The Jesuits’ New World Order by Darryl Eberhart
This is an interview by Gordon Comstock with author Darryl Eberhart. Gordon Comstock is the host of a podcast called The Ministry of Truth.
Darryl discusses the Vatican in politics today with the numerous Military Orders or Knights who fill government positions, as well as the corporate world, often called the new world order or globalism. I found an audio file of the interview on
I transcribed the talk and highlighted in bold what Darryl said that I found particularly interesting.
Introduction by the host, Gordon Comstock
This is the Ministry of Truth, I’m Gordon Comstock, and we have a returning guest today. He’s been on the show, oh gosh, three or four times. This might even be his fifth time. Boy, he reads a lot, and they’re of course the kind of books that are hard to obtain nowadays. We’re not supposed to read these kinds of books, I suppose. And he’s got a very interesting background in military intelligence. And I think he really knows his stuff.
Before I was ever introduced to him, I was reading his writings online quite a bit. So I was quite happy to finally talk to him. And he’s become a regular on the show. And frankly, and this doesn’t happen very often in life, I have trouble finding areas where I would disagree with my guest today. And our guest is Darryl Eberhart. Welcome aboard, Darryl.
Darryl Eberhart’s background
Thanks for the nice introduction. I’m 61 years old (in 2012?). I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned that on any of the podcasts. Sometimes I get a little tuckered out and tired of fighting these guys. But let me give your listeners kind of an introduction to me, both the intel and the religious side, because I’ve got this great concern that they’ll accuse, since I’ve been writing so much about Roman Catholicism and especially the Jesuit order, and I’m not comparing myself to Abraham Lincoln, but whenever they were plotting to assassinate Lincoln, they passed the word around that in a lot of the northern newspapers, as a matter of fact, that were Democratic newspapers. And actually Lincoln claimed up to half of the newspapers in his time were controlled by the Roman Catholic Church. But they accused him of being a baptized Catholic who had gone astray. They figured that would steady the arms of the Roman Catholic assassins, and a lot of the low-level conspirators were Roman Catholic. And I just wanted to let people know that I have never been a Roman Catholic. I was never secretly baptized as a Roman Catholic. I am not an apostate Catholic, although I do know quite a bit about the Catholic Church.
But anyway, let me tell them about my intel. I spent 26 years in the intelligence community, and 20 years of that was U.S. military. I’m a retired military. Eleven-and-a-half years in the U.S. Air Force intelligence, and eight-and-a-half years in Army intelligence. And then after I retired from the military, I worked six years as a Department of Defense civilian at the National Security Agency, largely because I got trained in Russian and Arabic languages. I had worked as an analyst, a linguist, a reporter, and then later I got a direct commission to captain. And so I was then in military intelligence. I was a chief warrant officer before then, after I’d switched over from the Air Force.
And I’d been writing two newsletters for the past decade-plus, tackling the tough topics and examining the tough issues. And when I first started writing, I just pretty much spoke in general terms of the globalist rich elite, talked a little bit about what are actually just front groups, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Bilderbergers, etc. They’re just 100% front groups. And as a matter of fact, a lot of smaller groups within the secret societies are front groups for the Jesuits.
The Jesuits and Black Pope control of the secret societies
The Jesuits, as I have maintained and others, like Greg Szymanski, Eric Jon Phelps, all of our research ties together and confirms what each of us has worked on separately. And it goes back to a lot of guys who have written good books, like Edmond Paris, The Secret History of the Jesuits. It just all dovetails and points to the same point, and that is that the Jesuits sit at the very top of the secret society’s pyramid, controlling Freemasonry, controlling their own Jesuit order, and through that controlling the entire hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church because the Black Pope actually rules over the White Pope.
He’s the Black Pope, the Jesuit Superior General, is the power behind the throne of the White Pope, the one that we see patting children on heads. But the real leader of the Roman Catholic hierarchy is the Jesuit Superior General, who’s also in charge of the very wealthy Knights of Malta who are co-located and co-headquartered at the Jesuit Superior General’s palace there in the Vatican. So this man is by far, I think, the most powerful man in the world, and through the wealthy controls through the Vatican Bank, and again through these wealthy Knights of Malta who hold a lot of key banking positions.
The Rothschild banking family: Jewish front-men for the Jesuits
The Rothschilds, people like to point to them and say, hey, look, these are Jews, and they’re running everything. The Rothschilds are Jesuits who just happen to have a Jewish background, but one of their titles is Guardians of the Vatican Treasury, and that ought to tell us something. They’re employees.
