’re not elected. They’re the ones that are funding all this, the Great Reset, or the not-so-Great Reset, and they’re also enabling. And we can argue are the Jesuits the main driver or the A driver, whatever. But they’re a key player, there’s no doubt about it. And you can see it and the strategies and the behaviors of these different leaders, it stinks of Jesuitism. So when you look at that you say, “Okay, what can I do?” And I think Greg’s point about trusting God first of all. Go look for another job. But I think secondly is maybe we just need to be thinking more about getting out of the corporate sector, and start thinking about how can you work your own business or small business with people that are like-minded.
And here’s the other thing too. We may be forced to do that because if they do bring in like the digital ID and then the vaccine passport or social credit, listen, if you don’t bow down to Ceasar and burn your pinch of incense, you’re gonna be cut off anyways. So this might be an application of getting out of Babylon.
Steve Matthews: That’s a great point. I really appreciate you making that point. Stuart, I agree with you completely. I think as Christians we really do need to be serious about finding ways that we can begin to separate from this system, because it looks like right now, at least here in the United States, maybe we dodged a bit of a bullet with the Supreme Court saying okay you don’t have to get this vaccine, but you don’t know when that might change. These guys aren’t going to give up.
Greg Bentley: I was saying I think they’re waiting for the official approval of the vaccine right now all the vaccines made available in the United States are just under emergency use that cannot be mandated by law it’s just they could be you’ve be tricked into taking it. But once they go to full approval that’s when we have to step back and see where this is going to go and how it’s going to erupt, and what we as the Church will do to stand up against it. I think it’s just a matter of time.
Stuart Quint: If I could chime in and Greg, have you talk about it. One of the things of Dr. Collins and BioLogos is they’ve been part of the official propaganda campaign for evangelicals. Maybe you want to talk a little bit about that.
Greg Bentley: Yeah, they had early on in the plandemic, they had put out a statement they wanted the evangelicals to sign. You can find the links on our website to the BioLogos website. But they wanted people, the pastoral leadership, to sign on to their agenda of social distancing, mask-wearing, and vaccine propagation. And what I found really interesting is having been around Richard Bennett early on when his ministry started, he was exposing the evangelicals and Catholics together the work that was started by Father Neuhaus and Chuck Colson basically to unify Roman Catholics together under political guise. Richard did a marvelous job in exposing that, and it really kind of helped keep the remnant of the Church in America steadfast.
But now we’re seeing that taking shape in the form of scientific ecumenism and that’s where Francis Collins fits the bill on whether he was pre-ordained by the Catholic Church to carry out this agenda or not, but he certainly has used religion to bring in science. I call it scientific ecumenism because in the end result, everyone is being drawn toward the Vatican as the head of this unified scientific group.
We have the Vatican scientists out there with their superstitions and lies just as in the Dark Ages. So I kind of see this as Dark Ages 2.0. You have the same flat earth, now you got flat curves, and you’ve got throwing salt over your shoulder and garlic around your neck or wearing masks and standing six feet apart it’s the same superstition. It’s not backed up by science. It’s backed up by lies and superstition.
Steve Matthews: Alright, well let’s move on here a little bit. We already talked about some of the people like Emmanuel Macron or Justin Trudeau. There are some other people though that have Jesuit ties that have also had a good deal to do with the pandemic response. For instance, a couple of governors, Gavin Newsom. He graduated I believe from Santa Clara University. That’s a Jesuit school. And also Andrew Cuomo. He went to Fordham, he was a graduate of Fordham. Donald Trump. A lot of people don’t think about this but Donald Trump did attend Fordham I believe for two years. He did not graduate from there, but he did attend there. And also I was compiling a list of some people and one I left off after I sent it to you is Joe Biden. I mean, Joe Biden did not go to a Jesuit school but he does I believe attend a Jesuit parish in Georgetown, the Georgetown area of Washington DC. And he attended that same parish, called Holy Trinity, when he was a vice president as well. Do you have anything that you’d like to throw out there about any of those gentlemen?
