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The True History and Purpose of NASA — 2 Comments

  1. Well James, thanks for posting a link to my video on your website (The True History and Purpose of NASA). I was checking out your website as well, and found it to be very interesting. Although my religious background is different from yours, we seem to have many beliefs in common. So many people are into the conspiracy of US aggression (which is true and valid) yet they fail to realize that the Vatican is the ultimate source of all these problems. And I thank you for the interesting video link on how Coconut Oil can help Alzheimer patients, for my mother is in need of something that will bring her back to her former self. Thanks again, Glenn.

  2. The Moon landings are obviously a hoax, especially considering their quantum computers now yet their inability to make the same journey made earlier, with less technology in the past.

    Training in water is suspicious enough – the complete opposite atmosphere to where they are supposedly headed!? Unless there are waters above, which that GoPro video has me wondering (https://youtu.be/bDoh8zQDT38).

    But I guess NASA is telling the 110% truth when they say satellites are in space (and not probably just balloons), planets look like they say (including their ever-changing Blue Marble), and everything they say in space (like black holes) is real because their fancy math equations say it’s real and we don’t need any more evidence than that.

    Anyway, I don’t claim to know anything as fact – but the Flat Earth theory brought me to Jesus. It made me consider that I wasn’t just some random unimportant fish-monkey thing on a billions year old planet in a trillion year old universe spiraling infinitely into the void with seemingly only one goal: order out of chaos. It made me consider that if we were living in a “snow globe” then everything was created with reason and intent, suggesting a creator. It made me consider that I was created purposefully, as with everyone, and that all our lives are important to Jesus. Plus I imagined that if we were on a flat plane then God literally is looking down on all of us at the same time. And now I can see the world-wide destruction from the flood and how ruined the land is and that we just call the remaining water the ‘ocean’. Flat Earth has made the Bible fascinating to me, like a child in wonder once again.

    Now that I’ve grown with Jesus I don’t really care what shape the planet is or what fancy math can show or make up – I’ve got all eternity to learn heaps of cool stuff. All I really care about is spreading the Word and persuading people to take a leap of faith and trust in Jesus – the more people we help Jesus ‘collect’ now, the more people there will be later to learn all the neat factual science-y stuff.

    Jesus Bless everyone!!

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James Japan