More of Darryl’s background
Yeah, exactly. So anyway, I just wanted to let them know that I’ve got a good background in intelligence, but interestingly, despite having for 26 years there, almost the full 26 years, I had a top secret special intelligence clearance with all kinds of extra caveats and that, and I knew almost nothing about the Jesuits. I knew a little bit about the Catholic Church, and I’ll explain why with my religious background here.
I was raised Methodist. My mom was Methodist. My dad was Roman Catholic, but my dad got in trouble because he didn’t raise us Catholic, and the priest was angry with him for years.
Darryl’s experience with a Catholic priest
So again, I was never baptized a Roman Catholic, and I never – actually, I didn’t go to a Roman Catholic church until I actually got in my 20s. I went a couple of times with my dad to Mass, but again, I was raised Methodist. Now, I have to say this. Ninety percent of my relatives are Roman Catholic, including my dad is over 80 years in the Catholic Church. Ninety percent of my friends are Roman Catholic because I’m in a very heavily Roman Catholic area that anywhere you go in any direction, about five to six miles until you get down off the mountain, it’s either 70 to 90 percent Roman Catholic or higher.
Decades ago, by the way, I married a beautiful and wonderful Roman Catholic lady, and that’s when I took Roman Catholic catechism classes. I was still in the Air Force up at Syracuse University studying Russian language, and I went to those classes, and I never converted to Catholicism. As a matter of fact, the priest kind of threw me out after about six sessions because I kept asking questions. And I wasn’t a Bible scholar at the time, but I had read enough of the Bible to just raise questions like, hey, Jesus Christ healed Peter’s mother-in-law, and Paul said that Simon Peter took his wife with him when he went around.
It sounds like Peter was married. Why do you guys have to be celibate priests when it looks like Peter had a wife there? And the priest said, oh, is that in the Bible? And then I nailed him on about four or five other things, and finally he just came up after about the sixth session and put his arm around me because I was embarrassing him by asking him questions he couldn’t answer or making him look stupid because he kept saying, is that really in the Bible? I said, yeah, it is.
I said, Christ said, don’t call anyone on Earth Father. Now, obviously he’s not talking about your earthly daddy, but he was talking in a religious – so why do we have to call you guys Father? And he goes, is that in the Bible? I said, yeah, it is. And give one more. And I goes, Jesus Christ said that we shouldn’t do repetitious prayers like the heathen do. Why do you guys pray the rosary and just keep going over the same thing over and over and over again? And he goes, is that in the Bible?
And I’m not picking just on Catholic priests because I knew six Methodist ministers, and I’d say probably about four or five of them didn’t know that much about the Bible. As a matter of fact, their main training was in administration and raising money and public speaking and running socials and things like that. And I think, as a matter of fact, the last couple of Methodist ministers that I knew said they only had one Bible course.
And, of course, Roman Catholic priests, if you talk to ex-priests, they get very little Bible training. And theirs is almost all the traditions of the church, the church, old church fathers, especially the ones that the Catholics consider the most important. And that’s their main study. They also don’t get into the Bible.
So anyway, because of that, this guy (the Catholic priest trying to teach Darryl catechism), he just came up, put his arm around me and said, you don’t have to come back anymore, my son. And I didn’t want to go back anymore anyway, Gordon, because the snow was getting about three to four feet deeper up in Syracuse. I had a hellacious winter that year. And so it worked out well, but he definitely didn’t want me to come back.
More of Darryl’s background
So I am not Roman Catholic, although I love a lot of individual Roman Catholics. And I want to just make that point. Again, I just went to Mass a couple of times with my dad, kind of rebellious there because I was kind of disgusted by the Methodist church. And for six or seven years, I went to independent fundamental churches here when I came back after leaving the National Security Agency. And I got so disgusted with them because everything was pre-trib rapture, once saved, always saved. We’re not to be involved in fighting evil. We’re only here to win souls, and we’re to obey government no matter how evil it is, don’t you know? And that just drove me crazy. So basically, I just read the Bible, and I get together with a couple of friends.
Recommended book for Roman Catholics
And by the way, before we finish, I’d like to give a book. It’s the best book for giving to a Roman Catholic that really, in a nice and kind way, it’s Lorraine Boettner’s book called Roman Catholicism. They’ve attacked this man horribly. It was written, I think, in 1962. But Roman Catholics tell me it’s the best book to give to a Roman Catholic to witness to them as to the unbiblical, unscriptural doctrines and practices in the church because Boettner, he’s a man, Lorraine Boettner, just runs comparisons. This is what the Bible says. This is what the Catholic Church does or practices or says. And anyone who looks at that with an honest and open heart is going to see that basically, and I don’t know how to say it in a kinder way or anything. Roman Catholicism is basically paganism with a very thin Christian veneer.
