The Jesuits & The Counter Reformation – Walter Veith
Walter Veith (born 1949) is a South African zoologist and a Seventh-day Adventist author and speaker known for his work in nutrition, creationism, and Biblical exegesis.
Martin Smith in the video is Walter Veith’s partner in the series of talks on the YouTube channel entitled Clash of Minds. I can’t find his bio. I think he’s probably a SDA pastor.
I disagree with doctrines that are specific only to Seventh-Day Adventists, but one good thing the Seventh-Day Adventists do have is a good knowledge of the history and principles of the Protestant Reformation and the Jesuit-led Counter-Reformation that followed it. Many Christians, especially Pentecostals and Baptists are woefully ignorant of this history! Besides the SDA church, only Presbyterians and some conservative Lutheran denominations seem to retain knowledge of the principles of the Protestant Reformation. Are you aware of other groups or churches that teach Protestant Reformation history? Please tell me about it in the comments section.
If you are ignorant of Protestant Reformation history and the Roman Catholic Jesuit led Counter-Reformation, the chances are you have been misled by Jesuit doctrines about the end-time, doctrines that have only been taught by pastors and preachers for only the last 200 years of 2000 years of Church history! If you educate yourself about the Protestant Reformation and the Jesuit Counter-Reformation, you may be surprised to find that you will begin to see current events in a brand new light, especially in the world of government and politics.
Walter Veith: I don’t think we’ll be able to do this in one session because the Jesuits are such a clandestine organization and so undermining that to discuss all the aspects is impossible in any case unless you do a long series on them and then you will not have the full story.
So we’re not going to talk about their political intrigues, we’re not going to talk about their school mastery, we’re not going to talk about their infiltration in business and commerce and government and all of those things, and we’re not going to talk about their diabolical history of them having been banned here and there and the other. We’re going to talk about the spiritual aspect.
Martin Smith: And I think people will be surprised to see where their tentacles go.
Walter Veith: Yes, because their aim is to destroy Protestantism and to get rid of that poisonous asp which they call the Bible and to replace it with their wishy-washy versions that do not call spades spades and allow lots of room for Gnosticism. So I know that some of our own people will already have their hackles up, but sit down and listen for a change instead of jumping out of your blocks.
Yes, now Wiley’s History on the Reformation is one of the best sources out there. So let’s start with a quote from that. And he writes, and I like the way they write, they still knew how to use the English vernacular.
Protestantism is not solely the outcome of human progress. It is no mere principle of perfectibility inherent in humanity and ranking as one of its native powers, in virtue of which when society becomes corrupt it can purify itself and when it is arrested in its course by some external force or stops from exhaustion it can recruit its energies and set forward anew on its path.
It’s a very profound statement, so let’s just simplify that. We don’t have it within ourselves to be Protestants. It must be a divine spark, it must come from outside. It is not something where humanity can self-correct itself. If God doesn’t intervene in your heart you will never gain the principles, you will never understand and you will end up where humanity is now. You’ll go from bad to worse. You will never go from bad to better.
And even if it appears, Martin, by deception to be going better it’s actually getting worse. I think that sums up the first paragraph.
It is neither the product of individual reason nor the result of the joint thought and energy of the species. It’s divine. Protestantism is a principle which has its origin outside of human society. It is a divine graft on the intellectual and moral nature of man whereby new vitalities and forces are introduced into it and the human stem yields henceforth a nobler fruit.
So you cannot do this by yourself. If you reject Protestantism you are rejecting God.
It is the descendant of a heaven-born influence which allies itself with all the instincts and powers of the individual with all the laws and cravings of society and which quickening both the individual and the social being into a new life and directing their efforts to nobler objects permits the highest development of which humanity is capable and the fullest possible accomplishment of all the grand ends.
In a word, Protestantism is revived Christianity. And it is the enemy of the forces of darkness. True Christianity has to be eradicated in their thinking. It is an obstacle.
So this is the history of Protestants by Wiley and it’s a very, very reputable source.