Greg Bentley: Well I would say about Biden was obvious to me as a former Roman Catholic and having our family Bibles, the big Dewey Rheims stacked Bible leather bound with little brass hinges on it, that’s where he swore in his oath, on a Dewey Rheims Bible right after he attended Mass. So you see all the players in this whole theater. They’re all Roman Catholic. Most are Jesuit-trained. I found there was a really good dialogue between John MacArthur and Gavin Newsom that took place back when Newsom was the mayor of San Francisco, and Newsom came out, and he even from his own mouth told him what a good Catholic he is and that he went to a Jesuit school. So they’re not even hiding their backgrounds. It’s just for some reason Christians are not talking about their backgrounds.
And I really think it just comes back to you. Once you see who the Antichrist is, you’re going to talk about it.
Richard wrote a wonderful article called the Antichrist in our midst. And he did a presentation on that, you can find it on our website. And that’s really the issue at stake. Here we have displayed for all the world to see and yet people are not seeing it, and it’s because of their Jesuit influence and Futurism Dispensational theology.
Steve Matthews: Stuart did you have anything you wanted to add about that?
Stuart Quint: You mentioned Newsom and he’s not unique in this. He tells everybody to wear masks and social distancing and limit the number of people at parties, and then you find a picture of him having a holiday meal with 25 people and nobody masked, etc. You’ve heard of this, “It’s for thee not for me.” That looks a lot like this principle called detachment where I’m above you or I don’t need it. It’s part of the equivocation about, “Well, I don’t really need to tell you the truth because I’m better than you. The goal that I have is more important than the truth.” Or, “I don’t need to conform to that law because there’s a higher law.”
This is moral theology actually somewhat related to what Thomas Aquinas had written about the idea of situational ethics but only taking it to real extremes. So again, I just want to point that out as we’re not just, “Oh because you went to a Jesuit school.” That’s a very shallow conclusion. No, look at the behaviors, and look at what actually has been taught in history.
I just want to add one other thing which I think you might find of interest. There’s some controversy about what happened in November 2020, and who should be occupying the White House. I won’t get into that. But there is a historical precedent that directly involves the Jesuits. It was in Russia, 1605 – 1606, a person called Dimitri, or known in Russian history as the false Dimitri. Ivan the Terrible was was Tsar of Russia. He killed one of his sons. The other one didn’t want to have anything to do with the throne after that. And so this runaway monk comes to Poland, and the Jesuits find this guy, and they say, “Guess what?” And so they have the Polish officials to dress him up and say, “We’re gonna pretend that he’s the son of Ivan the Terrible.” They sent him back to Russia. The people are convinced that he is the Tsar. He became Tsar for a year and a half. The Jesuits almost took over Russia at that time. It’s very little known history, but that is a fact!
That shows you the power of the Jesuits I mean and the cunning and the ruthlessness. People don’t know history. They’ve done a brilliant job of removing themselves from history. People think, “Oh, they’re just the nice parish priest on the corner, or there’s a few of them running around in a monastery” or whatever. Think again. Go look at the facts. Do your research. They are real.
Steve Matthews: Yeah I was going back to something, Stuart, that you had written in your article about, “Who are the Jesuits? And should you be concerned today?” And I think you made a very good point in there. You said, when considering the Jesuits, we should avoid extremes. One extreme is to give the Jesuits too much credit and stoke needless irrational panic. However today we see another extreme that is more common. Many ignore or underestimate the impact of the Jesuits in history and today. And I think that’s the approach that both of you have used here. I think this is the correct approach. I mean it’s not like we’re trying to see a Jesuit behind every bush, but we have to acknowledge these guys are out there, and they have a very significant influence on what goes on. And all of us have been affected by it. I mean there’s not a man woman or child in the United States and probably just about anywhere in the world that has not been affected by the Covid pandemic, and maybe even more specifically the response to it.