And the sad part is that there are Roman Catholics, and I know Roman Catholics, that are real Christians that are in that church. And maybe before we get done, we’ll read that verse, Revelation 18, where it says come out of her my people.
The good news I have is that my best friend and his wife, and he was a Eucharistic minister. She taught, I forget, catechism type classes in the church school. And both very, very devout Roman Catholics, both from devout Roman Catholic, large Roman Catholic families. And after over 50 years, each of them in the Roman Catholic Church, they, by reading the Bible and Boettner’s book, they came out of the church. So it’s not an impossibility. It does happen.
Rome Catholicism not Biblical
And Roman Catholics, many of them have no idea. They know there’s some evil at the top because of the pedophile priest thing, but many of them have no idea because most of them do not read the Bible. They have no idea of how many Catholic practices like celibacy, infallibility (of the Pope), purgatory, again, indulgences, mass cards for the dead, people trying to pay and pray their relatives out of purgatory, that none of that’s in the Bible.
As a matter of fact, I challenge Catholics when I meet them, hey, sit down and read your Catholic Bible and see if you can find one pope. See if you can find one cardinal. See if you can find one archbishop. That whole entire hierarchical system is not there in the Bible. As a matter of fact, Paul and Peter, examples in the New Testament, when anyone ran up and fell at their feet and tried to kiss their toes or praise them as gods, they said, get up, get up, get up. We’re just men like you.
And compare that to the pope, many of the popes that have lived in such wealth and with many palaces and the cardinals the same way, and again through selling indulgences – that’s what got Luther so fired up. A lot of people forget that some of the reformers were Roman Catholics. Luther was an Augustinian monk who tried so hard to reform the system from within.
The Dominican Girolamo Savonarola, who was in Florence, led a great revival. He made one little mistake. He criticized, I think it was Pope Alexander VI, his corrupt papal court. Of course, he was immediately excommunicated and murdered, exterminated, executed. And that happened so frequently throughout history. We need to remember that many courageous Roman Catholics have tried to challenge the system from within, and papal Rome does not like to be challenged about anything.
Darryl’s attitude toward Roman Catholicism
I’d like to read just a couple of little things that I threw in some of my writings when I started writing more and more about Roman Catholicism. It will repeat a little bit what I said, but I think people need to know this. And here’s a little statement I put in some of my newsletters when I started to really go like after the Jesuit order.
I am not a Roman Catholic. I also am most definitely not anti-Roman Catholic as far as individual Roman Catholics go. My dad, 90% of my relatives are Roman Catholic, and the majority of my friends are Roman Catholic, still to this day, I might add.
Jesuits, Freemasonry, Knights of Malta, the CIA, etc.
I am, however, against the top levels of secret societies, from the hierarchy of the Jesuit order to the hierarchy of Freemasonry. And by the way, if I can find that quote, I’ll read it later. But there was a historian that said if you trace up to the very top of Freemasonry, you will find out that the leader of the head Freemason in the world and the Jesuit superior general are one and the same person.
And we need to remember that, that the Jesuit order took over French and British and German Freemasonry over a century ago. So the Jesuit order controls the higher levels of Freemasonry, which gives them so much power because when you start looking at the intelligence community, Gordon, you find out that just about every head of the central intelligence agency was either a 33-degree Freemason like Alan Dulles whom John Fitzgerald Kennedy fired, or they were Knights of Malta, which is a religious military order within the Roman Catholic Church under the direct command of the Jesuit superior general. I think that’s kind of interesting.
Five Knights of Malta, the first one that was in charge was William Wild Bill Donovan. You had John McCone, William Casey, William Colby, and George Tenet. There’s at least five, plus the head of the decades headlong of counterintelligence in the Central Intelligence Agency also sat at the Vatican desk, and the Israel desk was James Jesus Angleton, who just happened to be the CIA liaison to the Warren Commission.
And you can tell another Knight of Malta in the FBI, one of the assistant FBI directors, Carthus Deloach, just happened to be the FBI liaison to the Warren Commission, Whitewash Commission I call it. And we can tell the flow of information that went to the Warren Commission was completely sanitized and edited by these two Knights of Malta.