Throughout Christendom, Protestantism was menaced by formidable foes. The first triumph of the Reformation passed. Rome summoned new forces hoping to accomplish its destruction. At this time, the Order of the Jesuits was created. The most cruel, unscrupulous and powerful of all the champions of potpourri. There was no crime too great for them to commit. No deception too base for them to practice. No disguise too difficult for them to assume. Vowed to perpetual poverty and humility, it was their studied aim to secure wealth and power to be devoted to the overthrow of Protestantism and the re-establishment of papal supremacy.
Martin, that is the kindest way in which you can tell them off. I would use adjectives far more freely and they would not be kind adjectives. And it’s not to be cruel.
Martin Smith: No. It’s a fact of history. And once you realize what they are up to, everybody will feel the same.
Walter Veith: There’s so much blood dripping from their fingers. So much vile usage of means like drugs, coercion, weapons, warfare, murder that it’s unbelievable that this society is still functioning today.
Martin Smith: They are satanic because they have no sympathy for humanity.
Walter Veith: They have no sympathy for humanity. They’ve been devoid of human sensibility because they have vowed to be like a corpse. As long as the interests of the church are met, it doesn’t matter how many people die in the process or how many are used to destruction.
So when appearing as members of their order, they wore a garb of sanctity, visiting prisons and hospitals, ministering to the sick and the poor, professing to have renounced the world and bearing the sacred name of Jesus who went about doing good. But under this blameless exterior, the most criminal and deadly purposes were often concealed. It was a fundamental principle of the order that the end justifies the means.
By this code, lying, theft, perjury, assassination were not only pardonable but commendable when they served the interests of the church. Under various disguises, the Jesuits worked their ways into offices of state, climbing up to be counselors of kings and shaping the policy of nations.
Martin, this is not conjecture. This is history. And we have hundreds of sources that we could put onto the screen to verify this. From presidents of the United States to world leaders to thousands upon thousands who have realized this over the years. And this leopard never changes his spots. He only digs like a mole a deeper hole into which he hides his perversity.
So let’s just quote one more. In 1816, John Adams wrote to President Jefferson.
“Shall we not have regular swarms of them here in as many disguises as only the king of the gypsies can assume, dressed as painters, publishers, writers, and schoolmasters? If ever there was a body of men who merited eternal damnation on earth and in hell, it is the society of Loyola’s.
I do not have one kind word towards them [the Jesuits] because even their so-called philanthropy is a deception and a lie. Yes.
The so-called Christian world is to be a theater of great and decisive actions. Men in authority will enact laws controlling the conscience after the example of the papacy. Babylon will make all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of a fornication. Every nation will be involved.
That’s what they’re aiming for. Nobody, nobody escapes their machinations. Babylon has fallen, it’s fallen. We need to know why it’s fallen. Because they drank this wine and who poured this wine for them? The Jesuits in their various disguises, pretending to be Protestant preachers in the Protestant world, pretending to be Imams in the Muslim world, pretending to be the leaders in the Indian society as Fakirs and who knows as what, pretending to be the best Hindus, the best Buddhists, you name them, they are there in their disguise, undermining and producing a spirituality which is from below and not from above.
All right, Martin, how do you go about this? You must start replacing moral absolutes with relativism. If you want to fight against God, you have to try and pretend that you are using the weapons of God and pervert them to such an extent that people think that they are serving God when they are serving Baal.
And these poor people, let’s make it quite clear. If you are deceived, it’s the worst thing in the world. So I feel incredibly sorry for all those denominations that have drunken of this wine.
Martin Smith: But isn’t that why we are doing these lectures? To wake people up so that you’re not… That’s why we’re doing these things, so that people can be enlightened to know this and not be misled anymore.
Walter Veith: Correct. Correct. So we’re not against denominations. We’re against the wine (doctrine) that is being imbibed in without them even knowing. Not even the pastors know. Nobody knows. Because the Jesuits have so subtly poisoned the streams that they think that they’re drinking from a divine source when they’re drinking from a foul system.
So let’s see how they replace moral absolutes. Hebrews 12 verse 25 to 28.
- See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not, who refused him that spake on earth? How much more shall not we escape if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven? Whose voice then shook the earth, but now has promised, saying, yet once more I will shake not the earth only, but the heaven. And this word, yet once more, signifies the removing of those things that are shaken as of things that are made, and that those things which cannot be shaken may remain. Wherefore, we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. For our God is a consuming fire.
