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The Truth about Zionism – The Zionist / Jesuit connection — 29 Comments

  1. James, just a note, the Jesuits could have a psyop of the Flat Earth? I believe the psyop is much greater than a small group of people believing the Earth is something other than what the Jesuits have been telling us, since, oh, the 1500’s. The Copernicus tale is the psyop. Just to let you know, all roads lead to Rome. Jesus Christ is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, we will know answers one day, but believe the Jesuits? In the words of their leader Arturo Sosa when speaking of the people of the Earth getting back to the old way of living, back to normal, not the “new normal,” of this CV 19 hoax, “No, No, or the next one will be worse!” How would he know it would be worse if the people didn’t follow the orders of the “Doctors/Scientists” and their Jesuit trained Politicians? And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie. 2 Thessalonians 2:11.

    • Hello Karl, I’m not sure I understand you correctly. I do believe the Jesuits are responsible for many false doctrines today, but a spherical earth is not one of them. If your question “the Jesuits could have a psyop of the Flat Earth?” means the Jesuits are the ones who originated the psyop of Flat Earth, then yes, I would certainty put that in the realm of probability. The name of the game is confusion. We know God is not the author of confusion. Confusion is the Devil’s game. COVID-19 pandemic fear mongering is another one of his devices to enslave us.

      • The Bible mentions the four corners of the Earth. Corners could not be possible on a sphere and speaks about a firmament in Genesis. Flat Earth is not a psyop, but the sphere is…

        • Where are those four corners you speak of? The truth is you can’t give me a proper answer because you have never been to even one of those so called “corners” but are merely repeating what you heard someone say on a YouTube. Come on, admit it!

          • Hey pal , You simply just need to clear the mind and just be to know the globe is a joke . From flight controls , missle programing , and on all gyro with flat earth model equations . And to beautifully observe the Sun Moon and the rest of the heavenly bodies as they are perceived without thought is , well . Bliss

          • Hey pal, you need to look up in the sky at night and realize you can’t see the sun. It’s blocked the earth. That can only happen on globe earth, not a pancake earth! FACT: Half the earth is in darkness and half the earth is illuminated by the sun. Flat Earth is a LIE!!!

    Jews are like a cancer that spreads all over the host bodies.
    For 3000 years they have spread into every kingdom and helped to destroy them!
    It’s there nature to destroy!

    According to the biblical paradigm, the Creator of the Universe became the God of Israel when he chose the Hebrews. But according to biblical scholarship, the historical process was the reverse: it is the god of Israel who became the Creator of the Universe. This process, which was only completed during the Persian period, was not so much due to a progress in metaphysical thought as to a political cunning. The book of Ezra betrays a calculated effort from the Levites to confuse, in the mind of the Persians, “the god of Israel who resides in Jerusalem” (7:12–15) with the “God of heaven” whom the Persians also called Ahura Mazda, with the aim of obtaining the support of the Persian king for their theocratic project in Palestine.

    In Ezra, only the kings of Persia, in the various edicts attributed to them, recognize Yahweh as “the God of Heaven,” while in the rest of the text, Yahweh is merely “the god of Israel”. The same can be observed in the book of Daniel, when Nebuchadnezzar, impressed by the gifts of Daniel’s oracle, prostrates himself and exclaims:

    “Your god is indeed the God of gods, the Master of kings” (Daniel 2:47).

    Such passages give away, for those willing to see it, the deepest secret of Judaism, which is the key to understanding the…



    So you see, my dear Coningsby, that the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.”(pp. 294-252)

    (excerpt of Disraeli’s novel published in London, 1844)

    In his novel Coningsby (London, 1844) Disraeli draws a picture from life of the Jews ruling the world from behind thrones as graphic as anything in the protocols of Nilus.

    The passage in which Rothschild (Sidonia) describes this runs as follows:

    “If I followed my own impulse, I would remain here”, said Sidonia.

    “Can anything be more absurd than that a nation should apply to an individual to maintain its credit, its existence as an empire and its comfort as a people; and that individual one to whom its laws deny the proudest rights of citizenship, the privilege of sitting in its senate and of holding land; for though I have been rash enough to buy several estates, my own opinion is that by the existing law of England, an Englishman of Hebrew faith cannot posses the soil.”

    “But surely it would be easy to repeal a law so illiberal.”