So when you start looking at that in World War II where the head of Soviet intelligence is a Knight of Malta who’s used as a Jesuit priest for his couriers named Prince Anton Terkel, you look at the German intelligence on the eastern front. It’s run by a Roman Catholic Knight of Malta named Reinhard Galen, who ends up after the war coming over and helping Donovan, who was the head of the old Office of Strategic Services, the predecessor to the CIA. They set up the CIA together, two Roman Catholic Knights of Malta.
By the way, William Joseph Wild Bill Donovan, I have a picture of him getting the Order of Sylvester there at the Vatican. The man was heavily decorated by the Roman Catholic Church, the Vatican, for his lifetime of service to the Catholic Church, even while he was the head of the OSS and then afterwards as a CIA director. So isn’t that kind of interesting, Gordon, that these guys are getting awards? Our top intelligence guys are getting awards from the Roman Catholic Church.
Gordon: Well, you know, as you know, the Bible talks a lot about nations being empowered by demonic entities. And when you read through that litany of the crossovers between the Nazi echelon that were hooked up with the Knights of Malta, how they just very easily made that transition from crumbling Nazi Germany to rising United States 20th century power. And it’s almost, boy, to me, I can just envision those demons crossing over from the Nazis to us. And we’re seeing the fruits of that now all around us with entities like Blackwater and, of course, all of the draconian legislation like the Patriot Act.
Persecution of Bible Believers by the Roman Catholic Church
Darryl: That includes stuff that says that the president is allowed to torture people. And where does torture come from? It doesn’t come from any Protestant church. It doesn’t come from any evangelical or any kind of fundamental church. There’s only one church that is really tortured like big time, and that is the Roman Catholic Church and the Inquisition alone from, according to several reputable historians that officially ran 1203-1808, butchered up to 50 million Bible-believing Christians.
I don’t know if you’ve ever had Richard Bennett on. He’s an ex-priest of 22 years, but he did this DVD on the Inquisition. It’s subtitled, 605 Years of Papal Torture and Death. It’s 58 minutes long. It’s in color, very professionally done, has nice music on it. As a matter of fact, it has an introductory song about the Inquisition. But the first two-thirds of the DVD deals with that official Inquisition that took the lives, again, of up to 50 million Bible-believing Christians.
Many women were burned. And you think with wet wood and just slowly roasted and toasted at the stake, how cruel. Eighty popes in a row approved the Inquisition.
But again, it’s very professionally done, and the first two-thirds deals with that 1203 to 1808 time frame. But the last third deals with that forgotten Holocaust. Some people call it the Vatican Holocaust.
And they’re talking about in Croatia in the 1940s. Croatia was a part of Yugoslavia, then broke away, became a puppet state to the Nazis. And this fascist state butchered, tortured up to 1 million innocent Serb Orthodox Christians, men, women, and children, to the point where they impelled children alive on stakes. They crucified Orthodox priests to wooden doors. They skinned people alive. They buried people alive. They burned people alive. They sawed them. They cut their eyes out, made necklaces from them. And I know you’re very familiar with this.
Gordon: Yeah, I read that book, The Vatican’s Holocaust by Avro Manhattan.
Darryl: And he has pictures in there of both the perpetrators. We need to think about this because there are ten FEMA regions in the U.S. There are ten Jesuit provincials assigned to the U.S. I don’t think that’s coincidence. And when we think that two Jesuit prelates, they were Jesuit monsignors who were in archbishop positions in Zagreb and Sarajevo, respectively. Aloysius Stepanich, who also was the military vicar to the Ustashi military killing squads that ran around. And Ivan Saric. So these two Jesuit archbishops ran and choreographed this horrible religious holocaust, basically. (Of Serbian Orthodox believers.)
Gordon: And the people who led the bloodthirsty mobs were Franciscan priests, correct?
Darryl: Yes. And some of the worst commandants were, like you said, Franciscan priests, monks, and friars. They sometimes led the Ustashi units. And if they weren’t the actual officer in charge, then they were an advisor that participated in and urged the torture. And as the one writer wrote, he said they weren’t content just to kill people. They had to horribly torture them first.
So, you know, it boggles the mind of people who have not been brought up Roman Catholic and who do not know the history of the Roman Catholic Church to think of a church that calls itself Christian doing this type of thing.
Gordon: So that was a carryover. That was still the Inquisition, right? The Inquisition never really officially went away.
Darryl: No, no. And that was a modern-day Inquisition that we need to look at because, as one writer, I think it was Manhattan himself, said, it serves as a model of what the Roman Catholic Church would like to do if they could ever, you know, wherever they have power, to establish themselves as a state church and to totally, as the one Edmond Paris wrote, convert or die with everyone else. And, of course, some of the Orthodox people did convert.