Martin, is retribution coming?
Martin: For sure.
Walter: And if there was a shaking then, there will be a shaking at the end. And if you do not listen to the voice… Where do I hear his voice, Martin?
Martin: Through the scriptures.
Walter: Isn’t He called the Word? (Yeah.) So this is our guideline. That’s it, the only one. Not some guru, or some spiritual advisor or coach, who stands there splabbing Babylonian wine. Wine experience. No, because anybody can give you an experience. (And yet he follows Ellen G. White!)
Another statement which is interesting is, bear in mind that it is none but God that can hold an argument with Satan. Don’t think you can tread onto his ground and play Mr. Big Wheel. You’re going to come off second best.
So let’s have a look at Protestantism versus the ideology of the so-called Society of Jesus, but it’s a totally different Jesus.
Luther’s appeal was to submit the conscience directly to God through the word. And Loyola’s drive was to submit the conscience to the papacy. Ignatian spirituality was to be achieved through spiritual exercises by substituting imagination and encounter theology for the reality of faith.
So the second one is a charade. You are creating your own experience and inviting demons to embellish it. The first one is based on God and submission to His Word. And the two are diametrically opposed to each other. So if you are involved in this, somebody can actually put a Bible in your hand and it wouldn’t change you one iota because the experience is normative.
So let’s take another quote from history, another excellent source, Merle Aubugine’s History of the Reformation of the 16th Century. This is an amazing document. Aubugine writes, Inigo, now Inigo was a short version of Ignatius of Loyola. So we could read there,
Ignatius of Loyola, instead of feeling that his remorse was sent to drive him to the foot of the cross, persuaded himself that these inward reproaches proceeded not from God but from the devil.
It’s a very dangerous thing to say that that which is from God is from the devil.
And he resolved never more to think of his sins, to erase them from his memory and bury them in eternal oblivion. Luther turned towards Christ. Loyola fell only upon himself. Visions came ere long to confirm Inigo in the convictions at which he had arrived. Inigo did not seek truth in the Holy Scriptures but imagined in their place immediate communication with the world of spirits. Luther, on taking his doctor’s degree, had pledged his oath to the Holy Scriptures. Loyola at his time bound himself to dreams and visions and chimerical apparitions became the principle of his life and his faith.
Experiential religion takes the place of the word.
Martin: And if we can say, if you go to most of the charismatic churches, you’d see a very little about the Bible and very much about experience.
Walter: Correct. So Martin, let’s see how this works. Let’s give a little example. Let’s say you’re happily married and some cauliflowered, bat-eared individual starts communicating with your wife. And subtly through neuro-linguistic programming, which is infused by the devil himself, convinces her that this new cauliflowered, bat-eared individual with the buck teeth is the bee’s knees and you are a useless provider. Then very soon the affections are moved to the new individual and no matter how you speak, you will not be able to convince them. So you might be the best provider under the sun, but this one brings a flower every day, which you cannot eat in the first place. But soon the affections are drawn away and the marriage comes to an end.
That is how the devil works with those who are affiliated to Christ. That’s it. And then the experience, something that feels so good cannot be from the devil. The Bible has a very sure answer for that. The seventh commandment, do not commit adultery. So if the person had said, it is written, please, your neuro-linguistic program is not going to work on me. There’s the door, make sure it hits you on the way out. Then the problem would have been solved, right? The Word would have solved the problem.
Martin: It would have been Word-based and not feeling-based.
Walter: Correct. All right, you might have struggled with it for a while, but with prayer you would have overcome it and you would have realized, well, what a disaster that would have been, right? Now this is how the devil works with those who are affiliated to Jesus.
So let’s have a look at these friendly Jesuits. This is Father Arturo Sousa. He is the 31st General of the Society of Jesus.

Arturo Sousa
And he is in the background. You don’t hear much about him. He’s the underground Pope, the black Pope.But he makes sure to have a little piece of white attached there, which is a symbol of his own righteousness, which he doesn’t have. Because the principles of the Jesuit order have never changed. And the black Pope and the white Pope, in this case, both being Jesuits, walk hand in hand, the one supporting the other.