    “Oh! as for illiberality, I have no objection to it if it be an element of power.
    Eschew political sentimentality. What I contend is that if you permit men to accumulate property, and they use that permission to a great extent, power is inseparable from that property, and it is in the last degree impolite to make it in the interest of any powerful class…

  4. Greetings in Jesus’ name, James.
    With all due respect, when I read in psalm 19 that the sun is like a bridegroom running a race, and has a circuit, I am apt to believe the word of God over the words of men like bill nye or neil degrasse tyson. Psalm 19 and also in Isaiah 38 where the sun wemt backwards as a sign to Hezekiah; tell me that the sun is moving and the earth is not. Furthermore, concerning the design of the earth being a jesuit psyop, it makes no sense for the military arm of the emperor of rome (the pope) to promote a theory that isn’t heliocentric as all the harlot’s pagan festivals (the christ-mass/saturnalia, & ishtar) have to do with sun worship. I, like you, used to be a naysayer and think FE was something ideal for middleaged overweight bald guys to get into, but after meditating on scriptures (Job 38:14,& Rev 20:9) & observing the sun & moon and how they are exactly the same size from our perspective, the Lord showed me the truth.
    Anyhoo, with that said, thank you for the informative article as to who is running satan’s show down here as his time is short. Personally it has been revealed to me from scripture that the antichrist will be a jewish man from the tribe of Dan.
    More importantly than the cosmology of the earth and eschatology, however: may I ask: unto what were you baptized and have you received the gift of the Holy Ghost (as evidenced by speaking in an unknown tongue)?


    • Andrew, God gave us His Word not to teach us cosmology, but to teach us His plan of salvation in His Son Christ Jesus! The Word of God when interpreted correctly does not teach the earth is flat. I cannot see the sun at night. If the earth is flat there would be no night no matter how far away the sun is from where I live.

      I had a full water Baptism in the Sacramento river in 1971 by a Baptist preacher. About speaking in tongues, my Bible says NOT ALL speak inn tongues! It’s just ONE of the gifts of the Holy Ghost! 1 Corinthians 12:30  Have all the gifts of healing? do all speak with tongues? do all interpret?

      • James,
        I agree that the true gospel of Christ (Acts 2:38 & not “accepting Jesus as personal Lord & Savior” or repeating a “sinner’s prayer”- for those are false gospels that came from the jesuits of rome to destroy the church from within & deceive many) is what the word of God is sent forth to proclaim.
        However, I do believe there are many other truths to be received from the word that expose the enemy’s lies concerning the design of God’s creation among others, but I won’t strive w/ you concerning these topics, as my Master Jesus never debated anyone, but rather said; he that hath an ear, let him hear.
        W/ that said, let us move on to the more crucial subject of your baptism & how it was administered. Did you know the word of God says that baptism saves us and washes away our sins (1 Peter 3:20-21 & Acts 22:16),& isn’t just an “outward showing of an inward change” or a “public profession of faith” like many of the harlot’s jesuit infiltrated daughter’s entertainers teach? & that in Acts it was always administered by calling on the name of Jesus Christ (& not the titles F,S & HG)? Since you said you were baptized by a “baptist” man I know that they baptize incorrectly in the titles, despite their name. I bring these matters to your attention not to bring contention but because I was edified by your article & care for your soul.
        If you like we can email.

        P.S. Paul was speaking about the gift of diverse tongues in 1 Cor. 12, not the initial…

  5. This is 1/2 truth and half fiction. The Mother of Harlots is Rabbinic judaism. Mothers have babies. One of those babies is the Roman Catholc church now ruled by the crypto Jewish Jesuit Order. Freemasonry is another baby of the harlot. Almost all American cults have freemasonic connections. Mormonism, JW’s, 7th Day Adventists, and many more all have freemasonic occultism at their inception. Please stop misleading people. The truth is that the New World Order is thoroughly Zionist and Jewish and Freemasonic and Jesuit crypto Jew. It is all kabbalah theosophical occultism which derived from the Mother of Harlots whom Jesus called the Synagogue of Satan. Take Jesus’ word for it. He knew what he was talkinga bout.

    • What was the first empire? It started with Nimrod and Babylon. Was he a Jew? You got it backwards, my friend. According to history and the chronology written in the Bible, the Devil’s false religion was long before the name “Jew” was first used by the Babylonians. It’s the religion the Catholic Church bases its heathen practices on. Did the rabbis wear Dagon fish hats like the priests of Dagon and the Pope wears today? Nope.