If we don’t learn the lessons of history, as Santayana said, those lessons repeat. And God help us if we, when FEMA takes over and the governors are the real power behind them, are those ten Jesuit provincials, because we know what these people can do.
The hatred of the Roman Catholic hierarchy towards non-Catholics.
Here’s a little thing I’d like to read. I had stuck into several of the newsletters when I started writing more about Roman Catholicism. I put, why am I writing more and more about Roman Catholicism? I’ve been writing more on the Roman Catholic Church’s hierarchy, and especially its Jesuit order in recent newsletters, because I keep uncovering more and more about the deep hatred that the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church has for independent Bible-believing Christians, Protestants, Orthodox Christians, and Jews. And by the way, during World War II, it was just a bloodbath that mainly went after Protestants in northern Germany, Orthodox Christians not just in Serbia, but in Russia and the Ukraine, and of course Jews, up to six million Jews, despite all of these people that try to say that there were only a couple hundred thousand. Now, I’ve seen the actual pictures of the bulldozing of the bodies and that when the American soldiers went into camp.
Gordon: Let me derail you quickly here, because you just prompted something. Darryl, do you think, as I strongly suspect, that not only during World War II, not only what happened in Croatia with the mass murder and torture of the Serbs, not only was that a carryover of the same Inquisition, but do you think, given that Hitler is still to this day a Catholic in title, he never was excommunicated, and given that it was guys like Franz von Papen, who, was he a cardinal or an archbishop?
Darryl: No, no, he was a Knight of Malta. Knight of Malta. He put Hitler into power.
Gordon: He put Hitler into power, and as we know, Knights of Malta are under the auspices of the Vatican. Do you consider that the far more infamous Holocaust that we see so many movies and books about, like Schindler’s List and whatnot, do you think that that also was a carryover of the Inquisition?
Darryl: Without doubt, there’s no doubt in my mind that that was another, it was just part of the modern-day Inquisition. Serbia wasn’t the only one. World War II was an entire Inquisition that the Catholic Church has long hated Orthodox Christians, and that’s why the Nazi SS units, a lot of them in the Central Security Service and that, they were priests that put on the black uniform. The head of the Nazi SS was not little Pogno’s nephew Heinrich Himmler, Kurt Heinrich Himmler. The real head of it was his uncle, who was a Roman Catholic priest, a Jesuit. That’s right. Subordinate to the Jesuit superior general, Ledeckowski.
But those priests followed in with the killer units, just like the Ustashi had the Franciscan priests, monks and friars. These Jesuit priests and other Roman Catholic priests were even wearing the black uniform of the Nazi SS, and they were with the killer squads that came in behind the regular German military whenever they, you know, invaded into Ukraine and then further into the Soviet Union.
So, yeah, it was – Eric Jon Phelps, when I first looked at his book, I thought, wow, could it be that this thing (WW II) was just totally orchestrated to slaughter as many Protestants and Jews and Orthodox Christians as possible? And I don’t know how anyone can really take an honest look at World War II and not come to that conclusion. Where did almost all the firebombing take place? In northern Germany, not in Catholic Bavaria. What happened to the poor German Protestants up in the northeastern parts, like in Prussia, in that they were force-marched during winter. Women and children died along the way. Some people think up to a million. With that, and the people that died in the camps in the northern part, the Americans in British camps were horrible. They allowed malnutrition. They allowed weather and everything, exposure of these people. They were horribly treated. The amount of food they were given in that, like I said, force-marched in the middle of winter. And then, of course, the Jews, they went after them big time, and the Orthodox Christians.
Roman Catholic power in key government positions.
So I don’t see how anyone can really be honest, whether he’s Roman Catholic or non-Roman Catholic, look at World War II and not just see a massive religious side that was orchestrated by having Knights of Malta running the intelligence services on both sides. And we all need to keep that in mind.
I worked 26 years in the intelligence community. When you have top positions like the CIA counterintelligence desk, when you hold the head of the CIA, the head of the FBI, then you can murder anybody. And that’s what happened with John Kennedy. And then cover it up, because you have all your people at the key choke points, and no mid-level analyst or something’s going to be able to get anything. He’ll get murdered if he tries to go outside of channels. And that’s what they did with the two liaison positions with Kennedy and everyone around Kennedy. And that’s something that you and I have talked about before, is the alternative medium.
Much of it blames everything on the Jews, mentioning the Rothschilds and that, or the head of the Federal Reserve, and not ever getting to the secret societies and the control of the secret societies by the Jesuit superior general, where they have control of these. Not only the intelligence agencies, but they are able then to use, through the CIA cooperation with special forces, Navy SEALs, they are able to use our most elite military to murder people and cover it up. And having key people in Congress, almost every key committee is held by a Roman Catholic, generally.
