Unmasking the Deep State in America
The words “Deep State” are nebulous. Republicans who talk about the Deep State never define what it is or who is a member of it. This article will!
The core of the Deep State in America is the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Former Hollywood playwright Myron Fagan called the CFR the branch of the Illuminati in the United States. My current research tells me the Illuminati is a branch of the Jesuits. Any politician who talks about opposition to the Deep State without mentioning the CFR is probably controlled opposition. Does Alex Jones connect the Deep State with the CFR? I don’t listen to him now but when I did years ago I don’t remember him ever talking about the CFR. Please somebody tell me if he does.
The same thing can be applied to politicians who talk about “the Swamp.” Do they name names or organizations?
The rest of this article is from The Enemy Unmasked by Bill Hughes. He does an excellent job identifying the Deep State, who is a member of it, and their goal to convert the USA to a socialist nation.
Chapter 6
The CFR: Another Jesuit Front
When Woodrow Wilson, under the direction of Jesuit agent, Edward Mandel House, failed to convince the American people and the United States Senate that they should join the League of Nations, the Jesuits realized that they had to make sure this refusal never happened again. For fifty years the Jesuits had been planning World War Two. This next war was planned to make sure that America would join their next League of Nations. This time it would be called the United Nations. In order to accomplish this, the Jesuits knew that they had to have greater control of the mass media outlets, more Congressmen in their pocket, more businesses had to be dominated, and the office of the President had to be controlled. When these things were accomplished, the Jesuits knew that they would have no trouble convincing a blinded and deluded American people into eventually surrendering their sovereignty to the United Nations. In order to accomplish these things, the Jesuits created the Council on Foreign Relations. This was to be another front behind which they would hide while accomplishing their subversion in America. In England they created a similar sister organization called the Royal Institute of International Affairs.
The agents of the Jesuits created the Council on Foreign Relations. The locations would be in the two most powerful Roman Catholic Dioceses in the American Empire, New York and Chicago. The CFR would control the Empire’s finance, government, industry, religion, education, and press. No one could be elected to the Presidency of the United States without the Council’s consent, as the office would be a tool for the Archbishop of New York subject to ‘the Vicar of Christ’ [the pope] in Rome. (One of the founders of the CFR also aided in the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank. He was the ‘holy monk’, a Shriner Freemason, and agent of the Jesuit General, Edward M. House.) Its purpose was to return the world to the Pope’s Dark Ages with an economically socialist world police state. – Eric Phelps, Vatican Assassins, Halcyon Unified Services, p. 464, 465.
And it was Edward M. House, under the watchful eye of Jacob Schiff, who was under the watchful eye of the HEAD of this international conspiracy {the House of Rothschild of London and Paris}, that established in 1921 what their earlier comrades established, to overthrow the governments of France and Russia. Called the Jacobin Clubs in France in the 18th century, this aristocratic revolutionary movement today in America is called THE COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS, INC., and its offshoot is the TRILATERAL COMMISSION. The Council on Foreign Relations, Inc. is the political side of the Illuminati today. They have produced Congressmen, Senators, and even Presidents, that they have used to pass laws that have little by little led America into becoming a Socialist country… Now when the Conspirators saw that their One World Government couldn’t be achieved using the name The League of Nations, Col. House, under the direction of Jacob Schiff, formed an aristocratic secret organization called the Council on Foreign Relations, Inc. This private Secret Society is to produce enough Congressmen, Senators, and Statesmen, etc. so the next attempt to incorporate the US into a One World Government will not fail, because of the voting power they hope to have. But reader, remember, this is not a United States government-run establishment. – William Sutton, The New Age Movement and the Illuminati 666, The Institute of Religious Knowledge, pp. 240-242.
Phelps showed that the Jesuits created the Council on Foreign Relations. Therefore, the Council on Foreign Relations is yet another front organization of the Jesuit Order. The following chart shows the various Jesuit front organizations and the people in control of them.