Who’s holding on to who there, Martin, for being steadied on the way? Yeah, the white Pope. The white Pope is being steadied by the black Pope. And if you ever go into their history, the black Pope’s power cannot be curtailed. He will do what he deems to have to do in order to further the objects. So the white Pope leans on him. It’s a very good picture.
Martin: It is. And the interesting thing is that the allegiance of the black Pope is supposed to be to the white Pope. It’s a very difficult situation, but I think they know exactly what they are.
Walter: They know exactly how this works out, yes. And underneath that white go, you can be sure he’s wearing a black trousers. And this is the solidarity that they have. Standing there side by side with their conclave where certain decisions are made and introduced in the most subtle way into every field of society. They look so happy. They’re smiling because they think they have the ascendancy. But they don’t know what is waiting for them.
So let’s look how they operate. Karl Rahner, of course, this was a Jesuit. He was the main architect of Vatican II. The council where many Protestants believe that Rome actually changed. Now we did one on that, right? And we showed that they hadn’t changed at all.
Martin: In fact, they did not change. They went more sinister, underground, infiltrating, and all the previous theology and statements of potpourri was actually enhanced.
Walter: Absolutely correct. So he was the most important Catholic theologian in the 20th century. And, you know, he put theology and philosophy in dialogue. Now, once you start doing that, once you’re mixing truth and error and put them into dialogue, then you have exactly that. Because what has truth and error got in common with each other? Absolutely nothing.
And he originated this new religious category called anonymous Christianity, saying it embraced Buddhists, various other non-Christians, atheists, and, you know, anyone basically who is upright and caring.
The Bible says there’s nobody upright and caring because the heart is exceedingly wicked.
Martin: So what they actually also did is at Vatican II, they embraced all the other religions as well.
Walter: Absolutely. And the atheists, they put them all into one camp. Those are all those that reject Christ.
Martin: So it’s amazing. They actually were this, up until then, this institution that didn’t embrace them. So they were very strict, if you can say it like that. And then all of a sudden, the whole world, just wondering, the whole world wondering.
Walter: Wow, they must have changed. Look how embracing they are now. Before they killed you, now they embrace you.
So all you needed, basically, was some kind of faith in God, or whether you knew that you had it or not. So they’re all part of Christianity, even if they didn’t call themselves Christians. If you like, they called it pagans who had received grace, but were not aware of it. So basically, this philosophy says everybody’s saved.
So they disguised themselves in black suits and ties, rather than in their Jesuit robes. But here is a Ratzinger, who was not himself a Jesuit, but was highly influenced by them, of course. And they were the architects of Vatican II. So it’s very becoming that Ratzinger became a pope.
So Rahner’s motto was, “Our Lord must conform to the world, not it to Him.” Now, Martin, that is a most diabolical statement. Doesn’t the first verse of the Lord’s Prayer say, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, and earth as it is in heaven? No. No, no, no. Not now. Heaven has to change. Your kingdom up there has to change to conform to his satanic majesty’s kingdom.
And another architect that was important in Vatican II was Cardinal Suenens. And he was responsible for the charismatic revival. So Martin, the charismatic movement is a child of the papacy. It’s a Jesuit construct.
So what did he do? He received the Templeton Prize in 1976. He was also a Mason, and he was initiated on June 15, 1967. Because being a Mason, he could work with Protestant preachers who were also Masons. And some of those so-called Protestant preachers were probably Jesuits in disguise. We will not know until the final day.
And he stated, this Cardinal, “Since I’ve had this charismatic experience, my allegiance to the Holy Father as the Vicar of Christ in the world has been heightened and strengthened. My appreciation for Mary as the co-redemptress and mediatoress of my salvation has been assured. My appreciation of the Mass as the sacrifice of Christ has now been heightened.”
So did it take him to the Word or further away?
Martin: Further away. Can you just explain to us what this charismatic experience, what it means?
Walter: Well, this is an experiential experience, which is based on the principles of Loyola and not on the principles of the Word. You are negating the Word and putting the experience in the place thereof.
Martin: So that’s why it’s so dangerous in the charismatic movement.