It’s interesting. I started when I was updating some of my news articles. I will tell this story, and you know it. At one time, I had 106 articles up on the web. 106. And a lot of them dealt with assassination, like the assassination of Kennedy, the assassination of John Paul I, the assassination of Oscar Romero, the archbishop down in El Salvador, and the assassination of Lincoln.
And when you look around and start digging a little bit outside of mainstream publishing and the current American textbooks, you find out in all of these that the culprits are the Jesuits and the rest of the Vatican, the papacy. Clearly, their fingerprints are all over the assassination of Lincoln. My goodness, they even helped John Harrison Surratt to escape up to Canada, where two Roman Catholic priests hide him out, one of the arch-conspirators, and then they ferry him over to England and down to the papacy, where he becomes part of the Pope’s own personal bodyguard.
So to have that kind of power – but Burke McCarty in her book pointed out that during the time – and she wrote an interesting book, The Suppressed Truth, about the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. That book was published in 1924, and when she did, she’s got a great quote in there, and I’ll just paraphrase it because I don’t have it right in front of me. But she said that during the Wilson administration – he served two terms, I think that would be 1913 to 1921. Remember, he’s the president and said, I’ll never send your boys overseas, just like FDR later. But anyway, she said during his administration, the head of the Army, the head of the Navy, the head of the emergency fleet, the head of the post office, and she named a couple others, and she said just about every single department in the U.S. government – now remember, this is in the 1920s, the early 20s – she said it was held by a Fourth Degree Knight of Columbus. Now the Roman Catholic population at that time was one-sixth the entire U.S. population. But there they’re holding every single key position.
Lincoln said that in his time, half of the newspapers – I mentioned it earlier – half the newspapers were run by the Roman Catholic Church. And then F.Tupper Saussy, when he came out with his book, Rulers of Evil, showed how in the Reagan administration, almost all his top advisors were Roman Catholic. And almost every key position – intelligence, finance, in both the Senate and the House – were all held by Roman Catholics.
And it’s interesting, when you think back, Gordon, if you go to an independent fundamental church, you’ll find out these guys have all been taught in their seminaries. We don’t get involved in politics. But when you go to Roman Catholic churches, when they have their Knights of Columbus, and they try to recruit young Roman Catholics into that, they tell their people, get into law enforcement.Get into government. Become mayor. Become governor. Become president.
They’re talking two sides there. They infiltrate, and Protestants have trouble understanding that because we wouldn’t think of infiltrating a Catholic church. But the Jesuits are masters of infiltration, and they have their people infiltrate even seminaries of these independent fundamental associations and everything. And they tell these people, now, you need to obey government no matter how evil it is, no matter how fascist it is, because don’t you know government’s from God? And you guys need to stay out of politics. You’re only here to win souls. You don’t get involved in anything. And then they’re telling their people, get involved in law enforcement. Get involved in politics.
You go to a lot of these northern, northeastern cities, Midwest, North Chicago, New York, Boston, you’ll find out that a very large number of the police officers, especially in the middle and higher levels, are Knights of Columbus. And you can see that on a website, It’s under Blue Mass. I think it’s one of the first ones in his left-hand column on his home page. He has Blue Mass there. And they have all kinds of pictures. Jeb Bush is a fourth degree, I believe, Knight of Columbus. They have a picture of him getting his ceremony there. They have a picture of President, the current baby Bush, shaking hands with a bunch of Knights of Columbus. They have pictures of some of these top people in the New York police force. I think one of them was a former Homeland Security or FEMA female. It was a very high-ranking one. They’re all Knights of Columbus!
So what does that bode for us? We need to remember something, Gordon, and that is that the Ustashi was a Roman Catholic militia called Catholic Action in Yugoslavia. Whenever the German troops poured across the border, these people turned on their own government, turned on their own constitution, their own people, and betrayed them and showed the German troops, where the arms were stored, where aircraft were hidden away. And they basically were a fifth column.
I hope most of the listeners understand that fifth column from the Spanish Civil War there where General Mola and Franco said he had a fifth column. In other words, he had people friendly to him behind the enemy’s line pretending to be good guys when they were actually betraying them. But he claimed to have, in Madrid, to have a fifth column.
Well, throughout all of Europe in World War II, there were fifth columns in France and Yugoslavia that betrayed their own people, their own country, their own government, their own military. They assassinated King Alexander of Yugoslavia.