      • Jesus warned God’s Chosen Israelites of the 4th tribe of Judah, the Juda-ites, God’s Chosen Israel-ites, 10 tribes, the White Hebrew, Chosen Israelite, Anglo Saxon, Born again Christian led by Christian America 1776 AD, “union of several states”, the 1812 AD Born again Christians, usA REPUBLIC, Under God, subject to God’s Chosen People, the Natural Government, and authors of the Organic, Moral Constitution of Christian America 1776 AD, the usA Republic, “We the People,” about the Jews, “liars”, . Yes! He did alert us to the “lies” of the “liars”, 538 BC Pharisees before they murdered Him in a Dogwood Tree Cross at Calvary, Israel in 0033 AD. And there were no 1787 AD Jews, “liars” there to hang Him on the Cross by the 1787 AD Jews, fraud, of Judaism, Jesus murderers in 0033 AD, Zionism, Satanism, Eternal Damnation in the Eternal Lake of Fire. Hell? ,Jesus is Lord! All “isms”, religions, are hated by God.” KJV Christianity has no “ism” & is not a religion of any “ism.” The fraudulent “religions”, 538 BC Phariseeism, 1789 AD Judaism, fraud, Mormonism, Catholicism, JW-ism and other “isms” of Pagan-ism, are “religions, lies, of the “Liars, thieves and murderers”, “sons of the devil”, John 8:44. Jews says Jesus. All “isms”, Catholic-ism, Mormon-ism, J-W-ism, Hindu-ism, Pagan-ism, etc, are religions of Athe-ism, Satan-ism, Bubba the devil. Fool! Father, “god” of many fools. As are the “sons of the devil”. “liars.” God Bless Christian America 1776 AD, the usA Republic Under God. The UNITED STATES CORPORATIO. Fraud. Democracy of Corruption, Chaos, Political Correct, Bible Incorrect Code, color of law, fraud, crime enforced by the Officers of the Court, fraud of Local INCORPORATED City, State, one of the 50 CORPORATIONS of the INITED STATES CORPORATION, Fraud, Democracy a gift from the 1776 Illuminati Zionist, 538 BC Pharisees, 178 AD Jews of Zion=ism, Pharisee-ism, Juda-ism, Athe-ism, Satan-ism. “The devil is the “Liar.” So are the “sons of the devil.” John 8:44 “You Jews are like your father the devil, “liars, thieves and murderers” who worship the devil.” Is Jesus “the Liar” or the “liars”, Jews?

        • The Hebrews are descendants of Shem. They were not white. White people are descendants of Japheth. How do I know that? Japheth was the father of Gog and Magog, ancestors of the Turkish tribes, white people.

  6. The Jesuits are simply crypto Jews. Islam is a derivation of Talmudic Judaism. Knights Templars were also crypto Jews. When the Jews were judged by God and sent to Babylon under Nebucadnezzar the Jews who were syncretists learned their Babylonians ways. There is a reason why they call their Talmud the Babylonian Talmud. The oral law sect of Judaism had mixed Judaism with Babylonian magic and Baal worship just as their Satanic brothers in the ten Northern tribes had. The New World Order is Zionist, Freemasonic, Jesuit, Theosophic, and Kabbalistic. Rome is a distraction to distract from the truth that the Jewish bankers are in control.

    • Thank you for your opinion, but that’s all it is, an opinion. My view of Roman / Vatican control is based on history, evidence and testimonial of people of authority and people who were insiders. It’s the Jews / Zionists who are the distraction from what the Vatican is doing!!! Just yesterday I was listening to a respected former US Senator who lives in Guam praising the Roman Catholic church in spite of its rotten history through the ages.

      • Yoshke and you are both right. What I am learning from history, Scripture and prophecy is that they are one and the same. At the end of the day, the Papacy is, was, and will always be the Antichrist of the Bible (Daniel, Paul, John warned the saints of their day until Jesus Christ returns). The ROMAN Papacy and the fake Khazarian Jews are taking us back to where it all began when the unbelieving Jews delivered Jesus Christ, the promised Messiah, up to the Romans to be killed.

        BEWARE OF MEL GIBSON’S (Roman Catholic/Jesuit-backed blasphemer) new film still being discussed in its early stages called “The Resurrection.” The Passion of the Christ was a Jesuit film and had many vile scenes and heretical pieces. Research research research this. Mel Gibson is NOT a Christian. He is a wolf in sheep’s clothing being used by the Jesuit/Roman Catholic antichrist church of Satan.

        Nothing gets made in Hollywood without the Jesuit (fake) Jews’ permission.

        • It doesn’t say “equal” it says it’s an ACRONYM for Mars the god of war M A R S Mayer Amschel Rothschild & Son, get it? Thank you for pointing this out. I missed it the first time. It’s what Johnny Cirucci said, not me.