Walter: right. So he fixes his attention on the Pope instead of on Jesus Christ. He fixes his attention on Mary as a redemptress when the Bible says, there’s no other name whereby you can be saved rather than on Jesus. And then the Mass, which is a perpetual sacrifice, is also elevated, is his opinion, where Jesus said, by one sacrifice He has forever made perfect. So this is totally anti-Christian, but the experience makes it so-called Christian.
Now, who did they use to get to the Protestant world? Well, they used a lady by the name of Kathryn Johanna Kuhlman, who lived from 1907 to 1976, and she was a faith healer in America. She believed in miracles and deliverance by the power of the Holy Spirit and was part of the Pentecostal arm of the Protestant Christianity. So Protestantism was infiltrated with this mode of thinking.
Now, concerning the Jesuits, Alberto, who claimed to have been a Jesuit, said, Catherine Kuhlman was one of Rome’s greatest undercover agents assigned to penetrate the Pentecostal and Protestants through the charismatic movement. She was a master of hypnosis and had tremendous psychic powers. As a reward for her outstanding work, she was granted a private audience with the Pope. What a wonderful reward! Wouldn’t you be excited if that happened to you, Martin?
Martin: (He laughs.) No, no, definitely not.
Walter: As a result of her work, most now teach unity, but seldom preach separation and holiness, which Rome dreaded. So if you’re separated from them, they have to use every power to bridge that gap.
So let’s jump to an article in Zenit from 2013, Francis’s press conference on return flight from Brazil.
You asked about the Charismatic Renewal Movement. I’ll tell you something in the years at the end of the seventies, beginning of the eighties, I couldn’t stand them. Once speaking of them, I had said this phrase, they confuse a liturgical celebration with a samba school! I said this, but I repented. Then I got to know them better. It’s also true that the movement with good advisors has gone on a good path. And now I think this movement has done so much good to the church in general.
Martin, if the Jesuits actually did this in the first place, they have to distance themselves and then embrace it so that it’s never their fault.
Martin: At the beginning, they have to say, no, we don’t have anything to do at all. Like you said, I could not stand it, but I repented.
Walter: Yes. Then it looks like, you know, he’s been won over when actually he’s the snake in the grass.
(Pope Francis continues:) The Holy Spirit does what He wishes. Then He does the work of harmonizing. But I think the movements are a grace. These movements that have the spirit of the Church, it renews us and each one seeks his movement according to his charisma, which the spirit takes him.
Wherever the spirit leads, let’s just go. (Sarcasm.) The Word has been negated.
All right, Martin. So if you introduce this mode of thinking where Protestantism had separated itself from false ideologies and from Catholicism, this spirit will tend to reunite them, right? Yeah. Let’s just make sure. Let’s look at this video. Here’s the deal.
Todd White speaking: “I believe that the Catholic Church and the Christian church are going to come together.”
Some famous preacher: We’re a delegation, a Catholic delegation, and I come from Italy and I bring you a salute from 150 million charismatic Catholics. We want to, Lou, kiss your feet as Catholics and just honor you with this gesture right now. (Kisses his feet!)
Kenneth Copeland: Can you now see why the devil fought for the lie that a Catholic couldn’t be saved? Come on. This Pentecostal outpouring in our time started in the Vatican! It didn’t start in Azusa Street. It didn’t start in Topeka, Kansas. It was a Pope that invoked faith and asked God for a new Pentecost.
Walter Veith: Martin, that’s the first time I heard a word of truth out of that man’s mouth! It gives you chills. Now, shouldn’t every Protestant have his hackles up and say, “Whoa! There’s something wrong here!? But they don’t. No, we embrace it. So, what have the Jesuits succeeded in doing? Of bringing Ignatian spirituality into Protestantism in many shapes and forms and disguises.
How do you get the world to accept this and the young people to accept this? Martin, you drug them so that they are not capable of independent thought.
Martin: And you disguise it under love. And the other thing is, if you can just think, that is why, after we’ve just seen this video, why the Bible says that Babylon has fallen.
Walter: It has fallen. It has completely fallen because it has drunken the wine, the Babylonian lie of a Jesuit construct, the Loyola experience of communicating directly with demons.