But the Ustashi, we need to remember, was a Roman Catholic militia, basically a terrorist group before World War II. And then once Pavelich was put into power, Pavelich, an interesting character who said a good Ustashi is someone who can cut a child out of its mother’s womb. And having the two archbishops there, once they took power, well, guess what happened to the Roman Catholic militia, Catholic Action Ustashi? They became the regular military forces, and they went around being the killer squads.
I’ve heard a million and a half to two million strong for the Knights of Columbus. There are signs all over where I live. I mean, you see all these signs. They have chapters and stuff. They sell insurance. They sell little gambling tickets, basically, that are based on the lottery here in Pennsylvania. These guys are wealthy. They’re powerful.
And we need to think, what are they going to do when we go under total martial law in a fascist state here? Are these guys going to be just like the Ustashi in Croatia? That’s something to think about because the Knights, and you’ve probably seen it, that fourth-degree oath of the Knights of Columbus. Now, they’ve probably mellowed it some, but it was a horrible blood oath that was read into the congressional record in the early 1900s. Knights of Columbus. We don’t need militias that have an oath to a foreign potentate, and that’s what the pope is. And if people think that’s hard, it’s just the truth.
Gordon: When you say foreign potentate, now, that brings up a good point because we talk a lot about the dangers of Roman Catholicism and the Jesuits and the upper echelon of that hierarchy. But that upper echelon, foreign potentate, isn’t the real threat, the real source of all this threat, is that the Vatican? Because the Vatican, people think it’s just a religious system still. No, that’s a nation state, is it not?
Darryl: It is. The Vatican State has diplomatic relations with something like over 80 or 100 countries. I forget. But they’re a member of the United Nations. The pope goes and speaks there, and I’m pretty sure they are. And I know they’ve got diplomatic relations with all of the major countries in the world. As a matter of fact, they were restored with Mussolini in the concordant that he signed with the papacy. And of course, some people tend to forget Hitler also signed a concordant with the papacy.
And you mentioned earlier, Hitler was never excommunicated. Neither was Mussolini. As a matter of fact, when Hitler died, or some people say he didn’t really die, he went to Argentina. But anyway, when he was supposedly committed suicide, they had a high requiem mass for him in Spain, officiated, I think, by three Roman Catholics. Generally, that’s only for like a cardinal or something. And they had that for him.
But Mussolini, Hitler, none of the worst of these mass murderers was ever excommunicated by the Roman Catholic Church. How could they? These guys were working for them.
Gordon: That’s not good PR within your own camp if you excommunicate your top murderers that carry out your orders for you.
Let me go ahead and finish a little bit here. I put here, we Americans have for the most part – oh, let’s say one other thing. You mentioned a good point. A lot of people tend to think of Roman Catholicism as just a religion. No. The Roman Catholic Church is probably the most powerful geopolitical faction in the world because of controlling secret societies, plus having a billion adherents, plus having a Vatican bank. And then they have another bank too. But all their stockholdings in that, the Knights of Malta are big bankers. So they’re filthy rich. And so we need to think of them. They are the most powerful, in my mind, geopolitical and financial power on the entire planet. They’re not just a religion.
So anyway, I put here, we Americans have for the most part been largely ignorant of the well-documented history of the Roman Catholic Church in conducting brutal religious genocide, the Inquisition, Holy Wars, and Holy Crusades against all the aforementioned groups. Talking again, Bible-believing Christians, Protestants, Orthodox Christians, and Jews. Sadly, many Americans believe the ecumenical rhetoric of the Roman Catholic Church’s hierarchy, that she has changed her ways and now loves all the separated brethren.
Well, we now know that the current Pope Benedict XVI has come out and said, well, that liberal stuff you kind of heard out of Vatican II is they’re just spinning that the wrong way. There’s no salvation outside of the Roman Catholic Church. And I’ve got quotes somewhere, some by him, and some of his recent documents where he said any church that came out of the Protestant Reformation is not a church.
So guess what, Protestants, you’re back to being heretics and not separated brethren. And by the way, the ecumenical movement totally run by Roman Catholics. There’s a Roman Catholic priest named Forrest and that, but you’ll find it almost all of these, the Billy Graham things and that, there’s always priests there.
Paul and Jan Crouch, you can almost always see a priest in the background there. Jack Van Impe praises Mary and the Marian apparitions and the Popes. So a lot of these so-called Protestant evangelists and that are just… Oh, well, Billy Graham himself has an honorary degree from a Roman Catholic Institute of Higher Learning.