Stuart Quint: You know, Steve, I was thinking about Ephesians 6:10. Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, it’s against powers, principalities, the wickedness in high places. It’s a spiritual war. Satan is the ultimate enemy, but if we have Christ with us – first of all we got the victory with God through Christ. Secondly, it’s a lot easier when you’re in a struggle to recognize who the enemy is. It’s a lot easier when you know who he is and what he’s trying to do. And you don’t need to panic, there’s no reason to panic, but at the same time be aware. Because you look at things like media. Why is there so much propaganda? How could people be so outright liars? How can they say, “Well you need to come ask on but I don’t”? What about all the corruption? What about the money? In a sense we shouldn’t be surprised, but I think for the Christian it should give us hope. First of all, we need to act as children of light not of darkness. We need to be honest. We need to see the lies for what they are and stand on the truth. But I think secondly also is try to help other people. I mean, there are so many people it’s really sad when you hear about kids particularly. I mean, I now know so many dropouts who are like 15, 14, 13 because of all these lies. And I think as Christians part of our duty is to love our neighbor. And part of that is looking for people who’ve really been banged up, and there’s a lot. And I think part of it is helping them see, “You’ve been lied to.” But guess what? There is truth, and the truth is found in Christ, and you need to be with Him.
So, we do need to recognize the enemy. He is a ruthless enemy, that is Satan, and he has his minions in the Vatican, Jesuits, whoever. But we also have the opportunity to minister in the love and power of Christ, and actually, what they’ve meant for evil, God has meant for good.
Steve Matthews:Yeah, we’re not to have fellowship with unfruitful works of darkness. The King James says reprove them and the new King James says expose them. And that’s really both of you gentlemen have done a tremendous job of that and continue to do that and I really appreciate your work so much. Do either of you at this point have anything else you’d like to add to our discussion?
Stuart Quint: If I could, there is one thing actually that’s on my mind, on my heart. Richard Bennett was all about sharing the Gospel, and loving people. Sure, he especially loved Catholics, but he loved all kinds of people. And we wanted to continue to uphold that mandate. And part of that includes as you said, reproving darkness or exposing darkness.
I think one of the things that I’ve seen and Greg can speak even more authoritatively I think than I can, but I’ve been involved somewhat in local initiatives to fight back against the COVID tyranny, and again we’re not politicians, that’s not we’re not saying – “oh make politics your full time thing” – that’s not what we’re saying. But there is a point where you at least need to take a stand in Christ on issues that affect us.
One of my concerns is I believe that there’s a big temptation for some, I’ll call it salvation by patriotic activism. So I mentioned this guy, Archbishop Vigano, who actually has said some very good things in support of the truckers against the COVID tyranny, against Pope Francis, and we would absolutely agree on those issues. Another guy I can think of as the attorney Tom Renz who is doing heroic stuff with exposing the vaccine injuries on the DoD data amongst other things. But I would appeal to men like these and others. Salvation does not come by good deeds. It does not come because you took the right position. And it’s not because we’re better people, we’re not. We’re all sinners. Our righteousness is filthy rags. Salvation is only in Christ alone. It is not through Mary. It is not through the sacraments or the saints. There is no purgatory. It’s Christ alone. It’s what He did once and for all in the cross. You need to reckon with that. You need to ask God to open your eyes and go to Him. And it’s not that Christ is saying I don’t want to deal with you because your sins are too ugly. Just the opposite. He went to the cross to save you and me. That’s what he did with all of us. He can do that for you too. Please do not be deceived. Yes, your activism is great but it’s not going to save you. It’s not going to grant you eternal life. You need Christ. Only Christ can do that. Only faith in Him. Only repentance in Him. That’s the only way to eternal life.
Greg Bentley: That’s a great ending with a good Gospel presentation. And one thing I like to add is what the Gospel is not. And I’ve heard this so often since the start of the scam coming from the popular churches these days is that, “Oh, everything is going from bad to worse. You don’t want to miss the Rapture because you’re going to face the wrath of God. So ask Jesus into your heart and you won’t miss the Rapture.” And I find that such a confusing message to anyone that would hear something like that because here they are trusting in their work, and they got to pray some prayer to somehow not miss the Rapture. It’s really set the Church off on the wrong path. I think what really needs to be brought out these days is the true Gospel as Stuart has presented. So we need to have our Gospel straight that it’s by faith alone, and we need to see who the Antichrist is. And these were the two hallmarks of the Reformation. It brought in maybe a couple of hundred years of liberty around the world with many battles in between, but for the most part, liberty prevailed. Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty. And now we’re going in the opposite direction. So we need to have the true Gospel so people truly get saved, and people involved by the Spirit, and that liberty would be restored. That’s my prayer and my hope.