Now, Martin, the hippie movement with its free love and free morals, I mean, that’s wonderful if you can use, you know, the testosterone levels of the youth and channel them into debauchery and enhance the experience with drugs and then add a charismatic experience to that. Then sin becomes a virtue. Like the Mormon prophet said, through the gift of sin, man can achieve joy.
This is really an interesting philosophy. Now, who was behind this destruction of the moral fiber of society? It was the Jesuits. Again, it was the Jesuits.
So, let’s break down Protestantism.
The Jesus people. The hippie movement was led by the Jesuits such as Richard McSorley from Georgetown University. This led to the anti-establishment Jesus with long hair and let your hair down philosophy.
You know that I saw this on some of our own churches as well.
Martin: Oh, for sure. That’s why people must, when they see what’s going on here, just put yourself into your own church where you currently are, which denomination that might be, and see if this is prevalent.
Walter: Yes. I was preaching in one of those let your hair down churches. I was horrified they changed the church into a strobe light theater.
The love gospel, the liberation gospel, the prosperity gospel. The coffeehouse Jesus, the rock and roll Jesus, the existential Jesus who meets the needs of all cultures, creeds, and aspirations.
Oh, how many preachers are into that today, Martin? So, depending on what you like, whether you like heavy metal, whether you like soft pop, or whether you like the more classical music, I can supply all your needs.
Martin: I mean, the coffeehouse Jesus, that’s a more subtle one that will go into the more conservative churches.
So, here you have him, (McSorley) our Jesuit deceiver. In 1961, he began teaching theology at Georgetown University in Washington and remained there until his death. In 1962, he befriended Robert Kennedy’s family and became a tutor for his children.

Richard McSorley
That’s a scary statement, Martin, considering present-day power structures.
Every day throughout the 1960s, he spent several hours with the Kennedy family, teaching, assisting, and helping out. He also became a friend and confidant of President and Mrs. Kennedy and counseled the family and offered daily Mass for them after JFK’s assassination. Later, he consoled RFK’s children after their father’s murder, too, but it was Martin Luther King Jr. who changed his life again.
So, love, death, hate, the love gospel, and, of course, associated with the drug gospel. So, what did they do? They started introducing nihilism, which is a philosophy of Nietzsche. Remember, they were going to put Christianity or theology and philosophy in communion with each other.
So, nihilism is the notion that ethical norms are rationally unjustifiable and a consequent mood of despair over life’s emptiness is the result. Nietzsche defined the concept as the situation which exists when everything is permitted.
So, Martin, in order to counteract this depression, you first have to create the depression. You have to create the emptiness. So, let everything go.
Martin: Can I maybe just say, so, how do you do that very good? You create a wall. You destroy the society. Then you get into a depression. There’s no money. There’s nothing.
Walter: You come out of that and, oh. Let’s get back to some standards and norms, but please, not biblical ones. And let’s have a hero, the Pope. And not Jesus Christ. And let the Holy Spirit convince you that you’re on the right road with all kinds of manifestations.
And so, they bring in the Eastern philosophies and the thoughts on yoga and this and that and the other and Eastern meditation, and they use the music industry to instill this into the minds of humanity.
In the Rick Martin interview with Eric John Phelps, Phelps claims that the Beatles were Jesuit-controlled and that the drug world is controlled by Rome via the mafia, which is Jesuit-controlled. Martin, that’s quite a statement in his books. I’m not saying it. He’s saying it. I think it’s not only plausible, but more than that the more you study it. And, of course, the devil’s signs and the 666 symbol, they were the first rock band to use the devil’s triad on a record. So, introduce these ideas.
And what kind of philosophy did Elvis Presley, for example, bring into the mix?
(Quotes from videos:)
- Elvis would sometimes read passages to his audiences from Blavatsky’s book, The Voice of the Silence. It’s a book that promotes Eastern Hindu meditation as a path to self-realization. While the Beatles practiced and promoted Maharishi’s transcendental meditation. While he was in India, John Lennon wrote to a fan. Transcendental meditation is not opposed to any religion. It is based on the basic truths of all religions. The common denominator, actual experience of God.
Known as Vatican II, launched in Rome with more than 2,000 Catholic bishops from around the world. Vatican II helped pave the way for interfaithism, promoting unity between the world’s religions by sharing the Catholic Church’s mystic treasures, that is, its contemplative traditions.