Darryl: They’re all subverted. Yeah, they’re working for the other side. And we need to realize that these people are pied pipers. As a matter of fact, Billy Graham, when a Roman Catholic comes forward at his crusade wanting to truly learn more about Christ, what does Billy Graham and those counselors do? They turn them over to the local Roman Catholic Church. They go back to your Roman Catholic Church and learn there.
I mean, again, I’m not trying to be mean to anyone because I love a lot of individual Roman Catholics, but Roman Catholicism is basically pagan. It’s the old Babylonian religion. It’s paganism with a thin veneer of Christianity. It moved into the power vacuum whenever the imperial pagan Roman Empire fell, and the Pope basically took over as the ghost rose from the ashes of the pagan imperial Roman Empire.
Gordon: Well, Darryl, this gets into eschatology. You have these pre-tribbers, these futurist Christians nowadays who are expecting some kind of revived Roman Empire in the future. And what they are obtusely not seeing is that when the secular government of Rome fell, it wasn’t—just a few years went by, and then it morphed into— Basically what I’m trying to say is their revived Roman Empire is Roman Catholicism because it became—it carried on Rome and engulfed all the other states around it, infiltrated. So it’s right in front of them. It’s always been in front of them.
Darryl: It’s always been the number one persecutor of Christians. True Bible-believing Christians, including the—and I’m sure you covered the Waldensians. I know you read about them. You know how they treated the Waldensians, but they called the Albigensians, the Waldensians, Heretics, Manichaeans, Dualists, all kinds of dirty names. But they were basically just simple Bible-believing Christians who were always—let me repeat that. They didn’t leave the Catholic Church. They were always outside the Catholic Church. And because Catholics in France and that started—who would see—and they compared how the wonderful lives of these people—they were hardworking, industrious, moral people. And so the Catholic Church was starting to lose—their adherents were leaving in droves to join these people, and that’s when they crushed the entire southern population of southern France. They exterminated the Albigensians in a series of crusades. I think they started somewhere around 1208. And they basically used some of the same crusaders who had been down in the Middle East and turned them loose, including rapists and murderers, out of the prisons to slaughter these people. And that’s why I started writing more and more about Roman Catholicism, just because I don’t know how to say this in any other way than the Roman Catholic Church is basically—especially the Jesuit Order in the last four centuries—it’s international murder incorporated. They’re just mass murderers, masters of assassination of individuals, but also masters of religious genocide.
And we need to speak out about it. We need to—Roman Catholics need to learn. I think if Roman Catholics in America could learn one-tenth of the history of their church, suppose a church—but again, remember, it’s an official nation-state, the Vatican State, that was restored by Mussolini with his concordat, I think it was in 1924. But anyway, by the way, Roman Catholicism also became the state religion again there, so the deadly wound kind of got healed there whenever they got back as a Vatican state. But the point—I’d like to let people know what my web—if you don’t mind, let them know the website, because there’s a lot of articles up there, and I have written more about Roman Catholicism. My website is—issues is plural—toughissues, (The domain name went off-line) I had to change it.
We’ll go back to that story. I had 106 articles up there on the web at one time, mostly newsletters, and they had been hacked into because I think I’d written about assassinations and the POWMIA issue. They don’t like you to write about that, all the guys we left behind. And so it got messed with several times. We finally got it all back up on two different websites, and the one website was simply hooked into the first website, and the lady that was running—and I won’t go into detail here—but she pulled all 106 articles and newsletters I had up there because I’d used several quotes from Seventh-day Adventists. And unfortunately, I’d also used quotes by Hitler, but that didn’t make me a Nazi.
I’m not a Seventh-day Adventist, by the way. I’d used quotes by Stalin. That didn’t make me a communist. But anyway, I’ll use quotes by anybody if I think they’re pretty good. But anyway, 106 got knocked out, and I’ve been slowly rebuilding it back, and I’ve got 39 articles up there. And since you and I have both been talking about genocide here, I would really like the listeners to just read two articles I’ve got up there.
One’s called Bloody Hands and Wicked Hearts. It’ll just show up under Bloody Hands. The other one is Death by Government and Death by Church. It’ll show up there, Death by Government. Read Bloody Hands and Death by Government. And you’ll find out it’s not the Jews, the Zionist Jews, that are running around fomenting all the wars and fomenting World War I and World War II. It is the Roman Catholic Church, very clearly.
And there was a man named Edmond Paris who was born Roman Catholic, a French author who wrote several books like Convert or Die, but he wrote The Secret History of the Jesuits.
(Transcribed up to 49 and a half minutes of the audio file. The main points are covered.)