The Noahide Laws: What They Could Mean For Bible Believers
Last night, February 18th, Tess brought up the Noahide Laws. She asked me what they are and what they mean. I myself was ignorant of the subject and looked it up. I found a couple videos that explains in detail what the Noahide Laws are and the consequences it can have for Christians if enforced.
According to the Talmud – a satanic book that blasphemes Jesus – the seven Noahide laws are a set of universal moral commandments that are binding on all of humanity. They are:
- No idolatry: Do not worship idols
- No blasphemy: Do not curse God
- No murder: Do not commit murder
- No adultery: Do not commit adultery or sexual immorality
- No theft: Do not steal
- No eating flesh from a living animal: Do not eat meat that was taken from a still-living animal
- Establish courts of justice: Establish courts of justice to enforce social laws
What can happen if law #7 is implemented to enforce law #1? Decapitation!
Revelation 20:4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
The 7 Noahide Laws Are A Rejection Of Jesus Christ
The speaker, Bryan Denlinger, seems to be a good brother in Christ. He’s knowledgeable about the Jesuit Order. I can’t say I agree with him about everything he says, but I think what he says about the Noahide laws is important for us to know.
Bullet points of Bryan’s talk.
- My sermon today is going to be on the seven Noahide laws or rejection of Jesus Christ. And in fact, the Antichrist system, this whole concept of Noahide laws is 100% satanic.
- I’m going to prove it in this study. It’s a complete and total lie, no basis in scripture for it. I’ll prove it.
- “The descendants of Noah (according to the Talmud) were commanded with seven precepts to establish laws and the prohibitions of blasphemy, idolatry, adultery, bloodshed, theft, and eating the blood of a living animal.” Babylonian Talmud Sanhedrin 56a. Uh oh. So you mean to tell me that these Noahide laws aren’t from the Bible? Oh no, they’re found in the Bible. Which Bible? Well, they, they’re based on the Torah, the Torah of the Bible, or are they based on the Torah that’s written about in the Talmud? The latter. This is a very clever deception. That’s why I know Satan is behind it.
- While the Bible portrays the stranger as isolated individuals in Jewish society, the Talmud expanded the idea of the stranger and conceptualized it into a broad legal and moral category. You wouldn’t be saying, combining church and state, would you? A religious political system. Like the Vatican. The two swords of the Vatican, the temporal and the spiritual. And the Jews are doing the same thing with the Jesuits supporting it. Almost like they’re joined together. They’re part of the same system. The fifth kingdom, the iron Romans and the miry clay Jews, Israel, the mingled Jews.
- “The Seven Noahide Commandments are constituting the basic laws of morality.” Absolute nonsense! The basic laws of morality are defined by the Ten Commandments. And the 10 commandments lead you to Jesus Christ.
- This whole thing is very wicked and very satanic because the Jews in their hatred of Jesus Christ and the Jesuits in their hatred of Jesus Christ, you know, the society of Jesus kind of funny, but they actually hate Jesus Christ. And they hate those who follow Him in their hatred. They want to actually make a political religious system in the future whereby you can be charged for idolatry if you believe in Jesus Christ.
- They want to bring in a political religious system that will put you to death by the sword, by decapitation for believing in Jesus Christ, believing that he’s God. They would say that the Jesus is an idol.
- Talmudic traditions split the Gentile world into two subcategories, immoral persons who reject the Noahide commandments and to whom tolerance is generally not extended. So you’re considered immoral if you’re a Bible-believing Christian! See how warped and satanic these people are?
- Does anybody out there, any of my viewers, do you look at Israel as a great shining light, a city that’s set on a hill like it’s supposed to be with great moral laws and things like that? No, it’s a cesspool of filth and sin. Sodomy is legal over there and everything else. All the pride parades and everything that they do, but they’re going to tell us that we’re immoral because we reject their system.
- That’s the first group. The second group, Gentiles who accept the laws of the Noahide covenant, who are regarded positively, whom Jews are obligated to protect and sustain. Excuse me? Protect and sustain? We can’t protect ourselves or sustain ourselves? Well, not in the nightmare world that they want for us. All the Gentiles stuffed in little compact cities get universal basic income with central bank digital currencies and you get rewards for being good, a good little slave. You can’t go out and live in the country, but we’ll let you go out occasionally.
- Jews have the Torah covenant of 613 commandments, and all Gentiles have a covenant of seven Noahide mitzvot, each covenant being valid for its respective adherents. Conventionally, only those accepting the Noahides are accepted. Noahides are not expected to convert to Judaism, for they have an independently authentic covenant that governs a valid way of life. Noahides are accorded positive status in this worldview, to the extent that Gentiles who faithfully keep the Noahide commandments are regarded as more beloved by God, i.e. more valued, than Jews who violate the fundamentals of their covenant of 613 commandments. This is clearly evidenced by the Talmudic and Medieval claim that righteous Gentiles have a share in the world to come, i.e. salvation earned by their exemplary lives on earth, whereas Jews who commit grievous sins do not earn that status. Doesn’t it sound like works salvation? By grace are you saved through faith, not of yourselves. It is a gift of God, not of works. Not of works.