The term contemplative life was historically related to various monastic orders of monks and nuns whose lifestyles are oriented towards ascetic practices and contemplative prayer, a form of mysticism.
We were asked by the Vatican to get involved in dialogue with Eastern meditation and with Eastern monasticism as the area in which Christianity had the most common basis.
According to Vatican II, they would play the main role in the evangelization of the world. And that’s exactly what happened.
So Martin, once you get into this mysticism, you’re actually communicating with demons. You know, in my own life, remember when I started studying the scriptures and I’d had all these problems in my house and I’d had the Catholic Church around to get rid of them, do an exorcism. And this Catholic exorcist, an elderly gentleman, came into my house, said a mass. He was thrown around all over the place in the house. There was a real demonic presence there. And when he left, the problem was resolved. And then over a year of peace, eventually, by circumstances, which people can look at other sources, I came back to the scriptures and I discovered that the scripture is the norm.
And when I started putting my foot into the scriptures, I got a phone call a year later from this very priest who was telling me I better stop doing what I was doing. And meaning, stop studying the scriptures. Go back to the Catholic Church. Stop studying this stuff. Because my father was dead, was suffering in purgatory as a consequence. I knew about the state of the dead by then.
So, my ears pricked up as I was speaking to him on the phone. Martin, this was 38, 39 years ago. And I said to him, how do you know that my father is suffering in purgatory? Who told you that? And he didn’t bat an eyelid. He told me the nuns told him. The nuns that never see the light of day or the world, that stay in their monastery in a monastic structure there in Cape Town. And I said to him, well, fair enough. But how do these nuns know that my father is suffering in purgatory? And he said, they communicate with the spirits and the spirit told them. So, I knew they were holding seances and were subject to the teachings of demons. Martin, this is how it works.
So, having done this, having brought in this Eastern mysticism into the whole of society, because if you influence the youth, remember that they plan over decades and millennia. If you influence the youth in this day and age, that becomes the adult world in the next day and age. And then you introduce other things, you know, like the rave culture into the next generation. That’s your generation, right?
So, first you had that hippie generation. That’s my generation. Then they introduced all of these ideas through the music, through the Beatles, through all of these things. Then they went into the rave culture where they escalated the drug usage and they just destroyed the mental fabric of humanity.
Now, one of the reasons why people take these drugs like ecstasy and tic and all of these is because it gives you this elevated feeling of a higher consciousness. You are suddenly so much more aware. I understand the world now from the devil’s perspective.
Martin: It’s feeling based because it’s euphoria. It’s all of these things and it links so good. You can even do that and still go to a charismatic church because the feeling is still there.
Walter: All right, Martin, you got out of it. Does everybody get out of it? No, unfortunately. Does the devil care how many lives he’s destroyed? No. How many young people’s minds he’s destroyed? Does he care? Not at all. I cannot wait for the day of retribution. Get rid of this.
And then you change it, having now destroyed the moral fiber of society. Well, then you bring in Heidegger’s caring, Sorge. Martin, I want to throw up, but let’s carry on.
- “God is dead, therefore life’s answers lie within the self.”
There’s nothing to live for. How are we going to get it? Let’s get it out of yourself. No, no, no. Don’t pick up that good book. Just leave the good book alone.
So, self-esteem and the Christian psychology. So, you start with the self-esteem and you write books on it like Robert Schuller did and all of these high Freemasons did.
Martin: You bring it into the movies, especially the cartoons, and everybody says you must believe in yourself.
Walter: Yes, believe in yourself. So, Heidegger taught that the soul would then authenticate itself by showing concern for others or caring.
That’s Jesuit philosophy. You know, you hand out the soup, you wash the feet, and you don’t care that they carry on in their squalor, but your view have been so elevated. You’ve done a wonderful job.
Martin: That’s where the problem comes in. They take something good and they come and mess it up. Mess it up.
Walter: So, once you have authenticated this, this existential caring, Sorge in German, is based on Dasein, which means in being.
What? That’s saying I’m God! This is disgusting.
This is the religion of self, the religion of Antichrist. God being removed, the church sets the standard and educates coaches. The masses through Christian psychology, spiritual directors, neurolinguistic programming, caring labs, et cetera, until a new spiritual formation is achieved.