  7. The Truth about Zionism – The Zionist / Jesuit connection

    Hello James,

    I really enjoyed watching the above-titled and referenced video.

    Would you provide any comments or opinions on why long-time Pastor Chuck Baldwin in Montana (ie, ran for President in 2008 on the Constitution Party ticket) rightly calls out Zionist Israel and Scofield futurism as great deceptions in the Christian world. However, Pastor Baldwin downright REFUSES or INTENTIONALLY omits the Jesuit/Papacy connection to Zionism and Antichrist of the Bible? Why???

    Why does Chuck Baldwin claim to KNOW the truth and scold others for ignoring the truth when he 150% of the time will not touch the antichrist of the Bible – the Papacy. Is it because if he goes down that road he will have to explain away his relentless loyalty and affection for papists like Ron Paul and deists/freemason/Christ deniers like Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and George Washington?

    Pastor Baldwin claims time and time and time again that the 10 commandements can’t save you, that water baptism can’t save you, and church membership can’t save you. I agree. But what about the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the Bill of Rights that Baldwin so earnestly and without apology clings onto almost on equal or more footing than the salvation of Jesus Christ? Moreover, the so-called freedom documents that Chuck Baldwin compiled and puts out there as gospel truth were written by America’s Christ denier/masonic/deist founding fathers. Dear Pastor Baldwin, these can’t save you either!

    When a pastor (not your neighbor, friend or store clerk down the street) continues to focus ONLY on Zionism and Futurism as the antichrist of the Bible, I have a real problem. These -ism’s- are rooted in Jesuit/Roman Catholicism. Jesuitism/Catholicism were established long before Zionism and Futurism came to be.

    What is Chuck Baldwin afraid of by not revealing the whole truth? Why is he deflecting blame away from the Papacy that has slaughtered tens of millions of people because they would not bow the knee to the Antichrist Pope? Who is Chuck Baldwin protecting? Chuck’s omission of history as it relates to Bible prophecy and the Papacy is no different than the false, deceptive and devilish doctrine of futurism Chuck exposes on a weekly basis from the pulpit and his weekly columns.

    Is Baldwin a politician first and half-truth pastor second? You tell me. Can anybody tell me or take a swing at this? Yes, the Jews rejected their Messiah. They are Jesuit puppets. They are the enriched kings of the earth. I get it. They are lost and need Jesus. But, they serve ROME – ROME – ROME – just like Putin does, Netanyahu does, Zolensky does, Russia, China, Ukraine, Britain, our Presidents, including Trump and Biden, the Rothschild Vatican gatekeepers, et al. The ALL serve the head of the Antichrist – the office of the Papacy! Just look at who is in Congress (both parties) and our US Supreme Court! Jesuit trained and/or Roman Catholic. FACT. They are taking this country down and bringing us under Roman Catholic Canon law using the false Khazar Jews to do it.

    I really would appreciate your take on this. Thanks.


    • Hello ACM,

      You’ve asked me very good questions about Chuck Baldwin, and my answer is, I just don’t know. I’ve never met the man. All I can say is he seems to be very closed-minded to any suggestion that the Jesuit General had anything to do with the creation of the USA. I remember hearing that he gets emails from people who try to set him straight about Jesuit influence on the founding fathers of America, and he rejects it. Older people do get opinionated. It’s called “cognitive bias” and I think we all have it.

      When someone told me circa the year 2002 that the “rise of the Antichrist” meaning a future superman type of world leader is a false doctrine, I immediately rejected it and tried to justify my position with Scripture. It was years later I understood that the Popes of Rome / the office of the papacy is the fulfillment of 2 Thessalonians chapter 2. I can’t remember exactly who taught me that but I’m sure I picked it up from reading what the early Protestants had to say about the Pope. Now I believe it’s especially the Pope who wants me to think of the Antichrist as only a future personage.

      And it was in December 2014 I came to understand finally the truth of Daniel 9:27 and that the 70th Week of Daniel follows immediately after the first 69 weeks, meaning there is no gap of time into the unknown future. I first heard that doctrine in 2005 and immediately rejected it! And why? Because I heard it from a member of the Seventh Day Adventist church! I think now the SDA church is a mixed bag with both correct and incorrect doctrines. That’s my opinion anyway.

      • James, thank you for taking the time to respond to my post.

