Vatican Control through Civil Law
Former Roman Catholic Priest Richard Bennett (March 10, 1938 – September 23, 2019) shares his knowledge of Vatican control of the world through legal agreements. His bio.
This is a transcript of Richard Bennett’s talk. The video is below the text.
This is a difficult topic that I address tonight, the topic of legal civil law that the Vatican uses to bring the true Gospel into disuse and to bring more and more people unto herself, and that she is used in the past to persecute true believers. And I’m going to tie this up with Scripture, particularly from Revelation chapter 17.
Now, I know this is a strong message. It’s a message I’ve never given before. But I think it is absolutely necessary.
Even when I was just one year a priest, my very first year where I was a priest in the city of Rome itself. I went out into St. Peter’s Square at the end of one of the sessions of Vatican Council II, and I saw the square flood with the three thousand prelates of the church. They were flowing out of the Vatican, St. Peter’s. And they were dressed in scarlet, Cardinals, and the Archbishops and bishops in purple. And even as a Catholic priest, knowing something of the Bible, I had read Revelation 17, I was shocked! It wasn’t Hollywood. This was real. I was seeing before my eyes scarlet and purple, and I knew it wasn’t just the Vatican alone the main cathedral of the Pope and the Lateran (the church of the pope as the bishop of Rome), and she sits on the Seven Hills. And I knew something of the civil agreements she had made with Nations. And I was shocked even as a priest with the little that I knew of the Word. And I just put it out of my mind.
There are so few people today willing to speak about this topic but I think it has got to be said and clearly said relying on the written clarity of God’s Word.
Lord Acton, one of the most famous of Roman Catholic historians in history, he declared emphatically that it was through agreements the Vatican made with powers, kings, and princes, that in the past she was able for 600 years to torture and bring death upon true believers. Lord Acton, a Roman Catholic historian, and she was able to silence the true Gospel and bring people to herself.
John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton, 1st Baron Acton, 13th Marquess of Groppoli, KCVO, DL (10 January 1834 – 19 June 1902), better known as Lord Acton, was an English Catholic historian, politician, and writer. – Source: Wikipedia
Now, it is really sad that in her own day she is again taking civil power onto herself, and becoming equipped in law, civil law, in a real distinctive way capable of bringing severe consequences on believers. And very few are even aware of it.
So I call this presentation the Vatican control through civil law. I begin with a quotation from a European Union business web page, it’s on the Internet Quotation:
Pope John Paul II outlined his dream for a Europe without egotistical nationalism and based on Christian values as he received the Charlemagne Prize for his services to Europe at the Vatican, Wednesday, March the 24th, 2004. The 83 year old head of the Roman Catholic Church was chosen for his outstanding life’s work promoting European understanding in the service of humanity and world peace at a ceremony drawing members of the diplomatic community and officials from Aachen, a German City which awards the annual prize.
The European Union web page talking about the Pope was saving the Charlemagne Award. Of course Charlemagne being the one who was crowned by another Pope way back Christmas Day in the year 800. (The Pope is) Roman Catholic to the hilt and the workings of the Roman Catholic Church together with a European leader in the past. And the Pope gets his award at the present day.
Another quotation, and this time from the 31st of August 2003, and reported by a leading Catholic news agency on the internet called Zenith. Quotation:
John Paul and Trust the Future of the New Europe to Mary. He placed Europe in Mary’s hands so that it would become a symphony of Nations committed to building together the civilization of love and peace. Last Sunday the Holy Father urged the final draft of the European Constitution that it should recognize explicitly the Christian roots of the continent as they constitute a guarantee for the future.
The Pope insisting that the Christian roots of the European Union be recognized. What does the Roman Catholic Church mean by Christian? We simply have to go to her official decrees because she explains clearly what she means by Christian. I quote from a very famous recent document published by the Vatican on the 5th of September in the year 2000 called Dominus Iesus. It makes it clear that this idea of the Christian roots is just a facade! Catholicism (or “Christian roots”) means the Catholic Church, and that alone. Her mind is expressed in that document. She “condemns” the tendency to read and interpret Sacred Scripture outside the tradition and Magisterium of the church. Anyone that dares read their Bible outside the interpretation given by the church, she condemns them.
And then she says officially for the whole world to hear,
“Therefore there exists a single Church of Christ which subsists in the Catholic Church governed by the successor of Peter and the bishops in communion with him. In (inaudible) Rome there exists one single church.
And she says that is the Catholic Church. And just as the Nazis declared non-aryans to be non human beings so now in this official decree Rome declares other churches to be non churches.