The Jesuits
*The Illuminati – Adam Weishaupt |
*House of Rothschild – Jacob Schiff J.P. Morgan Rockefellers |
*Communism – Lenin Stalin Mao Tse Tung |
*Council on Foreign Relations – Edward Mandel House J.P. Morgan Rockefellers |
The Council on Foreign Relations is extremely powerful and has been very effective in carrying out the subversive goals of the Jesuits. This organization is so secretive that most people are not aware of their existence. The Council on Foreign Relations was instrumental in coercing America into the United Nations after World War II. Following the war, there was a concentrated barrage of propaganda from the news media to convince the people of America that the only way to have peace was to join the United Nations. Today, America is a member of this international governing body. Incidentally, instead of having the United Nations in Europe as they did with the League of Nations, they even managed to house the United Nations in New York City so that it would be a greater malicious influence in this country. Also, the United Nations charter is very similar to communist Russia’s constitution. The charter guarantees absolutely no freedoms, although the wording sounds as if it does.
For many years, David Rockefeller was the Chairman of the Board of this organization. All of these men, claiming to be loyal to the American people and its constitution, made sure that America joined this organization, whose one great intention was to destroy the sovereignty of America and all other nations. These men all held positions of influence and power in the American government; all of them were considered to be seeking America’s best when in reality, they were all members of the CFR, an organization created by Jesuit agents with the sole intent of destroying America. This was their first great goal and it succeeded only too well. Consider some of their methods for subverting America.
In order to bring America into this conspiratorial body, the CFR had to maintain the utmost secrecy. The public was not aware of the existence of the CFR.
Most Americans have never heard of the Council on Foreign Relations. Although unseen and unknown, it has exerted tremendous power and control over the decision-making process in America throughout most of the 20th century. Some of the media organizations that show up repeatedly as being run and controlled by CFR members include NBC, CBS, New York Times, Washington Post, Des Moines Register, Los Angeles Times, Time magazine, Newsweek, Fortune, Business Week, U.S. News and World Report, the news services such as Associated Press, and many of the large, influential television stations. At least, 170 journalists are controlled by the CFR. The influence of these media giants on public opinion is phenomenal, and it is done in such a subtle way that the people are not aware that they are being conditioned what to think. The people generally believe that they are independent thinkers.
John Swinton, Chief of Staff for the New York Times, who was considered to be the dean of his profession, made a most revealing statement in 1953. At a New York Press Club dinner, Swinton declared,
“There is no such thing, at this date of the world’s history, in America, as an independent press. You know it, and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my newspaper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone. The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth; to lie outright; to pervert; to vilify; to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it, and I know it. And what folly is this toasting an independent press? We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks; they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities, and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.” – Multiple contributors, A U.S. Police Action: Operation Vampire Killer, The American Citizens and Lawmen Association, pp. 18,19.
Swinton was honest enough to admit that he and most other journalists are told to write things that are in harmony with the plans and purposes of the CFR. Ultimately, the world’s wealthy; like the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and Morgans, who founded and run the CFR, are under the control of the black pope, the Jesuit General. The Jesuits are using the media to prepare the world to receive the pope as the great man of peace, to receive the pope as the ruler of the world from Jerusalem, to accept the destruction of the U.S. Constitution, and to bring the world back to the feudalism of the Dark Ages.
You can see that most of what we are told about the topics and situations today are complete lies. We were emphatically told by the CFR and the Jesuit-controlled politicians that the North American Free Trade Agreement, NAFTA, was in the best interests of the American people, Instead, NAFTA has destroyed thousands of middle-class jobs in America and moved those jobs to Mexico and Red China. NAFTA is devastating the industrial manufacturing base in the United States. We have seen that the Jesuits are behind the effort to destroy the middle class in America and return to the structure that existed during the Dark Ages. The Jesuits want to undo everything that Protestantism and freedom have done for America, and NAFTA is part of that process.