        Bottom line: Pastor Chuck Baldwin is NOT teaching the WHOLE truth which makes him a false teacher. Period. In fact, Daniel’s 70th week (that was fulfilled perfectly and completely) should be incorporated into every single one of Chuck’s messages today. It’s that important! Chuck devoted one message to Daniel’s 70th week and rightly preached its fulfillment with the coming of Jesus Christ BUT it was a rather weak message if you ask me. Nevertheless, it was one message. That’s sad and pathetic.

        Pastor Chuck Baldwin is deliberately and intentionally diverting all attention away from the Papacy because this would end his liberty/patriot followers. It would bust wide open his papal allegiance to people like Ron Paul.

        Chuck clings on to anyone whether they are a Christian or not that calls out Christian Zionists. This is highly dangerous to dance with the devil like this. Chuck would rather be unequally yoked to a non-believer than a believer as long as they assist in the bashing of (lost) fake Khazarian Jews. One shouldn’t be yoking with a non-believer or deceived believer in this regard. In other words, preach the Gospel, expose the evil from all sides!

        Chuck Baldwin is a politician first and pastor second.

        Also, Jesus Christ is the author of liberty and freedom NOT the U.S. Constitution NOT a Christ-denier Thomas Jefferson and NOT a Creation Denier like Papist Ron Paul.

        I used to think Chuck Baldwin was deceived but he is a deceiver. The 4th and final beast kingdom Daniel prophesied was Rome! Pagan Rome fell with the Caesars and papal Rome with the popes of Rome replaced them. The Jesuits empowered the popes of Rome with their military order and allegiance.
        It’s that simple. There is NO 5th beast kingdom. Baldwin intentionally skirts around and zig zags around the Jesuit/Papist founders of the USA. All Roads lead to the fake Roman Catholic Church (masqueraded as Christianity) and the fake Khazarian Jews. They are ONE and the SAME.

        Baldwin won’t go near it which makes him a false teacher and he will be held accountable for his deceived teachings because he OMITS truth! He is held to a higher standard because he is a “pastor” behind a “pulpit.”

        Thanks again for the reply.

        • ACM, thank you for sharing your views. You bring out good points worth consideration.

          As for me, I hesitate to call Chuck Baldwin a false teacher just because he doesn’t talk about the Jesuit/Papist founders of America, etc. How many people do that? The Baptist pastor of the local church my wife and I attend doesn’t either. He doesn’t even talk about the true interpretation of the 70th Week of Daniel. He openly admits that eschatology / Endtime prophecy is not his thing. It’s because he doesn’t preach hardly anything I consider false and sticks with what he does know and teaches directly from the Bible that my wife and I continue to go to his church. Moreover, when I tell him what the early Protestants had to say about the Pope fulfilling the man of sin prophecy of II Thessalonians chapter 2, and things like if those in Christ are the Bride of Christ, the Whore of Babylon must represent false worship of God, meaning the Whore is the RCC, and he will nod his head in agreement. I told him once that Christian-Zionism is an oxymoron, and he laughed and agreed with me. BUT he does NOT teach this from the pulpit! I think most of his flock are relatively newly born-again Christians, and he wants to give them the milk of the Word of God.

          The material on this website is strong meat for some, and not all my friends agree with me but they are still my friends. I don’t know hardly anybody who sees the world exactly the way I do. There is so much controversy today among followers of Christ. Some hold belief in Anglo-Israelism, some believe the earth is flat, some reject the germ theory of disease, some believe men actually walked on the moon, some buy the government narrative of the Covid pandemic, some buy the government narrative of the destruction of the World Trade Center, some say, “It’s the Jews, stupid!”, some say it’s both Jews and Jesuits, some say it’s only the Jesuits and they are using Jews are frontmen. I have my own views on all these points and they don’t always agree with my friends. Who’s the false teacher? Me? Them? Maybe we all are ignorant of the truth of some things, but as long as we stick to the doctrine of Christ, I think God will be merciful to our errors because we are all God’s children in Christ Jesus. Nobody’s perfect, right? I sure see where I’ve been wrong. Live and learn. Maybe Chuck Baldwin will yet be enlighted. I don’t agree with him when he said, “Ukraine is not the victim.” I would say, “Ukraine and Russia both are victims of the West who is using Putin to destroy both Ukraine and Russia.”

  8. Hey. You can transcribe things pretty easily now a days. For example youtube videos with transcripts (if there are closed captions available) can be transcribed on downsub.com and then you can always just do a google search ‘downsub vs’ and similar inquiries will always be recommended. Hope this helps.GOD Bless

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James Japan