Noahide Decapitation
This is a talk by Pastor Adam Fannin of the Law of Liberty Baptist Church in Florida. I don’t know what else he teaches or if he believes the papacy fulfills the prophecy of the Man of Sin of II Thessalonians 2:3-4 or not. But when he talks about the “Antichrist” I think we can consider him to mean a personage most people would consider to be an antichrist. Now, I personally don’t see how the Jesuits and Roman Catholic Church will allow the Jews to enforce the Seven Noahide Laws, because according to the Catholic Church Jesus IS the Messiah! It could be nothing but Jesuit scare tactics to encourage the world to accept the Pope, not some Jewish antichrist leader, as their world leader. That’s my opinion about the Noahide Laws.
I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus. You understand, there are Christians that have already been beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and it’s foretelling us that it will happen again. Those that will not receive the mark, the devil will behead people.
This is what the Bible is telling us. Notice what it says. They’re beheaded for the witness of Jesus and the Word of God. Why? Because they wouldn’t worship the beast or his image. They didn’t receive the mark in their forehands or in their heads. They lived in reign with Christ a thousand years.
I want to share something with you called the Laws of Noah. Have you guys ever heard of the Laws of Noah? Well, if you didn’t know it, our (US) government says this is what our nation was founded upon. Now, wait a minute. I thought, surely the Ten Commandments, if anything, right? I mean, we have this big debate about the Ten Commandments in schools. Well, really, Jesus brought it down to one commandment, love. Love God, love your neighbor, right?
Education Day USA was first celebrated on April the 20th, 1986, and was designated by Congress in House Joint Resolution 582. The purpose of the day was to explain and teach about how the United States was founded on the seven Noahide Laws.
I’m going to teach you about the Noahide Laws. And listen, who knows about the Sharia Law? Under Sharia Law, can they kill Christians? Noahide Laws are the same way. And it’s already been passed in our House of Representatives as an American law. The Seven Laws of Noah.
This day also coincided with the 86th birthday of the late Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson. “The Rebbe” as he was affectionately known, was still, and is in some ways, the head of the worldwide Lubavitcher movement. Chadbad Lubavitch, have you guys heard of that? It is a racist organization. It is liberal, left-wing, starting riots, printing propaganda. It is a Jewish movement. It is Zionistic. They’ve caused a lot of problems. They’ve caused riots. The Chadbad, as it’s commonly known, the Lubavitcher movement.
Here’s what it says,
- “We respect the Rebbe and his accomplishments in the world of Judaism and his role of teaching about the Torah and the rewards of observing mitzvahs and doing good deeds.”
By the way, mitzvahs, or what they teach, if we do enough mitzvahs, it will balance the scale and their Messiah will come. Our Messiah has already come. Judaism today is saying, if we do enough good deeds, then we can bring in the Messiah. And that’s what the Third Temple’s about. That’s what the Zionist movement’s about. That’s why they’re trying to restore the land in Israel right now, to set up a Christ. But he is not the Christ. So this is what it’s all about.
- “We support the Lubavitcher movement, which suggests you learn more about them. We applaud the work they do in the communities and serve around the world. They are helping large numbers of people learn about HaShem.”
HaShem is a word that they use for God, but it means “the Name.” They won’t even say God’s name. Now, if you really, if you like, loved your wife, would you say, I love you so much, I’m not even gonna say your name. I’ll just call you “name.” It’s kind of weird when you think about it. They serve another God. If they don’t have the Son, they don’t have the Father, is what 1st John 2 tells us. They don’t claim Jehovah. They claim the universal name.
- “They were helping large numbers of people learn about HaShem. We do not support that Rebbe was the moshiach or messiah.”
That was what they said back in the day. “Here is the Messiah! He’s got the laws of Noah! We’re getting this instituted into law! He must be the Messiah!” Nope, he didn’t fulfill it. He died.
The Messiah won’t die. They’re looking for a conquering king in Israel to build the third temple. That’s what they’re looking for.
So they’re saying,
- “We don’t support that he was the Messiah, as he did not fulfill the necessary tasks that are required. We suggest you check the section regarding the Messianic Age for further explanation what was required to be the Messianic king.”
By the way, Jerusalem right now is on a countdown because they have a prophecy in the Talmud, the Babylonian Talmud, that whenever Jerusalem becomes the capital, that there’s only a few years before they’re expecting their Messiah. So they’re short in time looking for their global leader to set up a third temple and reinstate the sacrifice.