The Jesuit-run CFR has accomplished two of its goals by coercing America into the United Nations and gaining control of mass media. Another goal of the CFR was to gain control over many U.S. corporations, which would help further ongoing and future projects. The following are just a few of the corporations that are controlled by the CFR and the Jesuits: Ford Motor Company, Boeing Corp., Pepsi-Cola, Heinz Co., Lockheed-Martin, Time-Warner, and Chevron. This very abbreviated list of companies makes it clear that powerful forces are being applied through the CFR to destroy America and its Constitution. Monies from these corporations and the Federal Reserve have been used to finance the Bolshevik Revolution, the rise of Adolf Hitler and the restoration of Germany, the taking over of Cuba by Fidel Castro, and the taking over of China by Mao Tse Tung, as well as the destruction of free government in Nicaragua.
Why did Harry Truman and George Marshall support the Communist butchers? Communist ideology is totally opposite to the American Republic established by the Constitution. Harry Truman and George Marshall were sympathetic to Mao Tse Tung because they were controlled by the same masters, the Jesuits of Rome, working through their front organization, the CFR.
The following quote shows one more example of how the Jesuits use the CFR- pro-Communist fronts operating in America to destroy free governments in other countries.
Using the CFR, the Jesuits placed their agents in high places in the U.S. government to destroy the freedom-loving Nicaraguan people and to place in power the Communist Jesuit, Daniel Ortega. It was from Nicaragua that Jesuit agents and CFR members, Bill Clinton and George Bush Sr., made millions of dollars through the drugs that were brought from Nicaragua to America. These Jesuit-CFR agents in the U.S. government have been working around the world destroying freedom-loving republics and replacing them with Communistic regimes that are in harmony with the goals of the Jesuits to restore temporal dominion to the pope.
The final goal of the CFR front organization of the Jesuits was to place Jesuit agents in high positions in the American government. That this goal has been accomplished is obvious.
Thus, the CFR Jesuits run the United States today! How can it be anything else since we are continually bombarded by propaganda from the controlled press and politicians? For example, they try to convince Americans to exchange their constitutional freedoms for security, as per the USA Patriot Act. How can it be anything else when continual attempts are made to support governments around the world that are anti-constitutional oligarchies? How can it be anything else when attempts are made to destroy the middle class in America?
Here are a few of the American officials who have sold their souls and America to ruin. These are the Benedict Arnolds of the 20th and 21th century. This is not a complete list by any means.
Presidents: | Congressmen: | Supreme Court Justices: | Others: |
Dwight D. Eisenhower Jimmy Carter George Bush Sr. William Clinton, George Bush Jr. |
Newt Gingrich Richard Gephardt John Kerry Joseph Lieberman Thomas Foley John Chafee |
Sandra Day O’Conner Ruth Ginsburg Steven Breyer |
Alan Greenspan Hubert Humphrey George McGovern Henry Kissinger Tom Brokaw Colin Powell Dick Cheney |
What are the ramifications of having Americans in these high positions, working for a foreign power, that wants to destroy this nation and everything for which it stands? They have almost accomplished the destruction of the United States. During elections, we are given a list of candidates for which to vote. The Jesuits make sure that all these candidates are either Jesuits or sympathizers. Actually, the Jesuits control both major political parties in this country. In other words, no matter who gets into office, the CFR-Jesuits will carry out their policy through their candidates, and it makes no difference which party the candidate chooses or which candidate is elected. This means that elections are a huge scam that is practiced on the American people in each election! From Barry Goldwater’s book, we read,
The CFR-Jesuits have gained such control of America that their policy will be put into effect regardless of who is in office!
The Nixon-Carter situation is a perfect example. Both men are/were CFR members (Nixon passed away). After Watergate and Nixon back in the early 70’s, America was fed up with corruption in government. Therefore, CFR member Nixon was replaced by CFR member Gerald Ford, and corruption in government continued as before. After Ford, another insider, with the title, born-again and Bible-believing, was picked to continue the corruption, CFR member Jimmy Carter. Always new people, but no change in policy. The CFR-Jesuits still run the show!
The CFR-Jesuits have been doing the same thing for the past several years. Many Americans were sickened by the Democrat, CFR, lying, immoral Bill Clinton. Next, they put into office a Republican CFR, moral, upstanding, born-again George Bush. Both men are controlled by the same people, the Jesuits, and are carrying out the policy of the Jesuits. What a scam! To the unsuspecting American public, it all looks like business as usual.