Quotation from this document:
The ecclesial communities which have not preserved the valid episcopus and the genuine and interval substance of the Eucharistic mysteries are not churches in the proper sense.
So this church and any church that doesn’t have a valid episcopacy (A system of church government in which bishops are the chief clerics.) and a sacrifice of Christ in the Eucharist and adoration of Christ in a wafer, is not a valid church according to the Roman Church. She is absolutely clear in what she says. And so her looking for the Christian roots is looking for the Roman Catholic power and roots in the European Union.
Rome’s mind is expressed and clearly expressed in her teachings. And she plans again to bring Europe under her control. Even secular newspapers in England and elsewhere are quite conscious of the mind of the Vatican.
And I’d like to quote from The Sunday Telegraph in London.
“The Pope is calmly preparing to assume the mantle which he solemnly believes to be his by divine right, that of new Holy Roman Emperor, reigning from the Urals to the Atlantic.” Sunday Telegraph newspaper in England, July the 21st, 1991.
(Note: This could be one reason for the Ukraine invasion! Putin knows the Pope wants Ukraine and he doesn’t want him to have it. [Just saying.] )
And I could give many more quotations. Even secular newspapers saying that the Vatican’s mind is reign in Europe. Now this reign is not simply in publishing decrees but it is in implementing her law to the civil law of a nation. And so this is what she thrived on in the past in the dark and Middle Ages. The control that she had during the more than 600 years of Inquisition against believers and the growth of her system was through civil law that she had implemented with Kings and with princes of old, and by keeping people in subjection to her deceptive sacramental system. For salvation, you look to Holy Mother Church and the seven rituals that she has. And it was this control that she exercised for more than 600 years in massive torture and in the deaths of many millions of true Bible believers.
Her ambitions in Europe at the present day in the European Union is just a sequel to the control she already has in most of European Union nations that are already part of the European Union including my own Ireland, but also in those that are coming in to the Union. She has already absolute control, for example, right across Poland. And so, just as in the past she brought kings and princes to heel by her commands and dictates and her laws, she now brings nations under her control through civil law.
In the past she could and did remove people’s oath of allegiance to their sovereign leader so that they were freed from their allegiance of the civil power if the civil power did not obey them. Such was her power. And since the 20th century we have seen a strategy that is quite similar to the preparation in which he prepared for those centuries of torture and of persecution. So we have a patron just as before she got many kings and princes to sign on to her legal agreements. So particularly in the 20th century and in her own century, the 21st, she is again very strong in her bringing in her power through the civil law of nations.
She does this primarily by what is called a concordant. A concordant is a civil agreement made between the Vatican and any particular nation. It guarantees the Roman Catholic Church with the right and freedom of her type of worship. It includes defining of things like doctrine, the establishing of Roman Catholic education and hospitals, it includes property rights, appointing of bishops and the recognition of the Catholic law over marriage, particularly of the Catholic annulment.
Such agreements have been made in the 20th century and some of them really famous concordants. in Latvia 1922, Bavaria 1924, Poland 1925, Romania 1927, Lithuania 1927, Italy – the famous one with Mussolini – 1929, Baden (a historical territory in South Germany and North Switzerland, on both sides of the Upper Rhine) 1932, Austria 1933, Germany the same year 1933, in Yugoslavia 1935. The Vatican has prepared to do in civil agreements with its own dictators who are also Roman Catholic, and some of the most famous Vatican concordants or civil agreements have been made between the Vatican and dictators, for the most part who were despots who ruled Catholic nations.
And I’d like to give you some of the more famous of these, those who were Roman Catholic of the Catholics own fold that the Catholic did civil agreements with:
Adolf Hitler in Germany from 1933 to 1945,
Benito Mussolini in Italy from 1922 to 1943,
Francisco Franco in Spain from 1936 to 1975
Antonio Salazar in Portugal from 1932 to 1968
Juan Peron in Argentina from 1946 to 1955
and Ante Pavelić in Croatia from 1941 to 1945.
Each one of those nations has horrors all of its own. What happened through these civil concordants in the 20th century? It wasn’t simply the millions of Jews, but the believers that suffered also under Hitler. What the believers suffered under Franco and Mussolini and probably the most gruesome torture to believers and to the Orthodox in Croatia has been some of the more horrific massacres and torture ever known on planet Earth under the civil agreements that the Roman Catholic Church had with Ante Pavelić in Croatia make your stomach turn even to read of them.
(Transcribed up to 21 minutes. I may add more later.)