- “Nevertheless, we accept the challenge of continuing to request to teach the entire world about the Seven Noahide laws. Please see the section concerning.
The following information is taken exactly as it appears in the public records of the United States of America. House Joint Resolution 582.
- “Ninety ninth Congress in the United States of America, the second session begun and held at the city of Washington on Tuesday, the 21st day of January 1986.
to designate April 20th, 1986 as Education Day USA.”
This is the guise (pretense). Everybody loves education, right? Education about what? The Antichrist.
- “Whereas Congress recognizes the historical tradition of ethical values and principles which are the basis of civilized society upon which our great nation was founded. Whereas these ethical values and principles have been a bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization when they were known as the Seven Noahide laws.”
Guys, there are no seven laws of Noah in any holy scriptures. You will only find it in the Babylonian writings called the Talmud.
- “Whereas without these ethical values and principles, the edifice of civilization stands in serious peril of returning to chaos.”
If we don’t keep the seven laws of Noah, it’s all over, right?
- “Whereas society is profoundly concerned with the recent weakening of these principles that has resulted in crisis that beleaguered and threatened the fabric of civilized society.
Whereas the justified preoccupation with these crises must not let citizens of this nation lose sight of their responsibility to transmit these historical ethical values from our distinguished past to the generation of the future.
Whereas the Lubavitch Movement has fostered and promoted these ethical values and principles throughout the world. And whereas Rabbi Mannekin Mendel Schneerson, leader of the Lubavitch Movement, is universally respected and revered and his 84th birthday falls on April 20th, 1986.
Now therefore be it resolved by the Senate and the House representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled that April 20th, 1986 the birthday of Rabbi Mannekin Mendel Schneerson, leader of the head of the world Lubavitch Movement, is designated as Education Day USA. The president is requested to issue a proclamation calling upon the United States to observe such a day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.
Approved April 22nd, 1986
Ronald Reagan.
Now this is a serious issue guys. Our government has already passed the law, and you say, “Well what in there says they can decapitate us? How are you connecting that to Revelation 20 where it says they were beheaded?”
Here’s the Seven laws of Noah. Number one, not to worship idols.
Hey we would agree with that but wait a minute. Who is their God? Hashem. Or, what’s the female deity? Shekinah. You ever heard somebody talk about the Shekinah glory? This is a pagan deity that comes out of the Talmud and people in churches preach it like it’s God’s Word. They have a false god, and they say if you disagree with their god, which at this time will be the Antichrist, He will rule by the Seven laws of Noah all around the world. And if you disagree with Him then that’s called idolatry.
If you say no no no no you’re not the Christ. Jesus was the Christ. They would say that’s blasphemy and idolatry. I’ll show you in a minute according to their law worthy of death.
Here’s the seven laws. Not to worship idols. Do not curse God. So if you say “”He’s the Antichrist!” they’ll say you’re cursing God. You should be put to death. Do not commit murder. Sounds good. Do not commit adultery or sexual immorality. Sounds good but I also have to warn you about the Talmud that it specifically it says you can molest children and that’s not called normal adultery. It’s bizarre what the Talmud teaches. It’s horrible.
Not to steal. We can agree with that. But now in the Talmud also it defines those that are not Jewish as cattle. Like we don’t have a soul. We’re called goyim. We don’t have a soul. We’re soulless. We’re goyim. We’re cattle. It’s okay to kill or steal from cattle. They don’t have a soul. They’re not eternal.
Not to eat flesh from a living animal and to establish courts of justice.
Notice number seven is to establish courts of justice. This is what the Antichrist is going to operate under and they’re getting it passed all over the world. They’re even getting it put into place in certain states and this is how they’re going to operate. It’s called the seven laws of Noah. Do your research.
Now this is what the Talmud says. This is one of the Talmudic jurists. That’s one of their rabbis. Here’s what they say.
- “How must the Noahides (the Gentiles) fulfill the commandment to establish laws and courts? They are obligated to set up judges and magistrates in every city to render judgment according to these six mitzvos, six laws for the Jews, seven for the goyim, the Gentiles, and to admonish the people regarding their observation. A Noahide who transgresses these seven commandments shall be executed by decapitation.”
That’s the Talmud. It’s the Talmud that teaches us that there’s a Abraham’s bosom in hell. It’s the Talmud that teaches us that Jesus burned in hell. It’s the Talmud that teaches us these, but these doctrines have made their way into Bible-believing churches and they just repeat it as if it’s true.
And I’m here to warn you that the National Education Day that our government passed is a conspiracy against Christianity. It’s a conspiracy against the Bible.
(End of transcription.)