You have an entire new spirituality, which is not Word-based, but experience-based and works-based.
So, let’s take it a step further. You must develop a new morality. So, you must become the caring church.
So, Father Gustavo Gutierrez, what does he have to say on the issue? I hate it how they call themselves father.
You have one father. Your earthly father is your earthly father, and then you have a heavenly father. None of these people are fathers.
- “We learn in Catholicism, courtesy of the theologizing of Father Gustavo Gutierrez, that the church in Latin America must take a clear stand against social injustice.”
You have a new enemy. That’s it. The enemy is not sin. It’s social injustice. But let’s create the social injustice so that you can address the social injustice. So, let’s create social injustice. Let’s do it on the basis of race. Now, those that introduced the racial systems in the world, whether it was in our country or anywhere else in the world, they were all high masons.
- “And in favor of the revolutionary process, and via Leonardo Boff, that the church must be defined in terms of energy, charism, and the progress of the world. “
It’s become a world church now, not a church of salvation and gospel.
- “The church’s activities on behalf of social justice or human rights are not merely preparatory to the real mission of the church, as the notion of pre-evangelization had it before Vatican II. The church’s commitment to and involvement in the struggle for social justice, peace, and human rights is an essential or constitutive part of its mission.”
This is what the gospel is about. Social justice.
Martin: And this is the reason why so many Christian churches will go into ecumenism with Rome.
Walter: Of course. It seems so right because there is so much social injustice which they created. If people believed that all people were created equal, if people would believe that by one blood he has created all the nations of the world, in Christ we would be united, and none of this nonsense would have taken place. The Jesuits are at the base of it, and their day of reckoning is coming.
So now let’s jump to the present. This is September 2024.
- “Pope to popular movements fight for social and economic justice.”
Is this a man of the gospel? He’s from the devil.
- “So he (Pope Francis) meets with representatives of popular movements making the 10th anniversary of their first encounter at the Vatican and encourages the fight against social injustice, reiterating his proposal for universal basic income and higher taxes for billionaires.”
Would that make the poor masses happy? It will, yes. Of course it will make them happy. Will they bind them to his apron strings? Yes. Where he can feed them this soup of wine with false doctrines? Of course it can.
Martin: It will make them happy, but will this help them?
Walter: No. Nothing. They’ll remain as poor as they were before because it will get worse, not better.
So take heed that you do not your righteousness before men to be seen of them.
Martin, is this a rebuke to them?
Martin: Oh for sure. This is a rebuke to any philanthropist if it’s not done in the right way.
Walter: Yes, and to get into the headlines.
- “While they claim to be very jealous for the honor of the law, self-glory was the real object which they sought, and Christ would make it manifest to them that the lovers of self is the transgressor of the law.”
Martin, we have to be very careful.
So let’s prepare the minds of the people for this new spirituality. So Let’s go to the present webpages.
- “The spiritual exercises are a compilation of meditations, prayers, contemplative practices developed by Saint Ignatius Loyola to help people deepen their relationship with God. “
I’m sorry, with demons. Yeah, unfortunately.
- “For centuries, the exercises were most commonly given as a long retreat of about 30 days in solitude and silence.”
Martin, so if you’re living in the solitude and silence, your head can be filled with all kinds of garbage other than the Word of God. Whereas if you picked up the Word and you read it, you would be better educated.
- “In recent years, there’s been a renewed emphasis on the spiritual exercises as a program for lay people. The most common way of going through the exercises now is a retreat in daily life, which involves a month-long program of daily prayer and meeting with a spiritual director.”
Martin, I don’t want to meet with a spiritual director. I want to meet with Jesus. Exactly. And I want the inpouring of the Holy Spirit to introduce Him and His Word to me.
Martin: Exactly. Come through the Scriptures, not sitting alone and waiting to hear what He has to say. Read the scriptures and through the Holy Spirit’s help, you’ll understand what He wants to say.
“So, the exercises have also been adapted in many other ways to meet the needs of modern people.”
Walter: No, not the needs, the destruction.
(About 2/3s of the video transcribed. Please see the video to hear the rest.)